
Climate change
What is the greenhouse effect?
How do humans impact the greenhouse effect?
What are the ice core data and what do they tell us about the past temperature and CO2 levels
from 650,000 years ago to present?
What are the consequences to glaciers, sea levels, sea temperatures, extreme weather events?
What are the higher temperature consequences to coral, what are the acidification consequences
to coral?
Why is it a problem that the ocean is a sink for CO2?
Describe some biological impacts of increased CO2 and increased temperature.
What is ocean acidification? What are its causes and consequences?
What is nutrient cycling? – oligotrophic lake? –eutrophic lake?
What is a water-limited ecosystem? – a light limited ecosystem? – a nutrient limited ecosystem?
What are the components of ecosystem stability are how are they related to species diversity?
(Know disturbance, resistance, resilience.)
Give an example of a nutrient that comes from rock and a nutrient that comes from the air.
What are the consequences of alterations to the biogeochemical cycles of N, Water and Carbon?
What does it mean that energy flows? Why is energy lost at each trophic level and how much
(approximately) is lost?
What is a primary producer and why is it important?
What does C fixation mean? N fixation? What does it mean to go from an inorganic to an
organic form in biogeochemistry?
What is an ecosystem? What is biogeochemistry?