From: Communications and Public Affairs Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 9:19 AM To: Communications and Public Affairs Subject: ATI Steering Committee's Annual Report Sent by co-chairs Tony Ross and Peter Quan on behalf of the ATI Steering Committee. Campus Community, As we begin this year, the committee would like to briefly highlight our 2014 accomplishments, identify our goals illustrate the role all of us must play in the ongoing accessible technology efforts. First, let’s start with the accomplishments in 2014. The campus website migrated to a new content managemen simplified ADA compliance for web authors. The Accessible Technology Initiative website was redeveloped to m effectively organize information, resources and tools for E&IT Procurement, Instructional Materials and Web Acc improve accountability and visibility, the Steering Committee now publishes audit reports and responses, and th plan for 2015 with tasks and milestones. The three ATI working groups continue to share this information with t areas. Membership on the ATI Steering Committee and the E&IT Procurement, Instructional Materials and We working groups is now online. Our goal for 2015 is to provide better communications with the campus, improve our ATI milestone achievemen recent audit findings. While it is important to provide accessible web sites and technology that are fully complian and federal accessibility laws and audit guidelines, we must also focus on sound, consistent business practices accessible services to our students, faculty, staff and community. To that end, the ATI Steering Committee is asking that you participate in the following actions: Visit the new ATI website to become familiar with accessibility requirements, and provide the steering co general feedback and suggestions. Visit the E&IT Procurement website to familiarize yourself with the new procurement procedures and acc analysis requirements for all electronic and information technology procurements. Previously, accessibil were required on purchases of $15,000 or greater. There is now a zero-cost threshold. All E&IT procure be evaluated for campus impact even if the product or service is zero-cost. Visit the new ATI Web Inventory, which provides a list of responsible owners for each college and divisio provides convenient access to monthly web compliance reports. o To request designee additions or changes, contact Alex Harwood, o Review your college or division ATI reports for awareness of your area’s web compliance. Update generated and posted monthly. Perform manual periodic checks of college and division websites, particularly uploaded documents. ATI testing software cannot check these. All faculty and staff responsible for creating and updating webpages are encouraged to download, install Compliance Deputy or applicable web testing tools for their ATI compliance web testing. The ATI Working Groups are committed to the following ongoing efforts: Generate and post ATI Web Compliance reports monthly. Provide in-person and online training to constituents as needed. Web-publish updates of our ATI web resources, including ATI reporting, committee meeting agendas, m training information and other resources. Conduct monthly ATI Steering Committee and Working Group meetings. Send quarterly emails regarding resources, ATI reports and milestone status from both the ATI Steering and the Web Working Group. We wish to thank you for your continued support of this important initiative. Our University ATI implementation i responsibility with all campus constituents. (This is a campus-wide email. Please do not reply.)