TxDOT- San Antonio District Guidelines and Requirements For Utility Permits Temporary Erosion Control and Permanent Revegetation Temporary erosion control devices (such as silt fences, rock berms, soil retention blankets, etc.) should be shown on the utility plans in areas where utility work will leave disturbed or loose soil across/along creeks and streambeds, on steep slopes, or in environmentally sensitive areas such as the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. A TxDOT utility inspector may direct that such devices be installed even when and where they are not shown on the plans. These areas must be protected from erosion. In addition, permanent revegetation (at least 70% of normal vegetation cover of the surrounding undisturbed area) must be accomplished by the utility company/contractor before the utility work is considered acceptable and complete by TxDOT. Your attention to this matter will insure that you meet the federal requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act and the requirements of TxDOT’s Utility Accommodation Policy.