Unit 6: Science for Engineering LO3: Be able to manufacture and construct electronic circuits safely Introduction to PCB manufacture Activity 1 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) used in prototype design can be manufactured by several methods. The three most common methods are: photo-resist etch resist milling/engraving The internet links below show short videos of each of these methods taking place. Photo-resist method: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWnfnt2rNO0 Etch resist method: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvpUp7-dwh8 Milling/engraving method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na9-USi_hZQ Watch the videos and explain each of these processes in detail. You may use other means in addition to the videos above to research how it is done. Version 1 Activity 2 Before commencing manufacture of a PCB it is necessary to undertake some form of risk assessment to determine the hazards present, the risks they present and how these risks might be reduced. One method of reducing risks is by the appropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Write a risk assessment for the procedure you are going to use to manufacture a PCB. You could present it in tabular form as shown below. The table below is from a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) template. The first row in the table has been completed as an example: Version 1 Do you need What are the hazards? Action Who might What are to do Action by by be harmed you already anything else whom? when? and how? doing? to control this Jon Smith 1/3/16 Done risk? Fume extraction Operators, Chemical fumes colleagues and visitors Ventilation by open window fan Wear face mask (PPE) Risk assessments can also include a scoring matrix. Look at the HSE website (http://www.hse.gov.uk/risk/faq.htm) and investigate the purpose of a risk matrix and how one is developed. You may wish to produce one to include with your risk assessment above. Version 1 Pending