Stage 03 - Foundation silver and higher initial - Sample scheme of work and lesson plan booklet (DOC, 830KB)

© OCR 2010
Sample Scheme of Work – GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher
Initial Stage
Sample Lesson Plan – GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial
Published Resources
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GCSE Mathematics B
In order to help you plan effectively for the implementation of the new specification we have
produced sample schemes of work and lesson plans for Mathematics B. These support materials
are designed for guidance only and play a secondary role to the specification.
Each sample scheme of work and lesson plan is provided in Word format. You should use it as a
foundation to build upon, and amend or add to the content to suit your teaching style and learners’
This booklet provides examples of how to structure the teaching of this Stage; the teaching hours
are suggestions only.
The specification is the document on which assessment is based and specifies what content and
skills need to be covered in delivering the course. At all times, therefore, this support material
booklet should be read in conjunction with the specification. If clarification on a particular point is
sought then that clarification should be sought in the specification itself.
GCSE Mathematics B
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Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
3 hours
Topic outline
Multiply and divide simple
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Points to note
Add and subtract fractions
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FSN1/HIN1 - Calculating with fractions
Multiplication of simple fractions. –
Could demonstrate method with
diagrams, eg 1/3 of 1/4: show 1/4 being
divided into thirds to demonstrate that
answer is 1/12, building on knowledge
of finding a fraction of a quantity
Division of simple fractions, starting
from concepts such as “how many
halves are there in 4?” into division as
multiplicative inverse
Banks of questions
This does not include multiplication and
division of mixed numbers.
Addition and subtraction of mixed
Recap and build on skills of converting
mixed numbers into improper fractions
and adding and subtracting fractions
GCSE Mathematics B
Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
3 hours
Topic outline
Use and generate
formulae. Substitute
positive and negative
numbers into a formula or
an expression
GCSE Mathematics B
FSA1/HIA1 - Formulae
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Substitute values into expressions and
Generate simple formulae and use to
calculate unknown values
Suggested resources
Points to note
Use real-life formulae and those in other subjects, such as
science, where possible.
Eg (1) 4x – 2;
(2) 3x2 + 4;
(3) V = 2a3
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Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
2 hours
Topic outline
Understand and use the
angle properties of
parallel and intersecting
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
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FSG1/HIG1 - Lines and angles
Deducing the theorems:
Use of dynamic geometry software to
demo angles or
Straws/Sticks: give pairs of students 3
× sets of 3 straws. Ask them to arrange
1st set with one intersection, 2nd set
with two intesections, 3rd set with three
Draw results and measure all angles ask students to explain what they notice
Link observations to angle theorems:
vertically opposite angles and parallel
Find missing angles, giving reasons for
Suggested resources
Points to note
Appropriate software
or straws (or similar) plus angle measurers
GCSE Mathematics B
Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
2 hours
Topic outline
Identify different mutually
exclusive outcomes and
know that the sum of the
probabilities of all these
outcomes is 1
teaching time
2 hours
Topic outline
Express one quantity as a
fraction or percentage of
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Introduce/recap basic ideas about
Probabilities from mutually exclusive
outcomes – find from various given
scenarios. Start with simple situations
and questions, such as boys and girls.
Points to note
An amusing video for introducing probability (requires access to - can ask students what the given probability means
and whether they agree with it
NFSN2/HIN2 - Fractions and percentages
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Points to note
GCSE Mathematics B
FSS1/HIS1 - Probability
The problem - give students an
example e.g. 3 different test scores as
fractions with different denominators.
Ask which is best score. Discuss why it
is difficult to compare
The solution - change to percentages.
Use examples to practice
Students could also use examples from
newspapers/magazines/surveys, eg x
out y people agreed with this statement
- what percentage is that? What
percentage of home/away games has a
football team won etc
Percentage profit (or
loss/increase/decrease: How to
Bank of questions and/or newspaper headlines (can
generate your own headlines here:,
Survey results etc
Will need to include examples where
fractions are given explicitly and where
students write the amount as a fraction
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Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
2 hours
Topic outline
Manipulate algebraic
expressions by multiplying
a single term over a
bracket and by taking out
common factors
FSA3/HIA3 - Brackets
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Multiply out single brackets
Link to numeric examples: discuss how
to calculate eg 2(3 + 4), 5(7 - 3), 8(10 3) and area of compound shapes, eg
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Two ways of approaching these.
Then consider algebraic examples e.g.
2(x + 4), 5(7 - y), 8(10a − 3)
Introduce technique of multiplying
out/expanding brackets
Multiply out brackets - more complex
examples: eg 3 terms inside bracket,
more challenging algebra
Factorising: Single brackets. Could use
a ‘gap fill’ exercise with partially
completed examples to introduce
factorisation skills
Points to note
Support worksheet: multiply out single brackets (Word)/ (RTF)
nb Final section is a ‘gap fill’ starting to think about
factorisation skills, but factorisation not mentioned at this
 Get some more practice with brackets section of
PacAlgebra game from :
 Support worksheet: factorising: (Word)/ (RTF)
GCSE Mathematics B
Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
3 hours
Topic outline
Construct triangles and
other 2-D shapes using a
ruler and a protractor,
given information about
their sides and angles.
Use a straight edge and a
pair of compasses to do
Construct inscribed
regular polygons.
Construct nets of cubes,
regular tetrahedra,
square-based pyramids
and other 3-D shapes
GCSE Mathematics B
FSG2/HIG2 - Constructions
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Construct triangles etc – could demo
methods either on paper, or ask groups
of students to follow different examples
from textbook and then show rest of
class how to do each type, or use the
Flash program on the right.
Construct inscribed regular polygons by
equal division of a circle
Construct nets - could use these to
make gift boxes or packaging. Could
link to surface area (FSG4/HIG4)
Suggested resources
Points to note
Rulers, angle measurers etc
Card, rulers, angle measurers etc
If students all use same size of circle to
start with, provides opportunity for displays
of tessellating/non-tessellating polygons
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Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
3 hours
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Topic outline
Identify the modal class of
grouped data. Calculate
the mean of grouped
discrete data
teaching time
Topic outline
FSS2/HIS2 - Averages from grouped data
3 hours
Calculate the mean from a table - start
with small data set (10 - 15 items) and
demo mean both ways - from list and
from table, move onto larger data sets need for tables should become obvious
Calculate the mean from grouped data use of mid-points
Identify the modal class
 Percentage increases - eg inflation, pay
Increase and decrease
rises, VAT etc. Work out increases
quantities by a percentage
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Points to note
Sets of data, organised into tables
FSN3/HIN3 - Percentage increases and decreases
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
using step methods or single multipliers
Percentage decreases - e.g. reduced
prices in sales, discounts, falling
populations etc. Work out decreases
using step methods or single multipliers
Suggested resources
Points to note
Banks of questions, or collection of newspaper
headlines to use as starting points. (Can generate your
own headlines here:
NRICH “Are you a smart shopper?”
GCSE Mathematics B
Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
3 hours
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
FSS2/HIA2 - Linear equations
 Some students may need to review
Set-up and solve linear
basic equations
equations with integer
Solve equations with unknowns on both
coefficients. This will
include equations in which
 Solve equations with brackets (single
the unknown appears on
term outside a single bracket)
both sides of the equation,
or with brackets
Suggested resources
Points to note
 Online games for equations include:
Lesson A2 from Improving Learning in Mathematics:
with Balance 1, Balance 2 and Cover Up programs from
the CD-ROM included in the box
GCSE Mathematics B
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Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
3 hours
Topic outline
Recall the meaning of
circle, chord, tangent, arc,
sector and segment.
Recall and use the
formulae for the
circumference and the
area of a circle.
NB Candidates may be
required to give answers
in terms of pi.
FSG3/HIG3 - Circles
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Points to note
Discover pi: students measure
circumferences and diameters of
cylinders, then calculate ratio
Calculate circumferences and
Find areas - demo derivation of formula
by cutting paper circles (or a pizza?)
into sectors and rearranging to form an
approximate rectangle/parallelogram
Cylinders, tape measures (or string - but tape measures
will probably result in more accurate results)
 Problems to solve, eg from published texts
 Circle (cut up) as a visual aid; problems
 Pi rap:
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Probably worth discussing if
measurements will be 'perfect' or accurate
- can use this to justify less than brilliant
results that will inevitably be encountered.
Results could be collected via a Google
form and displayed using a data projector
(Tom Barrett has a useful guide to using
Google forms here:
Opportunites for functional maths - design
a trundle wheel, calculate how far a
bicycle or wheelcahir will travel if wheels
turn through × revolutions, extension design a 400m running track to fit in a
given space
Could work out answers to practical
problems, e.g. amounts of fertilser needed
to cover circular grassed areas - (see for
some good suggestions about framing this
type of question) Video introducing idea of
scaling up/down:
GCSE Mathematics B
Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
2 hours
Topic outline
Design and criticise
questions for use in a
survey, taking possible
bias into account
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Points to note
teaching time
FSS5/HIS5 - Surveys
Consider example questionnaire and
criticise: teacher could create a survey
to be done by a group of
teachers/students. An example of
where this done with input from a global
network is here:
Students create own quesionnaires and
3 hours
Topic outline
Draw and interpret a wide range of graphs
and diagrams for discrete and continuous
data, including frequency polygons and stem
and leaf diagrams.
Compare distributions and make inferences,
using the shapes of the distributions and
measures of average and range
GCSE Mathematics B
Use of Google forms: Tom Barrett has a useful guide
FSS3/HIS3 - Organising data
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Students could work in small groups to
critique each others' questions. If data is
actually collected, it could be used for
organising/interpreting data (FSS3/HIS3)
at a later stage
This could be set in a school context if
appropriate, e.g. students design a
questionnaire to survey students’ opinions
about school meals (or similar) and
present findings to the school council
Points to note
Group data, working with frequency
diagrams and frequency polygons
Stem and leaf diagrams - constructing
and using (to find median, mode,
Compare data sets - either draw
graphs and charts to compare data, or
use pre-prepared diagrams and reach
conclusions. Could link to data
collected from questionnaires
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Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
3 hours
Topic outline
Use the four operations
on decimals without the
use of a calculator
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Points to note
Students should be encouraged to try
different algorithms for multiplication in order
to find the one they are most comfortable
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FSN4/HIN4 - Calculating with decimals
Add and subtract decimals - a teacher
demo with lots of deliberate errors (eg
mis-aligned numbers, arithmetical
errors) can provide a good stimulus for
discussion. Students could be
encourgaed to generate 'checklist' of
points to remember
Multiply - students can investigate by
working out arious sets of
multiplications (eg 6 × 4, 0.6 × 4, 0.06 ×
0.4)with a calculator and trying to
Division - could demo how to reduce all
problems to a division by a whole
number by treating division as a
fraction, then place values in the
answer will be straightforward
Bank of questions - both in figures and word problems
GCSE Mathematics B
Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
3 hours
Topic outline
Use tables to plot graphs
of linear functions given
GCSE Mathematics B
FSA4/HIA4 - Linear graphs
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Generate tables of values from given
 Use tables of values to draw graphs.
 Test own learning with Save Our Dumb
Planet game from - N.B. non-linear
graphs occur once players progress
beyong level 6 in the game:
Students will need to be fast at finding
points on the graphs, and some have
negative x coefficients.
Suggested resources
Points to note
Spreadsheets: good chance to use ICT to create tables of
Graph plotting software
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Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
teaching time
3 hours
Topic outline
Recall and use the formula
for the area of a
parallelogram and a
Use the formula for the
area of a trapezium.
Calculate perimeters and
areas of shapes made
from triangles and
Find the surface area of
simple solid shapes using
the area formulae for
triangles and rectangles
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FSG4/HIG4 - Perimeter and area
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Points to note
Review basic concepts of perimater
and area of a rectangle. Formulae for
triangle, parallelogram, rhombus can
then be derived from this
Calculate areas and perimeters of a
variety of shapes
Find surface area. Can be set in
context by looking at various net
designs (FSG2/HIG2) and working out
which will use the least/most card
Test own learning with Pyramid Panic
game from N.B. game includes some higher level
skills (Pythagoras, trigonometry), but
players can record achievemnets in
other areas even if they cannot do
some sections:
Review basic perimeter and area:
Demonstrate for various 2D shapes:
The formula for the area of a trapezium is
given on the formulae sheet
GCSE Mathematics B
Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
2 hours
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Design and use two-way
tables for discrete and
grouped data
teaching time
3 hours
Topic outline
Use ratio notation
including reduction to its
simplest form.
Understand and use ratio
and proportion, including
dividing a quantity in a
given ratio
GCSE Mathematics B
FSS4/HIS3 - Two-way tables
Use two way tables - read information,
find missing values
Organise given data using two-way
Suggested resources
Variety of examples of two way tables
Extension activity – can link to Venn diagrams (not in
the specification) and/or Task A below:
FSN5/HIN5 - Ratio
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Points to note
Work with ratio notation: writing ratios,
simplifying ratios
Use ratios to solve problems, e.g.
working with recipes
Divide quantities in a given ratio
Points to note
Video introducing idea of scaling up/down: [nb videos on
Teachers TV are only available within the UK and don't
remain available indefinitely - you are advised to
register with the site and download a copy - there is no
charge for this]
 Real recipes may be used
 NRICH “Mixing Lemonade”
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Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
2 hours
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Points to note
Use trial and improvement
to find approximate
solutions of equations
where there is no simple
analytical method of
solving them.
Eg (1) x3 - 2x = 2; (2) The
positive solution of x 2 − 4
= 1/x ; (3) I think of two
numbers. They add
together to equal 6. They
multiply together to equal
8·64. Find the two
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FSA5/HIA5 - Trial and improvement
Solve equations given algebraically
using trial and improvement
Form equations (e.g. from 'I think of a
number…' type questions) and solve
using trial and improvement
Support sheet may help students to structure their
working during initial questions: (Word)
Graphing software
GCSE Mathematics B
Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
2 hours
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Use 2-D representations
of 3-D shapes, including
plans and elevations
GCSE Mathematics B
FSG5/HIg5 - Plans and elevations
Introduce plans and elevations students can work with multi-link, solids
or could use Google maps - satellite
and streetview ( see
009/06/04/views-of-sheffield/ )
Draw plans and elevations from
diagrams of 3-D objects
Create objects from multi-link from
given plans and elevations
Isometric drawings of cubes, cuboids
Suggested resources
Points to note
Multi-link / solids
Multi-link cubes
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Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
3 hours
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Suggested resources
Points to note
Use a calculator
effectively and efficiently,
entering a range of
measures including 'time',
interpreting the display
and rounding off a final
answer to a reasonable
degree of accuracy.
Perform calculations using
the order of operations
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FSN6/HIN6 - Using a calculator
Introduce order of operations using
calculations or the 24 game
Move onto actual calculations, based
on 24 cards/written examples/online
Examples to include roots and/or
Investigate calculator functions - can be
teacher led, or students can work in
small groups and feed back what they
have learned
Investigate time on the calculator and
Basic & scientific calculators, 24 Game (optional),
online activity at
Workcards: (Word)
Calculations involving times - eg working out recording
times for TV programmes/series, cooking times
This includes using the memory and
bracket keys, and function keys for
squares and powers where appropriate
Opportunity for paired or group work
GCSE Mathematics B
Sample GCSE Scheme of Work
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation Silver/Higher Initial Stage
3 hours
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and
homework activities
Transform triangles and
other 2-D shapes by
rotation, reflection, or
translation using column
vectors. Recognise and
visualise rotations,
reflections and
translations. Understand
the properties preserved
by these transformations;
understand the
congruence of these
GCSE Mathematics B
FSG6/HIG6 - Transformations
Human transformations: Set up a grid in
a large area, eg a playground or hall.
Some students can stand at regular
intervals, holding numbered miniwhiteboards to form axes. Others make
shapes by holding string or linking
hands. Ask them to move, rotate etc.
This is even better if it can be videoed
and reviewed
Draw the different types of
Recognise transformations
Test own learning or practise skills with
Transtar game from
Suggested resources
Points to note
Mini-whiteboards, string/cloth (optional), large space
Dynamic geometry software
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Sample GCSE Lesson Plan
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation
Silver/Higher Initial Stage
Multi-step equations 1
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school
and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered, as a possible approach
but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Solve linear equations with the unknown on both sides.
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
Two step equations
10 minutes
Present five two step equations on the board to solve. Responses to be written
in exercise books.
20 minutes
Group activity. Use a card sort. There are about 20 cards each with an equation
on. Some equations have the unknown on both sides and some have the next
stage of that equation, eg one card to have 3x + 1 = x - 6 and another card to
have 2x + 1 = −6. Each group to put the cards together into equivalent pairs or
groups. After a while they share with the rest of the class, giving reasons why
they made their choices.
15 minutes
Issue sheet to groups with five equations written on it; ‘solved’ with errors.
Individually, find and correct the errors. Then share answers with the rest of the
group. The teacher coordinates the sharing of each group with the rest of the
5 minutes
Three equations with the unknown on both sides on the board to solve. Solutions
revealed at the end.
10 minutes
On whiteboards, each student writes his/her own equation with the unknown on
both sides. They then solve it. Show solution to others in the group to check or
they could swop whiteboards with a partner and check each others’ solution.
Use the appropriate exercise from the text book or give students five to ten
equations to solve showing the stages of their solutions.
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GCSE Mathematics B
Sample GCSE Lesson Plan
GCSE Mathematics B J567: Foundation
Silver/Higher Initial Stage
Multi-step equations 2
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school
and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach
but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Solve linear equations with brackets.
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
Two step equations
Multiplying out single brackets
10 minutes
Five single brackets to expand (multiply out) with a number on the ‘outside’ and
a linear expression on the inside. Responses to be written in exercise books.
20 minutes
Use the activity “Unjumble”. Start with one equation with brackets on one side.
Each card has one stage of working and the students have to put the cards in
order individually. Next, as a group, they have the stages of working of about five
equations jumbled up and they have to separate these into the individual
equations, and then put the cards into order.
5 minutes
Present one equation unsolved with brackets on both sides and challenge
students to solve it on their whiteboards. Demonstrate the full solution.
15 minutes
Use a text book exercise, which could include questions on forming equations, or
present questions on the board allowing students to solve a mixture of questions.
10 minutes
Each student writes an equation with brackets on a mini whiteboard then solves
it and shows solution to others to check - or they could swap whiteboards with a
partner and check each other’s solution. Alternatively present two equations, one
with a single bracket and the other with two brackets for the students to solve.
Use a text book exercise or give students five to ten equations to solve, showing
the stages of their solutions. Alternatively the students could produce a poster
showing examples of equations and how to solve them.
GCSE Mathematics B
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Published Resources
OCR offers centres a wealth of quality published support for new specifications with a fantastic
choice of ‘Official Publisher Partner’ and ‘Approved Publication’ resources, all endorsed by OCR.
Publisher partners
We work in close collaboration with our three publisher partners Hodder Education, Heinemann
and Oxford University Press to ensure you have access to quality materials, written by experts,
when you need it. The publisher partnerships are not exclusive (see Approved Publications
below).All OCR endorsed resources undergo our thorough quality assurance process to ensure
they cover the specification.
Hodder Education is the publisher partner for OCR GCSE Mathematics B.
Hodder Education is producing the following resources for OCR GCSE Mathematics B for first
teaching in September 2010.
OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Student Book 1 Foundation Initial & Bronze
Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore
ISBN: 9781444118506, Published: 25/06/2010
OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Student Book 2 Foundation Silver & Gold and
Higher Initial & Bronze
ISBN: 9781444118513, Published: 25/06/2010
OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Student Book 3 Higher Silver & Gold
Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore
ISBN: 9781444118520, Published: 25/06/2010
OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Teacher and Assessment Pack 1 Foundation Initial
& Bronze
Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore
ISBN: 9781444118568, Published: 27/08/2010
OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Teacher and Assessment Pack 2 Foundation Silver
& Gold and Higher Initial & Bronze
Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore
ISBN: 9781444118575, Published: 27/08/2010
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GCSE Mathematics B
OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Teacher and Assessment Pack 3 Higher Silver &
Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore
ISBN: 9781444118582, Published: 27/08/2010
OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Homework Book 1 Foundation Initial & Bronze
Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore
ISBN: 9781444118537, Published: 24/09/2010
OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Homework Book 2 Foundation Silver & Gold and
Higher Initial & Bronze
Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore
ISBN: 9781444118544, Published: 24/09/2010
OCR Mathematics for GCSE Specification B – Homework Book 3 Higher Silver & Gold
Howard Baxter, Michael Handbury, John Jeskins, Jean Matthews, Mark Patmore
ISBN: 9781444118551, Published: 24/09/2010
Dynamic Learning
The unique online assessment allows you to track learners' progress, highlighting routes to
achieve success. The reports not only identify students' areas of strength and weakness, but
provide links to print and digital resources that will help them improve their knowledge and skills.
Approved publications
OCR still endorses other publisher materials, which undergo a thorough quality assurance process
to achieve endorsement. By offering a choice of endorsed materials, centres can be assured of
quality support for all OCR qualifications.
GCSE Mathematics B
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