SUFAC Meeting Minutes for 2 Apr. 2009 I.

Meeting Minutes for 2 Apr. 2009
Call to Order
SUFAC Chair Tania Galligan called the meeting to order at 5:15pm.
Roll Call
a. Members Present: Lynsy Beckett, Andy Locke, Sheila Schroeder, Brianna
Markowski, Lindsay Acterberg, Joe Tyrrell, OFO, Ron Ronnenberg, Matt Kehl, Tania
Galligan, Tessa Pieper, Ryan Conohan, Ellen Domine
Recognition of Guests – Molly Collard- SGA; Alice Bieling- Visitor
Approval of Agenda- Tania entertained the motion to amend the agenda to have the
SGA presentation first. Andy motioned. Joe seconded. Lynsy called the question. Joe acclimated.
Approval of Minutes- Tania entertained the motion to approve the minutes for March 5.
Joe motioned. Andy seconded. Lynsy called the question. Andy acclimated.
a. OFO: Contingency is $17,173.78 and small org is $1,100.00
b. Senate: Meeting Monday
c. SGA Exec: no report
d. Good Time Programming: C. Willie Myles is performing on April 15. Shawn
Smith is here on April 22. Ben Bailey tickets are free to students with a student I.D.
e. Vice Secretary: we passed $81.89 for the geology club to go to Menasha.
f. Secretary: SUFAC reallocation of $50.49 to go to Appleton. Rachel Gerth wanted to
know where the priorities of the state are. Someone had brought up the discussion of
prisoners over students. Nick Cibula combined Ricky and Tania’s comments about
tuition increases. Debate is next Thursday for SGA president and Vice President. SUFAC
meeting is still on and it will hopefully less than an hour. Matt stated that there are no
appeals thus far.
Discussion Items
a. SGA Greenroof: We are requesting funds to create a green roof over part of the
instructional services building. There is currently a green roof there, but it is not growing well
and it is not done correctly. It requires low maintenance and attracts many types of wildlife in
attempt to mimic the natural landscape. If this is successful then the technology could be
moved to other areas of the IS building and potentially other roofs. The reason that this is
wanted to be put there is because the grass is dying and there have been continuous attempts
to plant grass or lay sod and it isn’t growing. Joe asked if there were any other models of
similar ideas that have been done before. Alice stated that there have been many models done
in England and areas in the U.S. There is already an existing green roof there but the plants
aren’t thriving. There is much information available of other greenroofs being done in
Michigan and Wisconsin that could be made available to everyone. Matt asked who would all
be involved with the upkeep of the green roof. Alice stated that she is in charge of organizing
it, and there are other professors involved. There have been master gardeners contacted in
Green Bay and Sturgeon Bay who do volunteer hours. Brianna asked what she meant by
coming and assisting. There master gardeners are very familiar with growing, weeding, etc.
There is no money that will be put into it once it is created; it is self sustaining. OFO asked
where they got their prices from. Alice worked with other professors on campus and facility
b. Food Request Guidelines and summer guideline review: There are no summer
guidelines because they were so short so we could just add something in the bylaws. Ellen
asked if it would be possible for them to submit an example of what they would be advertising
with the request. Sheila thinks it could be possible for requests but not the budget. Joe asked if
they were to submit something what we would do with it. It is difficult for us to go around
and see all the areas they want to put them. Lindsay asked if it was necessary for them to
specify what they want their advertisements to say when creating their budgets. Lindsay
stated that she thought it would be difficult for orgs to come in with a request and have a
sample advertisement as well. Matt asked OFO when orgs had to bring in some proof that
they have an event or when they want to go to an event. Any time they want to be reimbursed.
Sheila stated she thought it was our responsibility to ask questions about advertising when
orgs came into present. This is just to make sure people don’t just create events that aren’t
really happening Joe stated that the fact that we know things are going on when they are
supposed to be. Lynsy stated she didn’t think this was necessary because OFO will get some
receipt stating that the event will go on. OFO stated that when they submit a contingency
request maybe they could include a postcard or flyer. Matt asked how the board feels about an
org submitting promotional items with a request. Brianna stated that if it is such a hassle then
why don’t they come to us and show us an advertisement in addition to posting on campus.
Lynsy motioned to enter committee of the whole for 10 minutes. Andy seconded. Brianna
called the question. Andy acclimated. Enter at 5:50. Committee of the whole ended at 6:00.
c. Travel Guidelines- The top paragraph is the same on each form; it states that all orgs are
equal, etc. There are the current guidelines. Joe asked if we could add something about the 1/3
amount and the fact that it can come from anywhere. Lynsy motioned to enter committee of
the whole. Joe seconded. Brianna called the question. Lynsy acclimated. Enter at 6:03 for 10
minutes. Committee of the whole ended at 6:15.
d. Contractual Guidelines- There is a basic paragraph in the beginning that establishes the
maximum $2,000. Matt asked if we could scratch out 5. We already do reallocations this way.
Lynsy asked how the board felt about taking gifts out. Lynsy motioned to enter committee of
the whole for ten minutes. Lindsay seconded. Brianna called the question. Lindsay
acclimated. Enter at 6:17. Exit at 6:22.
e. Committed guidelines- Andy motioned to enter committee of the whole. Lindsay
seconded. Brianna called the question. Lindsay acclimated. Enter at 6:23 for 10 minutes.
Andy motioned to exit committee of the whole. Brianna seconded. Joe called the question.
Brianna acclimated. Exit at 6:29.
VII. Action Items
a. ASA Travel Request- Andy motioned to approve. Jessica seconded. Brianna called the
question. Roll call vote 5-2-3. Motion failed. Matt was curious why there were people not in
favor of this. Andy motioned to reconsider the vote. Jessica seconded. Lynsy called the
question. Lynsy acclimated. Lynsy motioned to enter committee of the whole. Andy
seconded. Lynsy called the question. Joe acclimated. Brianna motioned to exit committee of
the whole. Joe seconded. Andy called the question. Brianna acclimated. Roll call vote passed
b. ASA Committed Requests- Andy motioned to approve. Jessica seconded. Lindsay stated
that she had it written down that it was debt. Matt stated that debt that was incurred in a fiscal
year could be paid. Lynsy stated that in their presentation they received invoice numerous
times at the same time. Matt stated that it does bother him that it happened. It is bad practice.
Brianna asked what the chances that it will not happen again are. Andy stated that it was
similar to WGBX. It was not approved by a 2/3 vote. We had to overrule the guidelines for
the debt that was incurred. Brianna stated that this was a different group. Matt read the bylaws
stating that if the debt exists we can pay it with funds from this year. Sheila asked if it even
matters that they are in debt, they could be asking for money for additional S&E. Matt stated
that the fact that they are not asking for S&E is different than asking for money to pay off a
debt. Brianna suggested a straw poll vote. Not common on terms of it not being fiscally
responsible. Andy called the question. Roll call vote failed 1-8-1.
c. Jazz Society- Tania entertained a motion to approve the reallocation of jazz society. Matt
motioned. Ryan seconded. Ellen asked if there was any research done so that it may not be
completely student money because it was the office of student life’s fault. Matt asked how the
board feels about it. Lynsy stated she didn’t like it but we can’t do anything about it. Andy
agreed; but weren’t there problems with community members. Sheila stated that it wasn’t the
fault of the music org and by us not funding it would be the fault of the org. Lynsy stated that
the last time we resolved the music org we just suggested they charge community members.
Andy called the question. Roll call vote passed 8-0-2.
d. Phoenix Martial Arts Reallocation- Joe motioned to approve. Lynsy seconded. Brianna
called the question. Roll call vote passed 9-0-1.
e. PEAC- Lindsay motioned to approve. Andy seconded. Andy stated that it seemed
successful. Lynsy stated that she knows it is tee-shirts and we have done fundraising before
for Habitat for Humanity. Joe called the question. Roll call vote 9-0-1.
f. SGA Student Saver- Andy motioned to approve. Jessica seconded. Brianna asked for
information. Brianna asked if we were giving them funds to renew it. The contract is new,
they just want to renew it for the spring. The board recommends advertising more. Sheila
stated that they could advertise during Focus week. Lindsay called the question. Roll call
vote 9-0-1.
g. SGA New York Times- Andy motioned to approve. Jessica seconded. Matt stated that
there was some confusion for why they had only gotten $2000. The board last year had made
a contingency request for 2 different papers. The budget was only meant for the New York
Times. This was only for the contingency. Andy believes it is beneficial. Matt stated that they
do have the bills for February and March. They will acquire bills for April and May. Brianna
called the question. Matt objected. They did give up travel funds. It is a reallocation from their
trip. Joe stated that the money is there but just in the wrong place. Brianna asked if we could
use that towards their debt. Brianna asked if they already have the money. Joe motioned to
enter committee of the whole. Andy seconded. Brianna called the question. Andy acclimated.
Enter at 7:07 for 10 minutes. Matt motioned to exit committee of the whole. Brianna
seconded. Sheila asked where they got the money from debt. Andy called the question. Matt
acclimated. Lynsy friendlied the motion to Andy to pay for April and May. Andy accepted.
Lynsy called the question. Roll call vote 8-1-1.
h. ASA Committed request reconsidered- Matt motioned to reconsider ASA committed
request. Lynsy seconded. Andy called the question. Lynsy acclimated. Lynsy friendlied the
former motion to not pay for any debt but for the $58.21. Andy accepted. Roll call vote
passed 6-1-3.
VIII. Announcements- SGA elections are coming up. Debate Thursday.
Adjournment- Andy motioned to adjourn. Jessica seconded. Lynsy called the question.
Brianna acclaimed. Meeting adjourned at 7:23 pm.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Amanda Hart
SUFAC Administrative Assistant