ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT UNIT KAAU KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY Academic assessment unit COURCE PORTFOLIO FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGEN DEPARTMENT OF URBAN AND REDIONAL PLANNING COURSE NAME Urban Design COURSE NUMBER URP 403 SEMESTER / YEAR Second DATE 1427 Instructor Information Name of Instructors The course is taught by: Name of instructor Dr. Wahid Salem Office location Office hours Contact number FED306 Sat. by app. Sun. 10:14 Mon. 10:14 Tues. by app. Wed. 10:14 66571 E-mail Instructors profile Dr. Wahid Salem PERSONAL DATA Name : WAHID ZAKARIA IBRAHIM SALEM Religion Citizen of Social status E-mail Mobil : Moslem : EGYPT : married : : 012 73 72 8 74 Qualification Position : Dr. Eng. in Architectural Eng. : Associate Prof. in Architectural. Eng. Department, Faculty of Eng. Ain Shams Univ.cairo ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Degree : Doctor Eng. in Architectural Eng. - 5 November 1997. Grade : VERY GOOD. University : RWTH- Aachen, Technische Hochschole , Arch. Dep., Germany. Degree : University: Master of Science in Architectural Eng. Town Planning - 12 Sep.1988. Ain Shams univ., Faculty of Eng., Architectural Eng. Department. Degree : Grades : University : Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering. - June 1983. VERY GOOD with HONOR DEGREE as a general grade Ain Shams univ., Faculty of Eng. Architectural Eng. Department. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE Position Assignment date Demonstrator, September, 1983 Assistant Lecturer September , 1988 Lecturer (Doctor Eng.) July 1998 till now. Organization name Ain Shams Univ., Architectural Eng. Dep. Ain Shams univ., Architectural Eng. Dep. Ain Shams Univ., Architectural Eng. Dep. 1 Puplished Papers THE FRAGMENTATION AND DISPERSION IN URBAN TISSUE VISUAL FORMATION AND ITS RELATION TO THE DEVELOPING CYCLE OF INDIVIDUAL BUILDING PROPERTY - April 2001 2 A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE ACOUSTICAL DESIGN METHODS AND THEIR APPLICABILITY IN THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN - June 2002 3 THE EFFECTS OF THE URBAN TISSUE CHANGES ON IT’S ARCHITECTURAL FORMATION AND FUNCTIONAL EFFICIENCY - April 2003 4 ANALYSIS OF THE DETERIORATION OF ATCHETCTURRAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RULES OF THE SIDEWALKS IN CAIRO CITY - April 2003 5 THE EFFECTS OF RANDUM CHANGES OF THE FUNCTIONS IN URBAN DISTRICS ON THE ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPE OF SQUARES - April 2003 THE PROGRESS OF TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL CONSIDERATIONS OF HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE URBAN CONTEXT an analytical study on their possible application in cairo - April 2003 6 THE SOCIAL ROLL OF THE ELEMENTS AND DESIGN OF THE LANDSCAPE IN THE PEDESTRIAN AREAS - April 2003 7 الرسائل العـلمية: رسالة الماجستير :أسس و معايير تخطيط القرى المصرية -رسالة قدمت الى قسم الهندسة المعمارية -كلية الهندسة – جامعة عين شمس رسالة قدمت للحصول على درجة الماجستير فى الهندسة المعمارية فى سبتمبر .1988 رسالة الدكتوراة :دراسة مقارنة دولية ألحياء منطقة مركز المدينة – دراسة مقارنة بين شتوتجارت – فرانكفورت -القاهرة – فيينا – بروكسل رسالة قدمت الى كلية العمارة – جامعة أخن – المانيا الغربية للحصول على درجة الدكتوراة فى الهندسة المعمارية فى نوفمبر .1997 A welcome letter to the student: Dear Students, I would like to welcome you at the beginning of urban design course. This course was prepared to help you to understand the nature of urban study. In general, to learn any language you have to begin with the alphabetical listing; In the same way, learning urban initiates with possessing the basic tools of this task. Thus, this course will provide you with the alphabet of urban study. The course attempts to deal with the essential elements urban spaces. Part of the course time will be allocated for theories and literature review. But an other part of the work will be analyzing urban problems in the real case study, as well as creating new solutions. To be a successful planner, student needs to be accurate, hard-worker, able to cooperate in teamwork, open minded, and endeavour to learn new technologies. However, the task is not easy it needs effort and patience. We wish you the best of luck. Your staff members.