ALASKA LABOR RELATIONS AGENCY NOTICE OF SECRET MAIL BALLOT ELECTION PURPOSE OF ELECTION An election by secret mail ballot will be conducted under the supervision of the Alaska Labor Relations Agency among the eligible voters described below to determine the representative, if any, desired by them for the purpose of collective bargaining. SECRET BALLOT The election will be by SECRET mail ballot. Voters will be allowed to vote without interference, restraint, or coercion. A majority of the valid ballots cast will determine the results of the election. A sample of the official ballot appears below. On Tuesday, October 19, 2010, an OFFICIAL BALLOT, NOTICE OF SECRET MAIL BALLOT ELECTION, and INSTRUCTIONS FOR SECRET MAIL BALLOT ELECTION VOTERS will be mailed to each voter on the eligibility list at the address on file in the personnel office of the employer. To be counted a ballot must be RECEIVED in the offices of the Agency before 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 5, 2010. CERTIFICATION The Alaska Labor Relations Agency will certify the results of the election. AUTHORIZED OBSERVERS Each of the interested parties may designate an equal number of observers. These observers will (a) act as checkers at the counting of ballots, (b) challenge ballots, and (c) otherwise assist the Election Supervisor. CHALLENGE OF VOTER The challenge of a voter must be made before the envelope has been opened for that voter. THIS IS THE ONLY OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THIS SECRET MAIL BALLOT ELECTION EMPLOYER: University of Alaska EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION: ASEA, AFSCME Local 52, AFL-CIO VOTING UNIT Included: DESCRIPTION SEE ATTACHED UNIT Excluded: DESCRIPTION SEE ATTACHED UNIT TIME AND PLACE OF ELECTION TALLY DATE: Monday, November 8, 2010 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: ALASKA LABOR RELATIONS AGENCY 1016 West 6th Avenue, Suite 402 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-1963 ELIGIBILITY RULES The Alaska Labor Relations Agency will approve a list of employees eligible to vote in this election, based whenever possible on prior agreement between the University of Alaska, as employer, and the ASEA, AFSCME Local 52, AFL-CIO. Any changes to the eligibility list must be authorized by the Alaska Labor Relations Agency. To be eligible, an employee must be listed on the employment roster four weeks before the date set for mailing ballots to voters (Tuesday, September 21, 2010) and on the date that the ballots are counted (Monday, November 8, 2010). INFORMATION CONCERNING SECRET MAIL BALLOT ELECTION If you have not received a ballot and you believe you are eligible to vote, or you have lost or spoiled your ballot, please call 907-269-4895 to request a ballot. Any questions concerning the terms and conditions of this election, the voting unit, or eligibility rules may be communicated to: JEAN WARD, ELECTION SUPERVISOR MARGIE YADLOSKY, ASSISTANT ELECTION SUPERVISOR ALASKA LABOR RELATIONS AGENCY 1016 WEST 6TH AVENUE, SUITE 403 ANCHORAGE, AK 99501-1963 TELEPHONE: 269-4895 FAX: 269-4898 A SAMPLE OF THE BALLOT THAT WILL BE SENT TO ELIGIBLE VOTERS FOLLOWS: STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ALASKA LABOR RELATIONS AGENCY OFFICIAL BALLOT University of Alaska Do you wish to be represented for purposes of collective bargaining by MARK AN "X" IN THE SQUARE OF YOUR CHOICE ASEA, AFSCME Local 52, AFL-CIO No Bargaining Representative DO NOT SIGN THIS BALLOT. Fold and insert in appropriate envelope(s) and mail to the Alaska Labor Relations Agency. THIS IS NOT A BALLOT. DO NOT RETURN THIS PAPER. THIS IS NOT A BALLOT. DO NOT RETURN THIS PAPER. THIS IS NOT A BALLOT. DO NOT RETURN THIS PAPER. 1571rcnoenov.doc