協助非華語學童就讀本地主流學校 Helping NCS Students Integrate into Local Mainstream Schools 16 June 2009 1 非華語學童教育服務 Education Services for NCS Students 2 06 至09學年就讀公營及直資中、小學日校 非華語學童數目 Number of NCS students in Public Sector and DSS Primary and Secondary Day Schools in past 3 school years 06/07 07/08 08/09 P1 - P6 4503 5583 6020 S1 – S7 2633 3272 3825 Total 7136 8855 9845 3 重要訊息 Key Messages • 教育局鼓勵非華語學童在主流學校就讀,儘快適應本 港的學校制度及融入社會 • Non-Chinese speaking children are encouraged to study in mainstream schools so that they could integrate into the local education system and the community more quickly • 本局就非華語學童常見的學習和適應需要,提供多項 教育服務支援學校、學生及家長 • EDB has been providing various support services to schools, students and parents to cater for the common learning and adaptation needs of the NCS students 推出不同語言的「非華語家長資料套:香港教育指 南」,讓非華語家長進一步掌握香港教育的最新資 訊 Published the “Non-Chinese Speaking Parent Information Package : Your Guide to Education in Hong Kong” to help NCS parents better grasp the latest information on HK education in different languages 5 以英文及幾種主要的少數族裔語言編寫的資料 單張,軟複本可從教育局網頁下載、硬複本可 往各區域教育服務處索取 Information leaflets written in English and some major ethnic minority languages; soft copy can be downloaded from EDB’s webpage, and hard copy can be collected from REOs 6 落實加強有關的支援 Enhanced Measures being Implemented 在08/09學年,分別有16所小學及6所中學成為指定學校,加 強為非華語學生提供校本支援服務,並於09/10學年再増至合 共25所 為指定學校提供特別津貼 There are 16 primary & 6 secondary designated schools in the 08/09 school year to enhance the development of School-based Chinese Language support. No. of schools will be extended to 25 in 09/10 school year. Special Grant is provided for these schools as well 7 深入到校支援指定學校,協助制訂校本中文課程、 訂定教學策略、編修校本教材、設計學習活動與 評估及共同備課等 Intensive on-site support for the designated schools to help develop school-based Chinese Language curricula, formulate teaching strategies, revise school-based teaching materials, design learning and assessment activities and conduct collaborative lesson planning, etc. 8 大專院校為教導非華語學生的中文教師開辦培 訓課程,建立學習網絡 Tertiary institutions have been commissioned to run Training Programmes and learning network for Chinese language teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools with NCS students 9 委託大專院校營辦「學習中文支援中心」,提供 課後或假期輔導予較遲起步學習中文的非華語學 生 Tertiary institution has been commissioned to run Chinese Language Learning Support Centre(s) to support NCS students who have a late start in learning Chinese after school hours and during long holidays 10 為協助新來港非華語學童融入學校,教育局資助啟 動課程及適應課程,並為啟動課程畢業生安排學位 EDB has been subsidizing the operation of Initiation Programmes and Induction Programmes to help the newly-arrived NCS students to integrate into local schools; and Initiation Programme graduates will be offered placement assistance 11 暑期銜接課程 Summer Bridging Programme 為小一新生及升讀小二、小三及小四的非華語學生舉 辦四星期暑期銜接課程 4-week Summer Bridging Programme for incoming NCS P1 entrants and NCS Students proceeding to P2, P3 and P4 12 其他配套及支援 Other Provision and Support 小學加強輔導教學計劃 全方位學生輔導服務 全校參與模式的融合教育計劃 校本課後學習及支援計劃 Intensive Remedial Teaching Comprehensive Student Guidance Service Whole-school Approach to Integration Education School-based After-school Learning & Support Programs 13 《中國語文課程〈非華語學童〉補充指引》 Supplementary Guide to the Chinese Language Curriculum for NCS Students 因應非華語學生的學習情境,幫助學校了解非華語 學生的特性,提升不同族裔學生的學習中國語文成 效 Taking into consideration the learning context of NCS students, the Guide helps promote the effectiveness of Chinese Language learning in schools 14 《中國語文課程〈非華語學童〉補充指引》 提要〈印地語、尼泊爾語、他加祿語、泰語、 烏爾都語及越南語〉 Executive Summary of ‘Supplementary Guide to the Chinese Language Curriculum for NCS Students (Hindi, Nepali, Tagalog, Thai, Urdu and Vietnamese) 15 中、小學中國語文調適學校教材 目的:協助教師選擇和調適中國語文科教材,供課堂 教學用 Adapted School Learning Materials on Chinese Language for NCS Students at Primary and Secondary levels Purpose: Help teachers select and adapt materials for classroom teaching http://cd.edb.gov.hk/chi/resource/ 16 中英對照香港學校中文學習基礎字詞 Lexical Items with English Explanations for Fundamental Chinese Learning in Hong Kong Schools 17 2008年起,大學聯招在特定情況下考慮接納 其他中國語文科的考試資歷 Starting from 2008,JUPAS provides further flexibility to accept alternative Chinese Language qualifications under specified circumstances 18 未來路向 Way Forward 繼續推出及編製配套教學參考資料,讓非華語學童學習字音、 字形、認字及讀寫方法 制訂評估工具,評估非華語學童中文水平 中、小學的第二套教材調適 Packages of teaching reference materials for NCS students will be launched in series On-going professional development programmes on how to conduct assessment for learning 2nd set of Adapted School Learning materials for primary and secondary students 19 Thank You! 20