KAAU KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY COURSE PORTFOLIO FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN DEPARTMENT OF URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING COURSE NAME HOUSING (1) COURSE NUMBER URP 400 SEMESTER / YEAR Second- Fourth DATE 1426 -1427 A.H 2005-2006 C.E 1 Instructor Information Names of Instructors The course is taught by 1 or 2 staff members depending on the number of registered students: Name of instructor Office location Office hours Contact number E-mail Dr. Tarek Ali Fadaak (coordinator) FED432 Sat. by app. Sun.121:3:30 Mon. 1012: Tues. by app. Wed. 1012: 66288 tfadaak@hotmail.com Dr. Wahid Salem FED207 Sat. by app. Sun. 10:14 Mon. 10:14 Tues. by app. Wed. 10:14 66571 Eng2salem@yahoo.com 2 Instructors profiles Dr. Wahid Salem PERSONAL DATA Name : WAHID ZAKARIA IBRAHIM SALEM Religion Citizen of Social status E-mail Mobil : Moslem : EGYPT : married : Eng2salem@yahoo.com : 012 73 72 8 74 Qualification Position : Dr. Eng. in Architectural Eng. : Associate Prof. in Architectural. Eng. Department, Faculty of Eng. Ain Shams Univ.cairo ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Degree : Doctor Eng. in Architectural Eng. - 5 November 1997. Grade : VERY GOOD. University : RWTH- Aachen, Technische Hochschole , Arch. Dep., Germany. Degree University: : Master of Science in Architectural Eng. Town Planning - 12 Sep.1988. Ain Shams univ., Faculty of Eng., Architectural Eng. Department. Degree Grades University : : Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering. - June 1983. : VERY GOOD with HONOR DEGREE as a general grade Ain Shams univ., Faculty of Eng. Architectural Eng. Department. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE Position Assignment date Demonstrator, September, 1983 Assistant Lecturer September , 1988 Lecturer (Doctor Eng.) July 1998 till now. Organization name Ain Shams Univ., Architectural Eng. Dep. Ain Shams univ., Architectural Eng. Dep. Ain Shams Univ., Architectural Eng. Dep. 1 Puplished Papers THE FRAGMENTATION AND DISPERSION IN URBAN TISSUE VISUAL FORMATION AND ITS RELATION TO THE DEVELOPING CYCLE OF INDIVIDUAL BUILDING PROPERTY - April 2001 2 A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE ACOUSTICAL DESIGN METHODS AND THEIR APPLICABILITY IN THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN - June 2002 3 THE EFFECTS OF THE URBAN TISSUE CHANGES ON IT’S ARCHITECTURAL FORMATION AND FUNCTIONAL EFFICIENCY - April 2003 4 ANALYSIS OF THE DETERIORATION OF ATCHETCTURRAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RULES OF THE SIDEWALKS IN CAIRO CITY - April 2003 5 THE EFFECTS OF RANDUM CHANGES OF THE FUNCTIONS IN URBAN DISTRICS ON THE ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPE OF SQUARES - April 2003 3 6 THE PROGRESS OF TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL CONSIDERATIONS OF HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE URBAN CONTEXT an analytical study on their possible application in cairo - April 2003 7 THE SOCIAL ROLL OF THE ELEMENTS AND DESIGN OF THE LANDSCAPE IN THE PEDESTRIAN AREAS - April 2003 Welcome Note Of all the items that you will purchase in your life, the two most important, and costly وare housing and education. The costs for both are very high, but the returns on good informed choices are also high. Our housing course deals with both of these most important issues: education and shelter. It is hoped that you will refine your learning skills in the process of increasing your awareness of the multitude of housing choices and issues throughout the course of this learning experience 4