Public Hearing Interstate 35 From FM 2484 to US 190 June 30, 2009 Henry T. Waskow VFW Hall – Belton, Texas AGENDA Welcome & Introductions – Richard J. Skopik, P.E., TxDOT Waco District Engineer Project Development – Richard J. Skopik Project Description and Details – Brian Clark, P.E., Senior Engineer, PBS&J Corporation Right-of-Way Acquisition and Relocation Assistance – Sheila Mills, Right-of-Way Administrator Intermission to Review Schematics Public Testimony* Adjourn * Note: You will not receive a direct response tonight to verbal comments made during the public testimony session. All verbal and written comments will be addressed in the public hearing summary and analysis. Public Hearing – IH 35 FM 2484 to US 190 June 30, 2009 PROJECT BACKGROUND and DESCRIPTION The Texas Department of Transportation is in the process of expanding and reconstructing IH 35 through central Texas. This includes 17 projects covering 3 counties for a total length of over 90 miles between the Bell/Williamson county line and the East/West split in Hillsboro. The project being discussed at this meeting extends from FM 2484 at Salado to US 190 in Belton. This project has been selected by the Texas Transportation Commission to receive funding under the Federal Economic Stimulus Bill (American Recovery and Reinvestment and Act of 2009). TRAFFIC COUNTS Year: Vehicles per Day: 2010 67,900 2030 100,300 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project will expand the current four-lane roadway to a six-lane controlled access roadway with one-way frontage roads. Additional right of way would be required for the project. The project being discussed at tonight’s hearing would widen IH 35 from FM 2484 at Salado to US 190 in Belton. The alignment presented tonight is a result of public input received from public meetings in July 2000, August 2001, February 2007 and January 2009 as well as meetings with public officials and property owners. ESTIMATED COST The estimated cost of construction in current dollars is approximately $130 million. In addition, the estimated engineering and right-of-way expenses will bring the total project cost to approximately $162 million. PROJECT SEQUENCE – Anticipated Schedule Right of Way Acquisition – Begin Summer 2009 Construction – Begin Summer 2010 PUBLIC INPUT Please feel free to visit the displays in the room to examine the proposed design schematic. TxDOT staff and consultants are available to answer any and all questions including design, right-of-way acquisition, environmental or construction issues. MORE INFO Information about this project is available for inspection at the Waco District Office at the address below. Project information is also available on the TxDOT website at: Click on “Hearings and Meetings” under the Quick Links column. Look for “Proposed IH 35 Expansion” project in Belton. WRITTEN COMMENTS Albin A. (Andy) Petter, P.E. Director of Transportation Planning and Development Texas Department of Transportation 100 South Loop Drive Waco, TX 76704-2858 Please submit all comments by July 10, 2009.