UW-GREEN BAY RESEARCH COUNCIL SPRING 2016 Call for Proposals: Research Scholar Program Generous support from the Office of the Provost continues to make possible this program which provides a three-credit course release. The Research Scholar will be able to use the time afforded by the release to advance his or her scholarship. The program is open to all full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty members at UW-Green Bay. This spring, one Research Scholar will be selected to receive a three-credit course release during the Spring 2017 semester. The Scholar will be expected to work on a specific research project and generate a tangible product during the semester of work (e.g., a grant proposal, draft of a manuscript, book proposal, or preparation of creative works for exhibition/performance/publication). Time may be used to develop a new project (e.g., a grant proposal), to complete an existing project (e.g., the final chapters of a book), or to complete a distinct stage of a larger ongoing project. Guidelines Applications must include the following: 1. A completed cover page (available at www.uwgb.edu/rc/files/docs/RScover.doc). 2. A double-spaced description (5-6 pages in length) of a clearly defined project (written for nonexperts in the field) with the following three sections: a. a detailed description of the process and final product that would result from the Research Scholar’s work; b. an explanation of the relationship of the project to existing scholarship in the field (include relevant citations as applicable); c. an indication of how the project would contribute to the faculty member’s professional development and overall program of research. 3. A timeline (page limit: 1) for completion of the project. Include markers of progress and some product to be completed within the semester. If appropriate or necessary, include a final product to be completed by the end of the following semester. 4. A vitae (page limit: 2) limited to relevant research experience. Proposals will be evaluated based on these criteria: The degree to which the proposal addresses all requirements of the application The degree to which the proposal describes a clearly defined, substantive scholarly project The perceived quality of the proposed project and tangible outcome The degree to which the proposal places the project within a larger professional context (i.e., demonstrates the significance of the project) and incorporates professional literature from the field (as appropriate) The extent to which the project would contribute to the individual’s professional development and is part of a coherent, continuous program of scholarship The degree to which the timeline for completion appears achievable Proposals must be received by 4:00 p.m. Monday, March 21, 2016: E-mail your completed proposal as a single PDF document to RCgrants@uwgb.edu and E-mail a PDF of the scanned Cover Page with the Unit Chair’s signature to RCgrants@uwgb.edu (or deliver/mail a paper copy of the Cover Page signed by the Unit Chair to the Office of Grants and Research, CL 825). Late applications will not be considered under any circumstances. Please contact a Research Council member with any questions. 2015-2016 Research Council Members Amy Wolf (wolfa@uwgb.edu) Debra Pearson (pearsond@uwgb.edu) Pao Lor (lorp@uwgb.edu) Minkyu Lee (leem@uwgb.edu) Sawa Senzaki (senzakis@uwgb.edu) Lidia Nonn (nonnl@uwgb.edu) (ex-officio) UW-GREEN BAY RESEARCH COUNCIL SPRING 2016 Call for Proposals: Research Scholar Program