II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation II. Modernisation and transformation of China A. Early attempts at modernisation – reforms and revolutions A2 Causes of modernisation: Examine the relationship between Western encroachment and the modernisation of China. Number of periods required: 6 (Each period lasts for 40 minutes) 1. Teaching and Learning Background: a. This topic will be taught after the students have acquired some knowledge and understanding of the meaning of modernisation. There are 35 students in the class. b. Basically, students have clear concept of modernisation, and a comprehensive understanding of the modernisation of China in the early 20 th century. c. Students have understood the meaning of modernisation through the video clips, and have discussed the meaning and features of modernisation with reference to the experience of various countries. While the effect may not be ideal, all students have the experience of making use of historical sources to examine and analyze questions. d. Students are getting used to discussing and reporting with fellow students of different abilities. A culture of collaboration and mutual support has been cultivated. e. In general, there is still room for improvement in students abilities to analyze, compare and discuss historical sources. f. The issue of different learning abilities still exists in the class, but more than half of the students have already mastered basic analyzing skills. g. Collaborative learning in groups will still be adopted in teaching this topic. Students will analyze and organize sources with regard to the assigned topic, and then discuss and report to fellow students. h. The teacher should note whether students are able to analyze the sources from various perspectives. Students’ routine and test performance should be used as the basis for grouping, and as far as possible students of higher and lower learning abilities should be put in the same group, so as to enhance the collaboraton among students and to allow all students equal chance of participation in class. 1 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation 2. Teaching and Learning Objectives: a. Students are able to find out the differences and similarities from sources, while students of higher learning abilities can even identify causes that bring about such differences and similarities from the sources. b. After discussion and analyzing sources, students are able to describe the situation of the invasion of the Asian region by Western imperialist countries, and understand the causes of Western encroachment through citing concrete examples. c. Students can examine, through group discussions, the impact of Western encroachment on the modernisation in China later (students can analyze and discuss from the positive and the negative sides). Students can even master the skill to respond to questions such as “Is Western encroachment the sole factor leading to the modernisation of China”, and to prepare for essay writing. d. After 6 periods, the teacher may, through giving feedback to students’ reporting, consolidate students’ analyzing ability, and develop their skills of concluding from sources. 3. Teaching and Learning Strategies: a. The teacher distributes Background Cards 1-4 of Western encroachment, which summarise the treaties signed between China and Britain, the USA, France and Russia in the 19th century. (about 0.5 period) b. Students analyze the causes of Western encroachment according to the Background Cards. Students should use their own knowledge when they analyze relative factors. (Worksheet 1) (about 0.5 period) c. Students may further analyze, from the political, economic, and social aspects, the effects of Western encroachment on China by using the information on the Background Cards (Worksheet 2). (1 period) d. A role play activity may follow. Students will be divided into 4 groups, including conservative officials, open-minded officials, intellectuals and peasants, and discuss their views on the effects of Western encroachment on China and their responses (i.e. countermeasures) (Worksheet 3). e. Students should report the outcome of their discussions. (About 2 periods) f. The teacher leads students to discuss “Is Western encroachments the sole factor leading to China’s modernisation”. They may understand some factors relating to a few individual countries. Incidents such as Japan’s constitutional development and Russia’s defeat in wars and revolutions may also be considered as factors affecting China’s modernisation. (2 periods) Students form 6 groups, each with 5 to 6 persons. Students may discuss their views on the causes leading to the modernisation of China, and list relevant arguments on (Worksheet 4). 2 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation After discussion, each group reports to the whole class the outcome of their discussion. Lastly, students write an essay according to the results of their discussion. g. After giving guidelines to students on writing the essay, the teacher immediately explains to the students the incidents leading to the modernisation in China, including the Late Qing Reform and the Nanjing Government, and makes conclusions about the topic. h. Before going through the above items, the teacher should ask students to conclude and list out the criteria for a successful modernisation (Worksheet 5). 4. Expected Outcomes/Difficulties: a. Since students’ abilities are mediocre in general and they cannot fully master the skills of analyzing sources and drawing conclusions, the teacher must take a step-by-step approach in guiding students to get involved in classroom discussions. b. Some students of lower learning abilities may rely on those of higher learning abilities. The teacher should give them more encouragement and guidance, so as to foster a positive culture of mutual support and assitance in class. c. When learning how to write essays, students will make mistakes such as misunderstanding the gist of the question, giving superficial content, and failing to cite examples as evidences. d. Since there will be students of different abilities in each group and they can help each other, everyone has the chance to enhance his/her thinking skills through discussion and reporting. e. After the previous class, students should have basically mastered examination skills such as how to analyze, conclude, discuss, and debate with regard to sources, disprove, and discuss relative importance. The teacher must offer appropriate assistance so as to consolidate students’ skills and abilities in these aspects. 3 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation Worksheet 1 Modernisation and transformation of China – Causes of Modernisation Can you analyze and conclude about the causes of Western encroachment in the 19thcentury from the Background Information Cards 1 to 4? (you may put a in the appropriate boxes of the form below.) Causes for Eastward Expansion Political Anglo-Chinese Treaty of Nanjing Sino-Russian Treaty of Ili Sino-French Treaty of Tianjin US Open Door Policy (Apart from economic interests, they looked for more territories as the base for further economic development. Great powers such as Britain, even wanted to set up more overseas colonies to show her strong imperial power. Besides, Britain also hoped to establish equal diplomatic status.) (During the turbulent days of the Qing Court, Russia invaded China. Ili was an important strategic point in Xinjiang, occupying it would enable Russia to control Xinjiang. In fact, after the Anglo-French Invasion, Russia had forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty to show her power while the Sino-Russian “Treaty of Tianjin” and “Treaty of Beijing” further enabled Russian to invade China. ) (France intended to (The U.S. hoped to control the whole IndoChina. After the Franco-Prussian War, France further strengthened her encroachment in Annam in order to increase her influence in Vietnam and expand the extent of her empire.) maintain the territorial integrity of China in order to safeguard her interests in China. Besides, the U.S. had already annexed Hawaii, Guam and the Philippines in the Pacific , therefore she aimed to expand in the Far East. More importantly, the Open Door Policy could reduce the clashes and conflicts and would avoid wars.) (After the Industrial Revolution, there was industrial and commercial development in various countries. They became committed in opening up the Asian markets. Besides, Britian could solve the (The occupation of (Being defeated in the Franco-Prussian War, France had strong desire to look for overseas expansion for compensation, especially in economic aspect.) (The U.S. did not Economic Ili would enable Russia to have further economic development there and open up a great economic market.) 4 have territorial base in China. Even if she wanted to get a share in the scramble for concessions, her efforts were in vain. Thus, in order to II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation deficit problem by importing opium. Britain even hoped to acquire equal commercial opportunities by moving to the East.) safeguard her commercial interests, it was necessary to sustain China as a free market. Britain attached great importance to in China, but the coastal areas had been divided into Sphere of Influence by the Great Powers. The British commerical advantages were threatened. ) Social (To abolish the restrictions set by the Qing court on British merchants’ commerical activities and activities in other areas .) Other aspects Free discussion and expression of opinions. 5 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation Worksheet 2 Modernisation and transformation of China -- Causes of Modernisation Conclude from Background Information Cards 1 to 4, about the political, social, and economic impacts of the following treaties on China. Areas of Influence Anglo-Chinese Treaty of Nanjing Political China lost her status of the Celestial Empire because “the correspondence between the two countries” must be conducted on “an equal basis”. China’s territorial sovereignty was infringed. The cession of Hong Kong made it become a Sino-British commercial base. Economic China was forced to open five ports for Sino-British commerical purposes. China also lost tariff autonomy. No more tax should be imposed on imported British goods. Sino-Russian Treaty Sino-French Treaty of Ili of Tianjin The Qing court ceded one seventh of the territories to Russia, making China further lost her territorial sovereignty, thus affecting her international image. China lost Annam, thus cutting off her 200-year tributary relationship with Annam. After the construction of the railway between Yunnan and Vietnam, French influence power penetrated into the southern border of China through Annam. China was unable to protect her tributary state, thus encouraged the Great Powers, such as Britain, further penetrated into Chinese territories. Indemnity amounted to 5000,000 rubles further hit Qing’s economy , thus obstructed the Self-Strengthening Movement and affected its effectiveness. Huge indemnity affected China’s development in other aspects, thus further worsen Qing Court’s economy. and also made Qing Court’s economic condition even more difficult. Although China was not required to pay indemnity, the war cost her one hundred million taels and a debt of 2,000 million taels, the Great Powers intensified their economic expansion in China. US Open Door Policy Able to maintain the Chinese soveignty within the Spheres of Influcence, Britain and France gave their consent to the American proposal respectively, so did other powers. China was able to survive and escape from partition under this policy of equilibrium among the Great Powers. This policy subsequently became the basic U.S. policy towards China. The Great Powers changed their policy towards China from individual to collaborative action. They got equal opportunities to develop industry and commerce in China. The policy effectively hit the economic interest of the Great Powers in China, thus increased the competitive power of China’s industry and commerce. Because Qing Court could not raise the tariff on her own, Chinese goods become unable to compete with the China had the opportunity to have 6 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation foreign(industrial) goods. Social Other aspects The British could enter and leave various trading ports freely. Their number going to China increased, thus conflicts with the local people increased. Finally cultural differences led to large-scale anti-foreign movement. tariff autonomy and her economic condition could be improved. Since the Russians possessed right of navigation in inland river (Songhua River), they were able to know clearly China’s military strength and the real situation of other aspects . The establishment of consulate increased the contact between Russian people and Chinese people, thus created diplomatic conflicts. Prince Kung lost power, the Qing Yi School rose to power and the Self-Strengthening Movement entered the third phase – emphazised the establisment of enterprises which would enrich the country. Free discussion and expression of ideas. 7 People acquired relatively more equal treatment inside sphere of influence. II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation Worksheet 3 (Role Play) Modernisation and transformation of China -- Causes of Modernisation From the Background Information Cards, students largely understand the causes of Western encroachment and the influences of various treaties on China. If you were a Chinese at that time, what would you think? In addition, what responses would you make? Try to write your opinions and responses in the appropriate spaces of the table below through group discussion. In the following activities, students may give free answers and teacher may arrange discussion based on students’ viewpoints and responses. Items of Comparison Opinions on these Treaties Conservative Officials Open-minded Officials Intellectuals Peasants 8 Responses to make II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation Worksheet 4 (Essay-type Question) Modernisation and transformation of China -- Causes of Modernisation (Page 1) Question for Discussion: “Is Western encroachment the sole factor leading to China’s modernisation?” During the discussion, please list the arguments of both sides in the table below, and write an essay with relevant arguments. (Free answers) Arguments supporting this saying 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Arguments opposing this saying __________________________________ 1. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 9 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation Worksheet 4 (Essay-type Question) Modernisation and transformation of China -- Causes of Modernisation (Page 2) Students may write the essay with reference to the outline below. (Free answers) Introduction: Definition of modernisation, and outline of significance of Western encroachment Main Body: Arguments supporting this saying Arguments opposing this saying Elaborate your standpoint Eastward expansion was/was not the only factor leading to China’s modernization , it was because… Conclusion: 10 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation Worksheet 5 Modernisation and transformation of China – Causes of Modernisation (Conditions for Modernisation) The late Qing government made a number of modernisation attempts in the early years of the 20th century in order to save the declining national strength. The Nanjing Government also implemented a series of modernisation measures after 1928. What do you think are the conditions for a country to become a modernised country? Please write your views in the appropriate spaces below. Economic and Social Political 政治方面 The feature of modern politics is the process of With mechanization, mass production of handicrafts and agricultural products were made possible, and through markets, exchanges and distribution took place. Increase of learning opportunities; weakening of impact of religious faith and traditional customs; changes in human relationships and increase in social mobility. mass participation in politics, regardless of revolution, Fascist, Communist regime or democratic constitutional rule. Other aspects Military Trend of concentration of population has become a feature The great progress in science and technology helped people of modern society, affecting politics, economy, culture as control the nature and social life. well as living and housing style etc. It meant the weakening of religious power and the growth of rational culture. 11 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation Background Information Card 1 Modernisation and transformation of China – Causes of Modernisation Below are the main points of the Treaty of Nanjing signed between China and Britain in the 1840s. 1. China opens Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Ningbo and Shanghai as trading ports, and allows the British to trade in, reside in, and send embassy to the ports. 2. China cedes Hong Kong Island to Britain perpetually. 3. China pays Britain 21 million taels as reparations for British military expenses, debts owing British merchants, and opium confiscated. 4. Import and export taxes for British goods are to be agreed upon between the Chinese and the British governments and will be paid by British merchants. Once the import tax is paid, no more tax will be levied on British the goods when transported to the inland. 5. Exchanges of official documents thereafter will be on equal terms. 12 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation Background Information Card 2 Modernisation and transformation of China – Causes of Modernisation Below are the main points of the Sino-French Treaty of Tianjin signed between China and France in the 1880s. 1. China recognizes all treaties signed between France and Annam. From then onwards, Annam became a French colony. In other words, Vietnam became a protectorate of France. 2. French troops withdraw from Taiwan and the Pescadores. China does not have to pay indemnities. France also promises not to infringe China’s borders. China loses another vassal country. 3. China also allows France to enjoy the most-favoured nation treatment in Southwestern China. 13 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation Background Information Card 3 Modernisation and transformation of China--Causes of Modernisation Below are the main points of the Open Door Policy proclaimed by the USA in the 1890s. 1. All countries, with their sphere of influence or concessions and other interests in China, allows other countries to conduct commerce and investment matters in their sphere of influence, without intervening each other. 2. All countries enjoy equal commercial opportunities in China, and respect China’s sovereignty independence and territorial integrity. 3. A country, with its ports and railways within its sphere of influence, must not charge ships and goods of other countries higher port-entry fees and freights than it charges its own ships and goods. 4. Custom tariffs at ports in the sphere of influence of various countries will be collected by the Chinese government in accordance with the current tariff rate, regardless of the country origin of the goods, and Chinese officials are permitted to collect the tariffs. 5. All countries should charge merchants of their own country and of other countries the same port-entry fees and rail freights for goods in their 14 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation sphere of influence. 15 II. Modernisation and transformation of China A.2. Causes of modernisation Background Information Card 4 Modernisation and transformation of China--Causes of Modernisation Below are the main points of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Ili signed between China and Russia in the 1870s. 1. Russia keeps 70% of China’s land south of Ili, which will be ceded to Russia, and only the remaining land will be returned to China; 2. China has to pay Russia 5 million Rubles; 3. Russia has the right to set up consulates in seven places; 4. Russian ships can navigate along the Songhua River. 16