TxDOT Public Transportation Division (PTN) Schedule of Training, Events, and Holidays November 1, 2011 This calendar is posted for the convenience of public transit agencies; TxDOT does not endorse or recommend any specific vendor for training. The information posted is not inclusive and is subject to change. New postings each month are shown with the Class Name highlighted. For more information, contact the PTN Training Program Manager at PTN_Training@txdot.gov. TxDOT provides tuition and travel reimbursement scholarships for transit agency employees to obtain training as funding allows. NOTE: Applicants must contact the entity listed in the “Notes” column for registration. November 2011 Class Name Dates Location / Host Certified Safety and Security Manager Training 1-3 Odessa/TxDOT Event Provider CTAA ITS Annual Meeting 9-11 Embassy Suites/San Marcos TTI/ITS America Webinar Great Lakes ADA Center n/a Worthington Hotel/ Ft. Worth FTA/Reid Consulting n/a Webinar NTI n/a Worthington Hotel/ Ft. Worth FTA/Reid Consulting n/a Veterans Day Did You Hear Me? Ensuring Effective Communication With Your Customers FY 2012 Triennial Review Workshop Strollers, Carts and Other Large Items on Buses and Trains 11 15 15-16 17 FY 2012 Triennial Review 17-18 Thanksgiving 24-25 7/1/2016 Course Fee n/a varies Notes 2 ½ day training event open to one attendee per 5311, 5307 or 5310 agency. Application required in advance by CTAA and must be submitted to CTAA before October 14 – contact ptn_training@txdot.gov to request application form; Scholarships available – contact: ptn_training@txdot.gov Register directly through TTI website: http://tti.tamu.edu/conferences/its11/; Conference – no scholarships available Holiday – offices closed Register directly with Great Lakes: http://www.ada-audio.org/Schedule/ Register directly through FTA website: http://www.fta.dot.gov/documents/FY_2012_FTA _TRIENNIAL_REVIEW_WORKSHOP.pdf or contact Mariela Perdomo with questions at 571257-5090, ext. 221; Scholarships available – contact: ptn_training@txdot.gov Register directly with NTI: http://www.ntionline.com/courses/courseinfo.php? id=213 Register directly through FTA website: http://www.fta.dot.gov/documents/FY_2012_FTA _TRIENNIAL_REVIEW_WORKSHOP.pdf or contact Mariela Perdomo with questions at 571257-5090, ext. 221; Scholarships available – contact: ptn_training@txdot.gov Holiday – offices closed December 2011 Class Name Dates Location / Host Event Provider Easter Seals Project Action Course Fee Promising Practices and Solutions in Accessible Transportation: Rail Accessibility – Ensuring Equal Access to a Growing Transportation Mode Transit Response to Bus Hijackings 1 Webinar 5 Houston/MTA of Harris County TSI $30 Identifying IED Threats to Public Transit 7 Houston/MTA of Harris County TSI $30 7-10 Houston/MTA of Harris County TSI $80 Great Lakes ADA Center Grant Writing USA n/a Transit Industrial Safety Management Open Dialogue with the Department of Justice Grant Writing Christmas 7/1/2016 13 12-13 26 Webinar NCTCOG/Arlington Notes Register directly with ESPA: http://projectaction.easterseals.com/site/Calendar ?view=Detail&id=36385 $425 (use code TXDOT for $30 discount) Register directly with TSI: https://www.tsi.dot.gov/tsilms/ClassListing.aspx? CourseID=18&AOE=1; Scholarships available – contact ptn_training@txdot.gov Register directly with TSI: https://www.tsi.dot.gov/tsilms/ClassListing.aspx? CourseID=17&AOE=1; Scholarships available – contact ptn_training@txdot.gov Register directly with TSI: https://www.tsi.dot.gov/tsilms/ClassListing.aspx? CourseID=5&AOE=1; Scholarships available – contact ptn_training@txdot.gov Register directly with Great Lakes: http://www.ada-audio.org/Schedule/ Register directly with Grant Writing USA: http://grantwritingusa.com/grants-training/grantwriting-workshops/arlington-texas-december2011.html; Scholarships available – contact ptn_training@txdot.gov Holiday – offices closed January 2012 Class Name Dates Martin Luther King Day Refresh on the 2010 ADA Standards – March 15th is Just Around the Corner Confederate Heroes Day Transit Operators Meeting 16 17 Toolbox for Transit Operator Fatigue 26 Limited English Proficiency – Four Factor Analysis Training 31 7/1/2016 19 25 Location / Host Event Provider Webinar Great Lakes ADA Center Austin/TxDOT Austin District Office Austin/TxDOT Austin District Office San Antonio/TxDOT Course Fee n/a n/a n/a SURTC n/a Notes Holiday – offices closed Register directly with Great Lakes: http://www.ada-audio.org/Schedule/ Holiday - offices closed Semi-Annual Meeting – no preregistration necessary; meeting – no scholarships available One-half day training from 8:00-12 noon; Register by email with name, position and agency of those planning to attend: ptn_training@txdot.gov; scholarships available – contact ptn_training@txdot.gov Full day training required for all agencies with FTA funding through TxDOT PTN – one participant only per agency should attend in region located; Register by emailing the training location, name, position and agency of those planning to attend: ptn_training@txdot.gov; limited scholarships available – contact ptn_training@txdot.gov February 2012 Class Name Limited English Proficiency (LEP) – Four Factor Analysis Training 2 Houston/TxDOT Event Provider SURTC Limited English Proficiency (LEP) – Four Factor Analysis Training 7 Lubbock/TxDOT SURTC n/a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Guidance – Four Factor Analysis Training 9 Mesquite/TxDOT SURTC n/a 2012 Texas Transportation Forum 15-17 Presidents Day 7/1/2016 Dates 20 Location / Host San Antonio Course Fee n/s varies Notes Full day training required for all agencies with FTA funding through TxDOT PTN – one participant only per agency should attend in region located; Register by emailing the training location, name, position and agency of those planning to attend: ptn_training@txdot.gov; limited scholarships available – contact ptn_training@txdot.gov Full day training required for all agencies with FTA funding through TxDOT PTN – one participant only per agency should attend in region located; Register by emailing the training location, name, position and agency of those planning to attend: ptn_training@txdot.gov; limited scholarships available – contact ptn_training@txdot.gov Full day training required for all agencies with FTA funding through TxDOT PTN – one participant only per agency should attend in region located; Register by emailing the training location, name, position and agency of those planning to attend: ptn_training@txdot.gov; limited scholarships available – contact ptn_training@txdot.gov Register directly through website: http://www.dot.state.tx.us/ttf/Registration.htm; Conference – scholarships not available Holiday - offices closed Description of Training and Events FY 2012 Triennial Review Workshop Congress mandates triennial reviews for transit systems receiving Section 5307 program funds. This 2-day workshop provides guidance and reference material in each of the areas subject to review. Attendees are made aware of any new requirements that will be included in the review, as well as being better prepared for the upcoming review. Certified Safety and Security Manager Training This program is designed to help transportation programs meet all of their responsibilities in regard to safety and security. A Certified Safety and Security Manager is training to assist in preparedness of public and community transportation operations, and to maximize a transit system’s ability to provide safe and secure transit service. The CSSM is trained to: Review existing system safety standards Identify and address FTA safety program benchmarks Highlight system strengths Identify areas for improvement, and Develop a safety, security and emergency preparedness program The 3 step certification process includes application, completion of 2 day training program and successfully passing of CSSM examination (additional ½ day). The usual exam fees are waived for this specific training session as the program is sponsored by TxDOT. Did You Hear Me? Ensuring Effective Communication with your Customers Join this webinar session to learn about the obligations of medical providers, lawyers, tax preparers, local and state government agencies, social service providers, etc. to ensure that their customers are able to communicate with them. Identifying IED Threats to Public Transit This seminar demonstrates how to prepare for and initially respond to acts of terrorism involving explosives, how to implement a plan, procedures to respond to an explosive incident, and how to manage an incident. ITS Texas Annual Meeting The theme for the 2011 meeting is: ITS 2020: What’s Your Vision? Limited English Proficiency Guidance – Four Factor Analysis This training will assist local transit agencies in conducting the Four Factor Analysis to meet the Limited English Proficiency FTA Title VI requirement. Agencies can expect to come away with templates and valuable resources for an agency's use as they work toward meeting this mandatory requirement. Open Dialogue with the Department of Justice Join us for an update of DOJ’s Enforcement and Guidance Activities and pose your questions to our speaker. This is an interactive session and you are encouraged to bring your tough issues and concerns forward. Refresh on the 2010 ADA Standards – March 15 Is Just Around the Corner This webinar is designed to give an overview of the major differences between the 1991 ADA Standards and the 2010 ADA Standards. 7/1/2016 Effective March 15, 2012, new construction and alterations undertaken by entities covered by the ADA will be required to comply with the 2010 ADA Standards. Strollers, Carts and Other Large Items on Buses and Trains With the exception of wheelchairs and various mobility devices, policies regarding bicycles, strollers, luggage, carts and other large items are developed in response to circumstances experienced by transit agencies. This webinar will highlight practices implemented by transit agencies to address this topic. Toolbox for Transit Operator Fatigue: Putting the Report into Action Toolbox for Transit Operator Fatigue offers a variety of resources, methods and techniques to deal with operator fatigue. A primary goal of the toolbox is to provide a structured process for implementing a fatigue management program that incorporates appropriate tools. Some tools are geared to the individual operator while others are for use by supervisors and managers involved in aspects of daily service planning and delivery. Transit Industrial Safety Management The purpose of this course is to develop, implement and maintain an industrial safety management program following Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) principles and guidelines for the transit workplace. Emphasis is on human factors, proactive policies, identification of hazards and unsafe practices, hazards controls and resolution. Transit Response to Bus Hijackings Seminar Participants will learn how to respond to acts of terrorism, including workplace violence, and how to develop and implement plans and procedures for responding to hijackings. Participants will learn how to gain access to a bus and resolve the incident with minimal public endangerment. 7/1/2016