"I want to start with men’s brains, all right now men’s brains are very unique, men’s brains are made up of little boxes. And they have a box for everything. They’ve got a box for the car, a box for the money, a box for the job, a box for the wife, a box for the kids, and a box for the mother-­‐in-­‐law somewhere in the basement… They’ve got boxes everywhere. And the rule is: the boxes don’t touch. When a man discusses a particular subject, they go to that particular box, pull that box out, open the box, discuss only what is in THAT BOX! And then they close the box and put it away being very, very careful NOT TO TOUCH any other boxes. Now women’s brains are very, very different from men’s brains. Women’s brains are made up of a big ball of wire. And everything is connected to everything. The money is connected to the car and the car is connected to the job and the kids are connected to the mother-­‐in-­‐law and everything is connected to everything. It’s like the internet super highway. And it’s all driven by energy that we call emotion. It’s one of the reasons why women tend to remember everything. Because if you take an event and you connect it to an emotion, it burns in your memory and you can remember it forever. The same thing happens for men, it just doesn’t happen very often, because quite frankly, they don’t care. Women tend to care about EVERYTHING! Now men, have a box in their brain that most women are not aware of. This particular box has nothing in it. It’s true. In fact they call it “the nothing box”. And of all the boxes a man has in his brain, the nothing box is their favorite box. If a man has a chance, he’ll go to his nothing box every time. That’s why a man can do something seemingly completely brain dead for hours on end. You know like fishing… And they love it, that’s why a man can sit in front of the TV and just stare at it, flipping through the channels. Of course this drives wives nuts because they’ll come up and say STOP THAT! You can possibly be watching ANYTHING! – And they guy goes I’m not… Go away. Now we actually measured this. The University of Pennsylvania a couple of years ago did a study and discovered that men have the ability to think about absolutely nothing, and still breathe. You know, they connected all the wires and stuff like that, watched the brain activity and at one point his brain function flat lines. And all the researchers think he is dead! And when they go to check on him, he turns to them and goes “huh” Women can’t do it! They can’t do it, their mind never stops, and they don’t understand the nothing box! And it drives them crazy! Because nothing drives a woman more crazy and makes her feel more irritated than to witness a man doing NOTHING! Now one of the biggest revelations women have is this nothing box issue. They go ah! Everything’s starting to make sense! Women say oh can I go in his nothing box with him? -­‐ NOOO! -­‐ Why not? – Because then it’s something! Besides women would walk in and go: you know, this place could really use some pictures… I see a table over here, some flowers and… NO! Nothing! Get out, they don’t want nothing. Now (let’s analyze ?) the way men and women handle stress. OK. When a man is stressed out, all he wants to do is run to his nothing box. This is how they unwind. The last thing they want to do when they are stressed out is talk about it. They don’t want to talk about it they just wanna… do nothing. Of course this drives women nuts you know. A woman will see a man in this vegetative state she’ll come up and go: what’re you thinking about? – And the man says: Nothing. – she replies: Well you gotta be thinking about something! – No they are literally thinking about nothing. Now when a woman is stressed out, she has to talk about it. If she doesn’t talk about it, her brain will literally explode. So she starts to just talk: I don’t know my husband will do that…. I never thought about this…. my brother……. And there are some men who run from their wives when they do this. And when asked why do they run from her? He says cause I don’t know what to tell her. Well guys you don’t need to tell her anything. She doesn’t want you to tell her anything. A lot of guys they feel obligated when you start explaining all your stress, they feel obligated to fix you. Cause that’s what a man does, a man only tells his troubles to another man in hopes that that man will help to fix it. OK? But a woman is not a man; and if you try to fix her, she’s gonna kill you. She doesn’t want your advice, she doesn’t want your help, she wants you to SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND LISTEN!