Globalization Worksheet 7 Worksheet 7 Anti-Globalization p.1 Anti-Globalization Source A In 1999, French peasant José Bové, also known as ‘Peasant Robin Hood’, with nine people under his leadership and using farming tools, pulled down a McDonald’s under construction in southern France. He said that the World Trade Organization and multinational companies were telling people what to eat. He believed that the French people would not agree to this kind of development. Now he has become an ‘anti-globalization’ activist. 1. Why did José Bové lead people to pull down a McDonald’s that was being constructed? Suggested answers: He believed that McDonald’s was a symbol of multinational companies that brought in foreign cultures, such as food and drink. Therefore he attacked McDonald’s. 2. Do you agree with his way of expressing opinions? Why? Free answers. Globalization and Anti-Globalization Source B Arguments for Globalization International trade improves the life quality globally, promotes exchanges and information flow among different societies and cultures, and accelerates the breakdown of autocratic regimes. Advanced information technology helps developing regions acquire Western advanced technology and management expertise. The domestic economy of Globalization Worksheet 7 Anti-Globalization p.2 developing countries will benefit from foreign trade. The investment and business development of multinational enterprises will create job opportunities and provide capital for developing countries. Essential economic data reveal that globalization does not necessarily bring about income inequality. The problem of polarization of the poor and the rich cannot be considered serious in countries with higher levels of globalization, such as Poland, Israel and Hungary, whereas the same problem is more acute in countries with lower levels of globalization, such as Russia, China and Argentina. Arguments Against Globalization Globalization facilitates the growth of multinational enterprises and subsequently various unfair phenomena would arise. For example, workers in developing countries work in factories with poor wages and working conditions set up by multinational enterprises and are deprived of labour rights. At the other end, labours in developed countries are worried about losing their jobs anytime if their companies move their production lines to developing countries with lower labour costs. Multinational enterprises are accused of being indifferent to environmental protection issues, as they carry out large-scale resource exploitation in developing countries, causing serious damage to their environment. Multinational enterprises monopolize resources. As a result, poor people are unable to break away from their poverty. Therefore, anti-globalization activists advocate that Western drug manufacturers lower the price of AIDS medicines so as to benefit patients in poor African countries. International media networks exist almost everywhere, and local cultures and identities are gradually fading out. Take France for example, about 70% of the population watch Hollywood movies, hurting French cinema. Intellectual property rights under globalization inhibit the spread and development of knowledge. In terms of international trade, Western countries are sacrificing the interests of developing countries. In the past ten years, the income of the world’s poorest has dropped from 2.3% of the entire world income to 1.4%. Source: Hong Kong Economic Times, 21 July 2001. Globalization Worksheet 7 Anti-Globalization p.3 Role Play Divide students into groups. After going through Source B, assign one of the following roles to each student. After discussion, the students will take part in a summit conference titled ‘Is Globalization Good or Bad?’. Students are to express their views from the perspectives of their assigned roles. Representative from a local NGO Person who loves Chinese traditional culture President of a multinational company American elite from the information technology sector Peasant of a South American country Famous Hollywood movie director Environmentalist