Worksheet 7

Worksheet 7
Are we the global citizens?
With the development of new communications technologies 1 (e.g. e-mail and ICQ
through the Internet, and mobile phone), instant 2 , inexpensive, and global
communication can go beyond the limitations of physical place.
We are no longer alone in our own place. We are connected with people from different
parts of the world in many ways. We eat the same food (e.g. food from McDonald’s)
and drink the same beverage (e.g. Coca-Cola). We watch the same television
programmes (e.g. Disney’s cartoons, Pokemon, ER) and Hollywood movies (e.g.
Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons).
It is suggested that we are now living in a global village3. As members of the Earth, it is also
suggested that we are now global citizens4.
communications technologies 通訊科技
instant 即時的
global village 地球村
global citizens 世界公民
What is the major difference between a global citizen and a Chinese citizen (or a
citizen of any particular country)? [Hint: Which body is responsible for protecting
your rights and making you take up your responsibilities?]
A citizen of a particular country is governed by its government (which protects
one’s rights and makes the citizen take up one’s responsibilities) whereas there is
no world government to protect the rights of a global citizen or make a global
citizen take up responsibilities.
Do we enjoy the rights of global citizens?
When you watch TV or return e-mail through your computer, you are using
electricity. Do you know how electricity is produced? CLP in Hong Kong
uses coal, oil and gas to produce electricity.
Have you ever visited the country parks or beaches in Hong Kong?
Shek O
Source of photo: Hong Kong 1998
Have you learnt about places like the Great Wall and the Pyramids in your
class? These places are important tourist spots5 and many people visit these
places every year.
The Great Wall
tourist spots 旅遊勝地
Do you know what happened to this place?
the world’s largest standing stone statute of Buddha,
Bamiyan Valley, Afghanistan
Source of photo: UNESCO6 homepage
Do you know that there are many children in the world who do not have
enough to eat?
a child in Ethiopia7
Source of photo: Medecins Sans Frontieres 8
UNESCO 聯合國教科文組織
Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亞
Medecins Sans Frontieres 無國界醫生
Do you know that Cambodia is a severely mined 9 country? It has a
population of about 10 million and an estimated 4 to 6 million landmines10.
WHY? – legs lost, blind, arms lost, children become orphans, land cannot be used
for planting rice, people lose life
Source of photos: Cambodian Campaign to Ban Landmines
With reference to statements a to f, do you know what we are enjoying as global
natural resources; natural environment; historical / cultural heritage; healthy, stable,
peaceful, wealthy conditions
mined 佈雷
landmines 地雷
If we want to keep on enjoying what is mentioned in 2, we have to take up our
responsibilities as global citizens.
Suggest three possible ways to take up your responsibilities as a global citizen
living in Hong Kong.
e.g. use less plastic bags in order to protect and conserve the environment; turn off
electrical appliances when they are not used; use environmental-friendly /
reusable products; do not litter / prevent hill fire in the country park; do not
damage historical / cultural heritage on visits; show respect for other cultures;
donate money to the poor; donate money to groups promoting noble causes; be
more aware of global development
What have you learnt?
You are able to
understand the idea of global village and global citizenship;
understand the rights and responsibilities of being global citizens;
realize what you can contribute to the world as a global citizen.