slides 16B

Class Slides Set 16B
The brains . . .
apes and humans have
large heads and brains
(relative to body size)
Human and Ape Brains
Humankind Emerging, 7th ed., p. 389
The brains . . .
the large brains of apes
and humans are also
more developed than
those of other animals
The brains develop in . . .
• size . . .
• complexity . . .
• the ratio of brain weight to
overall body weight . . .
The brains develop in . . .
• size . . .
• complexity . . .
• the ratio of brain weight to
overall body weight . . .
Cranial Capacity…
Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 9th ed., p. 207
Cranial Capacity…
Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 9th ed., p. 207
Cranial Capacity…
Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 9th ed., p. 207
The brains develop in . . .
• size . . .
• complexity . . .
• the ratio of brain weight to
overall body weight . . .
Lateral view of the brain. The illustration shows the increase in the
cerebral cortex of the brain. The cerebral cortex integrates sensory
information and selects responses.
Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 9th ed., p. 107
The brains . . .
humans have highly
developed frontal and
occipital regions of the
brain . . .
The brains . . .
occipital region =
curved back and base
of the skull
Gracile Australopithecus / Homo Lineage Brain
Humankind Emerging, 7th ed., p. 390
The brains . . .
cerebrum =
• large rounded structure of
the brain
• largest part of the brain
• comprises ca. 85% of the
brain’s total weight
Lateral view of the brain. The illustration shows the increase in the
cerebral cortex of the brain. The cerebral cortex integrates sensory
information and selects responses.
Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 9th ed., p. 107
The brains . . .
The cerebral cortex
increases in area
The brains . . .
cerebral cortex =
neocortex =
thin layer of grey matter
covering the cerebrum
The brains . . .
in humans the cerebral
cortex lies in folds or
“convolutions” over the
entire surface of the
cerebral hemisphere
The brains . . .
prehistorically the
convoluted cerebral
cortex can often be seen
in “endocasts”
The brains . . .
endocasts =
fossilized casts of the
interior of a skull
The brains . . .
humans also have
“association” areas . . .
The brains . . .
association areas are
thought to be involved in
learning, memory,
thinking, and bringing
together information form
the various senses
The brains . . .
association areas =
regions of the cerebral
hemispheres thought to
serve some integrative
function . . .
Human Brain
Humankind Emerging, 7th ed., p. 389
The brains develop in . . .
• size . . .
• complexity . . .
• the ratio of brain weight to
overall body weight . . .
(“brain weight / body weight ratio”)
Brain Weight – Body Weight Ratios
Humankind Emerging, 7th ed., p. 386
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