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“Green Olympics” Fulfills the Ideal of Sustainable Development
1 High-tech Olympics
The “Bird’s Nest” and the “Water Cube” fully demonstrate modern architectural
technology. The National Stadium, also called “Bird’s Nest”, was built mainly
with the Q460 ultra strong steel, a product of Chinese engineers’ research and
development. The design of the Stadium is a breakthrough of tradition and has
promptly solved the “span” issues. The National Aquatics Centre, also known as
“Water Cube”, is covered with a “membrane” structure made from the material
ETFE. Chinese engineering technicians developed a “plating point” technique to
ease the excessively high temperature within the Stadium created by the
“membrane”. These two venues, both involving innovative and complicated
technologies, are evidence of the High-tech Olympics.
2 “Green Olympics”
The 2008 Beijing Olympics “Green Olympics” ideal can be seen in the
construction plans of the Olympic stadiums, its design, construction, inspections
and delivery. For example, the design of the National Stadium, “Bird’s nest”
collect and process rainwater to irrigate the stadium’s lawn, to cool down the
air-conditioning system, to flush toilets, greening, to be used in fire-control
purposes. The solar heating system built within the Olympic Village will provide
athletes and the local residents with hot water for showering.
The conservation of energy idea in Beijing Olympic competition venues is evident
through the following two concepts: 1. Renovate existing stadiums to avoid new
constructions and 2. Build temporary stadiums instead of permanent ones
whenever possible. Therefore, among 32 stadiums, only 12 of them are newly
built. The rest are all renovation and extension of old establishments or temporary
venues. For this reason, some of the sporting complexes were planned in areas
where there are few gymnasiums and some of them in university campuses. As a
result, these Olympic venues will be used by community residents and students
after the Game. Furthermore, another part of professional stadiums will be used
for sustainable development and will be valuable resources for China’s sport
tourism industry.
The “Project Owner” concept was introduced in the construction of Beijing
Olympics stadiums. The so called “Project Owner” refers to the investment and
undertaking of the whole construction project by an enterprise. This enterprise
will then have 30 years to operate and earn their money back. Not only can this
idea avoids using tax-payers’ money for construction, it can also help manage the
establishment after the construction is completed. As a result, a reasonable
planning and usage is guaranteed under economic and effectiveness consideration,
and thus ultimately fulfills the ideal of sustainable development.
On the other hand, Beijing will make use of the Olympic venues resources after
the Olympics and develop services industries such as sport, exhibition, tourism
and information technology. This will help turn Beijing into an international sports
centre, exhibition centre and travel destination, further enhance the capital’s
international status. The design of the stadiums ensures the competitions
requirements are satisfied and the stadium will be reused after the Game. All these
are in line with the sustainable development concept.
3 “ People’s Olympics ”
The symbols of 2008 Beijing Olympic, including the “gold inlaid with jade”
medals and the “Fuwa” mascot, are a blending of Chinese culture and the Olympic
spirit. Furthermore, the Olympic stadiums are filled with people-oriented designs.
For instance, while bringing convenience and comfort to athletes, coaches,
referees and spectators, the stadiums also pay attention to the special needs of the
The fulfillment of the “Green Olympics” ideal can also spread and promote the
environmental protection spirit and healthy lifestyle.
 “Green Olympics Fulfills the Ideals of Sustainable Development”,World Wide Web,
People’s Daily, 8th August, 2007.
 “Tourist visiting the “Bird’s Nest” brings economic benefits”, China Tourism Report,13
December, 2007