APGOPO Study Guide UNIT 3 Vocab Review Vocab Linkage

APGOPO Study Guide
Review Vocab
Linkage Institution
Pluralism,Elitism, Hyperpluralism
Political Party
Party platform
Critical/realigning election
Ideological Party
Economic protest party
Single Issue Party
Splinter/Fractional party
Actual 3rd parties
Republican party-1860
Bull Moose Party
Populist Party
Green Party
American Independent Party
Reform Party
Ross Perot-NAFTA
Contract w/ America
Spoiler effect
Single member district (election format)
Plurality/winner take all
Proportional representation
Australian ballot
Party column ballot
Office bloc/column ballot
Split ticket voting v. straight ticket voting
Party dealignment
Interest Groups/Lobbies
Notable Interest Groups:
AARP,ACLU,NAACP, NRA,NOW,AFL-CIO,AIPAC,AMA,Sierra Club,Chamber of Commerce
Public Citizen,Americans for Prosperity, Heritage Foundation, Brookings Institute
Institutional IG
Protest IG
Single Issue IG
Ideological IG
Think Tank
Free rider dilemma
Material/solidary/purposive incentives
Direct Lobbying
Amicus curie briefs
Grassroots lobbying
Lawmaker report cards
Main Ideas:
1-How does the Constitution deal with political parties and interest groups?
2-How did James Madison view factions and how did it influence his views of how our government
should be constructed?
3-Democrats and Republicans
-general platforms
-different offices/pats of government-which party holds which?
-main leaders
4-Goals of all political parties
5-What is party realignment/realigning election? Explain the six phases of party realignment
6-Third parties
7-Explain ALL reasons why it’s difficult for a third party to win elections / why the 2 party system has
8-What are Ohio’s ballot access laws concerning third parties?
9-Reasons why third parties are important
10-Spoiler Parties/Ross Perot
His ideas
His mistakes
How he changed the Republican Party
11-How does the party system/political parties in US compare with other democracies?
12-Explain all the ways that the US political party has evolved over time? How do today’s parties
contrast with the parties of earlier years?
13-What factors have contributed to the decrease in strength of the US political party
14-Definition of interest groups / Goals of Interest Groups
15-Describe different realties about the chief interest groups examined in class (NRA, AIPAC, etc.)
16-Explain the 4 factors that cause the # of IGs to spike in 20thcentury (1900-2000)
17-Describe the different types of interest groups, provide examples
18-As a citizen, what are some benefits to being a part of IGs
19-Explain/give examples of all main strategies that interest groups use/why they are effective
20-Why are the pros-criticisms and cons of interest groups?
21-How are interest groups similar to political parties? How do they differ?
22-How do interest groups and political parties help each other in achieving their ultimate goal?