Board of Regents Meeting of the Full Board June 9-10, 2003 Fairbanks, Alaska SUMMARY OF ACTIONS FULL BOARD ACTIONS 1. Approval of Revision to Regents' Policy 10.04.03 – Credit Hour Requirements for Degree and Certificate Programs PASSED "The Board of Regents approves revisions to Regents' Policy 10.04.02 – Credit Hour Requirements for Degree and Certificate Programs, to allow for graduatelevel transcripted certificates. This motion is effective June 10, 2003." 2. Approval of Degree Programs at the University of Alaska Anchorage PASSED "The Board of Regents approves the following academic degree programs at the University of Alaska Anchorage: 1. 2. 3. 4. Nursing Post-Master's Certificate Program Master of Science in Project Management Certificate in Industrial Welding Technology Certificate in Nondestructive Testing Technology This motion is effective June 10, 2003." 3. Approval of Deletion of Certificate in Emergency Services at the University of Alaska Fairbanks PASSED "The Board of Regents approves the deletion of the Certificate in Emergency Services at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. This motion is effective June 10, 2003." 4. Special Tuition Charge for Graduate Project Management Courses at UAA PASSED 1 Summary of Actions Board of Regents' Meeting June 9-10, 2003 Fairbanks, Alaska "The Board of Regents approves charging two times the established graduate tuition rate for enrollment in graduate Project Management courses at the University of Alaska Anchorage. This motion is effective June 10, 2003." 5. Approval of FY2004 Student Government Budgets PASSED "The Board of Regents approves the student government fees and budgets as presented in Reference 1, and authorizes the vice president for finance to review, modify, and approve fees and budgets for those student governments not included in Reference 1, and to approve requests for increased expenditure authority for all student government organizations as deliberated by student governance and determined by the vice president for finance to be appropriate. This motion is effective June 10, 2003." 6. Acceptance of the FY04 Capital Budget Appropriation PASSED "The Board of Regents accepts the FY04 Capital Budget Appropriation as presented. This motion is effective June 10, 2003." 7. Acceptance of the FY04 Operating Budget Appropriations and Approval of the FY04 Operating Budget Distribution Plan PASSED "The Finance and Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Regents accept the FY04 Operating Budget Appropriations as presented. This motion is effective June 10, 2003." 8. Approval of the FY05 Operating Budget Request Guidelines PASSED "The Board of Regents approves the FY05 Operating Budget Request Guidelines as referenced. This motion is effective June 10, 2003." 9. Approval of Agreement with UA ConocoPhillips and BP Charter Gifts PASSED 2 Foundation for Allocation of Summary of Actions Board of Regents' Meeting June 9-10, 2003 Fairbanks, Alaska "The Board of Regents approves the administrative agreement between the University of Alaska Foundation and the University of Alaska as contained in the attachment, including the FY04 allocation plan created under the terms of that agreement. This motion is effective June 10, 2003." 3 Summary of Actions Board of Regents' Meeting June 9-10, 2003 Fairbanks, Alaska 10. Presidential Compensation PASSED "The Board of Regents negotiates a new 3-year contract for President Hamilton, the monetary terms of which will be 3 years at the current salary of $250,000 per year with a contract completion bonus paid at the end of the contract in the amount of $100,000; and in the event of the disability or death of the president during the terms of this contract, the completion bonus will be paid pro rata. This motion is effective June 10, 2003." 11. Approval of Resolution of Appreciation for Darrellene Myers PASSED "The Board of Regents approves the resolution of appreciation for Darrellene Myers. This motion is effective June 9-10, 2003." COMMITTEE ACTIONS 12. Acceptance of Audit Status Report and Review of Recently Completed Audits PASSED "The Board of Regents’ Finance and Audit Committee accepts the semi-annual internal audit report as presented. This motion is effective June 9, 2003." 13. Approval of the FY2004 Annual Audit Plan PASSED "The Board of Regents’ Finance and Audit Committee approves the annual audit plan for fiscal year 2004 as presented. This motion is effective June 9, 2003." 4