Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School Rationales: 1. We care about our students’ future 2. We want our students to free themselves from intergenerational poverty 3. We understand HK is a cosmopolitan city and English is a tool for survival here Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School Strategies: A Whole-School Approach 1. A standardized classroom for the English Chatroom 2. Priority given to English activities 3. The English Support Team 4. A vice-principal acted as the English co-panel chair Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School Strategies: A Whole-School Approach 5. The teaching of oral and the planning of activities by NET 6. English split classes in senior forms 7. Support from other panels 8. The teaching of phonetic symbols IPA in junior forms Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School Strategies: A Whole-School Approach 9. A whole-school participation on English Speaking Days Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School Thank You Tel: 2448 0622 Email: tswyllss@yahoo.com.hk