Done by : Dr. Fadi Fouad Hassanin Umm Al-Qura University Orbital cellulitis Is an infection of the soft tissues of the orbit posterior to the orbital septum. Cellulitis: Orbital Periorbital Approach to orbital cellulitis: 1- History: Patient may present with : -fever -malaise - a history of recent sinusitis or upper respiratory tract infection. 2-Physical Examination: A Comprehensive HEENT EX. 1-vitals sign: fever 2 -local examination of the eye : 1- Proptosis and ophthalmoplegia 2- Conj.chemosis 3-Dec. vision 4-Elevated IOP 5-Pain on eye movement 6-Orbital pain and tenderness Causes: 1-extension from periorbital structures, 2-direct from trauma or surgery, or 3-hematogenous. Causative Organisms: 1-Bacterial Strep., S .aureus, and Hib. 2-Polymicrobial infection. 3-Fungal. 3-Invistagations: A-Lab: 1-CBC count: Leukocytosis with a shift to the left 2-blood cultures. 3- Swab from the nose B-Imaging Studies: 1-HR- CT scan with contrast infusion, 2-MRI 4-Treatment: ER 1-Medical Care: Antibiotic 2-Surgical Care Complications 1- Cavernous sinus thrombosis 2-Hearning loss 3- Septicemia 4-Meningitis 5-Optic nerve damage &loss of vision Thank You