範例五 世界貿易組織 – 香港部長級會議 主要學習範疇: 適用課程: 把握機會多角度探討重要議題 (5) 資源與經濟活動,(6) 社會體系與公民精神 綜合人文科、經濟與公共事務、社會教育、德育及公民教育、 生活教育、傳媒教育 簡介 當社會上有能引起學生興趣的重要事件發生時,教師若能利用課程架構的開放本 質和靈活性,把握時機,與學生探討有關話題,將之轉化成有利的學習機會,便 能幫助學生把知識與生活結連,並推動他們更投入的學習。 香港特區政府於二零零五年十二月主辦世界貿易組織第六次部長級會議。這項盛 事引起了本地及國際社會的廣泛關注,課程發展處為不同學科設計了一系列的學 與教資源,以幫助學生探討關於部長級會議、世界貿易組織和全球化等課題。以 下為該系列中有關初中綜合人文科部分的兩份工作紙:《香港主辦世貿組織第六 次部長級會議帶來的利多於弊?》和《香港的媒體怎樣報道是次會議?》。 設計元素 貼近生活 知識基礎 思考技能 價值情意 多維思考 2005 年底,世貿會議在香港舉行。怎能錯過這個寶貴的學習機會? 從世貿的背景、各國的發展差距等課題中找出會議的重要和爭議性 學會分析事情的利弊、評鑑不同觀點,建立有識見的個人看法。 學習對不同人士的處境和所受的影響產生共感。 透過代入角色,學習從不同角度評鑑世貿工作和會議帶來的影響。 探究議題: 香港主辦世貿組織第六次部長級會議帶來的利多於弊? 建議課節:3 課節 目標: 1. 認識香港主辦世貿組織第六次部長級會議的原因; 2. 分析香港主辦這次會議對各界的影響; 3. 了解及比較各界對香港主辦這次會議的不同看法。 學習活動 課節及活動 知識/概念 第一至二課節: 不同人士對香港主辦世 貿組織第六次部長級會 議的利弊的見解 〔活動一及二〕 第二至三課節: 不同人士的見解和看法 所反映的價值觀 〔活動三、四、五及六〕 技能 態度 香港主辦世貿組 織第六次部長級 會議的原因 香港主辦這次會 議對各界的影響 「利」與「弊」 搜集資料 分類 綜合資料 討論 匯報 互相依賴 多元化 批判性 尊重別人 各界人士對香港 主辦這次會議的 不同見解 這些見解所反映 的觀點 推論、證據 綜合 分析 討論 匯報 批判思考 作出抉擇 第一至二課節: 香港主辦世貿組織第六次部長級會議的原因及對各界的影響 1. 本課節的目標是讓學生認識香港主辦世貿組織第六次部長級會議的原因,及 主辦這次會議對香港整體社會和不同階層人士的影響。 2. 課前準備 教師可著學生於課前搜集有關香港主辦是次會議的資料,使學生對下列各方 面有初步的了解,方便進行其後的學習活動。 i. 世貿是個怎樣的組織? ii. 甚麼是部長級會議? iii. 今次在香港舉行的部長級會議有甚麼主要議題? iv. 香港為今次會議作了甚麼準備? 3. 進行〔活動一〕前,教師可向學生提問有關世貿及這次部長級會議的背景資 料,然後再帶入課堂的重點:香港主辦世貿部長級會議帶來的利與弊。 4. 教師可因應學生的程度,選擇以提問方式,讓學生回應對香港主辦世貿組織 第六次部長級會議的意見;或提供〔活動一〕的資料,作為討論的基礎。 5. 分組討論: i. 將全班分成六至八人一組,一半組別閱讀資料一至五(傾向贊成的觀 ii. 點),另一半組別閱讀資料六至十一(傾向反對的觀點); 教師可參考以下資料來源,方便分析各資料的立場: (i) 立法會財務委員會人事編制小組委員會討論文件 http://www.legco.gov.hk/yr03-04/chinese/fc/esc/papers/e04-07c.pdf (ii) http://hk.news.yahoo.com/050822/74/1ftjw.html (iii) 「世貿會議帶來 1 億消費 曾俊華:得益定大於投資」, 2005/08/13。 http://www.fmcoprc.gov.hk/chn/szyw/t207077.htm (iv) 「香港承諾全力辦好世貿部長級會議」,二零零五年五月二十五日 (v) http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200505/25/05250231.htm 「香港申辦 WTO 部長級會議的得失」,2003-09-22。 http://www.nanfangdaily.com.cn/jj/20030922/jd/200309220982.asp (vi) http://hk.news.yahoo.com/050807/12/1fbgc.html (vii) 「港商鋪憂世貿會議期間示威者破壞增購保險」 http://www.e-capital.com.hk/market/News/detail.asp?ID=%7BC654A4 01-8941-4E5E-94D1-C860146E22CC%7D&num=M&pp=1&next1=0 &xy=6&xt=1 iii. 根據資料一至十一及課前搜集的資料,完成〔活動二:有利有弊〕的概 念圖; iv. 教師可引導學生明白我們受著四方八面不同訊息的影響,同學宜留意自 己是否先入為主,或者受個人偏見的影響,或受資料限制所局限。在定 立自己的觀點時,同時亦需留意這些掣肘。 v. 分組簡短匯報各組的分類; vi. 教師可與學生共同討論:甚麼是「利」?甚麼是「弊」?我們考慮事情 時,是否單以比較利弊的多少來做決定? 6. 初步帶出「利」(好處、得益)與「弊」(代價、負面影響)的概念。有關概 念將於下一課節作深入的探討。 第二至三課節: 了解及比較不同人士對香港主辦這次會議的不同意見及這些 意見所反映的看法 1. 派發〔活動三:他是誰?〕工作紙,讓學生推論資料中人物的身分,並從資 料中找出證據支持自己的推論。 2. 教師向學生提問,為甚麼不同人/組織團體有不同的看法? 3. 教師可利用〔活動四〕與學生共同探討社會上各人各自有不同看法的現象, 除了〔活動四〕所列出的各個層面外,教師可鼓勵學生羅列其他立場與信念。 4. 以資料一至十一及課前搜集的資料為例,讓學生分析各資料背後的價值觀/ 信念,教師可與學生討論: i. 對一些人/組織團體是「利」的,可能對其他人/組織團體是「弊」 ,反 ii. 之亦然,例如資料三及六。 學生作出抉擇時,除了考慮「利」 「弊」的多少,還需要考慮甚麼因素? 5. 以〔活動五〕作為總結或家課,學生綜合各方對利與弊的評論和看法,加上 自己考慮的因素,建立自己的看法,決定是否贊成香港主辦是次會議。 搜集有關香港主辦是次會議的資料,可參考: 報章 1. 世貿部長級會議於香港舉行利多於弊 〈娥姐錦囊—張賽娥〉 http://hk.news.yahoo.com/050822/74/1ftjw.html 2. 自由貿易百年回顧,BBC Chinese.com http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/chinese/news/newsid_541000/5419191.stm 3. 「世貿多哈談判倘成功 港貨可省 76 億關稅」 ,2005-08-08, 《明報》 ,A07,港聞 4. 「多處禁入影響人車」,2005-09-21,《蘋果日報》,A04,要聞 5. 「世貿首日港島六成學校停課」,2005-09-18,《大公報》, 07,港聞 6. 「世貿會議唐唐揚名國際睇呢鋪」,2005-09-16,《蘋果日報》,A27, 專欄專論, 隔牆有耳,李八方 7. 「金管嚴陣迎接世貿」,2005-09-14,《東方日報》,B02,產經 8. 「燭光集會高歌反世貿」,2005-09-11,《蘋果日報》, A19,港聞 9. 「受惠世貿會議 酒店房間迫爆」,2005-09-09,《大公報》,A06,港聞 10. 「支持世貿會議 理性表達意見」,2005-08-28,《成報》,A02,要聞,社評 11. 「預留監獄宿位作羈留」,2005-08-28,《蘋果日報》,A13,港聞 12. 「保險業籲進入示威區前應投保 港辦世貿車主恐遭殃」,2005-08-28,《蘋果日 報》,A13,港聞 13. 「政府二億五辦世貿」,2005-08-24,《東周刊》,A08 14. 「反對自由貿易是製造貧窮」 ,2005-08-24,《文匯報》,A26,文匯論壇,獅子山 下,李兆富 網頁 1. 工商及科技局局長談世貿部長會議,工商及科技局局長曾俊華出 席港泰商會午餐會後會見新聞界的談話內容,二零零五年九月十八日。 http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200309/18/0918177.htm 2. 世貿組織「香港部長級會議」主辦政府網頁 http://www.wtomc6.gov.hk/tc/home/welcome.html 3. 公平貿易—藥物專利戰 http://www.hkjp.org/feedback/DPWar.htm 4. 世界貿易組織背景 http://www.spicefishball.i-p.com/wtobg.htm#TOP 5. 民間監察世貿聯盟 公開信及立場書 http://www.hkpaowto.org.hk/wordpress/?cat=6 6. 什麼是全球化? 全球化監察 http://www.globalmon.org.hk/database/0901_1.htm 7. What is the WTO? http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/whatis_e.htm 8. 關注世貿年底在港舉行會議 香港職工會聯盟 http://www.hkctu.org.hk/newsr.php?orgtopicid=249 9. 香港能為世貿會議做甚麼 樂施會(香港) http://www.oxfam.org.hk/public/contents/article?ha=&wc=0&hb=&hc=&revision %5fid=19739&item%5fid=19713 世界貿易組織(「世貿組織」)在 1995 年 1 月 1 日正式成立。世貿組織的前身是 關稅及貿易總協定(「關貿總協定」),該協定是在 1947 年第二次世界大戰後設 立。 世貿組織的主要目標是訂立國際貿易政策規則,以推動成員政府進行國際貿易, 藉此提高生活水平。這些規則有助施行一視同仁、透明和可靠的貿易政策。 部長級會議是世貿組織的最高決策機構,至少每兩年召開一次。部長級會議讓所 有世貿組織成員政府的部長聚首一堂,有權就任何世貿組織協議所涉及的事宜作 出決定。香港將於 2005 年 12 月 13 至 18 日主辦世貿組織第六次部長級會議。 資料來源:世貿組織「香港部長級會議」主辦政府網頁。 http://www.wtomc6.gov.hk/tc/interest/wtonhk.html [下載日期:2005 年 9 月 28 日] 討論 (熱身活動*) 如果香港主辦得好的話,既可以提 高知名度,亦可以讓人留下深刻印 象,這些有影響力的客人以後亦會 再來旅遊,對香港的旅遊業、酒店 業及經濟都有利。 作為商舖的負責人,我 很擔心會遭受示威者 的破壞;說不定香港會 受到恐怖襲擊。 香港為何主辦世貿部長級會議? 香港主辦這次會議,有何利弊? 據本港的民間監察世貿聯盟預計,世貿 會議舉行期間約有一萬人到港示威抗 議,其中包括激進的南韓「全國農民會 總聯盟」,屆時該聯盟可能會有一千名 農民會員來港示威,他們更計劃在灣仔 會議展覽中心附近「露營」抗議。 可以提升經濟地位,凸顯香港 是一個真真正正的國際金融 城市。 香港會從中吸收到不少經驗,例如接 待重要人物的事前準備工作和過程中 的每項細節等,使香港的服務水平得 以提升。 *教師亦可以提問方式,收集學生對是次香港主辦世貿組織第六次部長級會議的意見。 香港主辦這次世貿組織第六次部長級會議是否利多於弊?(提示:我 們是否以比較利弊的多少來作決定?)我們有否被某些意見影響? 不同界別的人士對香港主辦這次世貿組織第六次部長級會議各有不同的意見。先 細閱他們的意見,然後參考你搜集有關這次香港主辦世貿組織第六次部長級會議 的資料,完成活動二至四。 資料一 香港特區主辦第六次部長級會議,可以具體展示香港作為世貿組織正式和單 獨締約成員對世貿組織作出的承擔和貢獻;鞏固香港作為自由貿易先驅的國 際形象;凸顯香港已按照《基本法》成功落實「一國兩制」 ,並享有《基本法》 所保障的經貿自主權;證明國際社會對香港極具信心,並可藉此機會宣傳香 港作為「亞洲國際都會」的特色。 資料二 我們業界對政府的期望很高,倘若主辦單位的角色扮演得好,可以提高香港 的知名度,例如多哈於協辦世貿部長級會議前,很少人知道該地方的位置, 現在至少有更多人曉得這個地方名稱。另外,也可以提升香港的經濟地位, 使香港成為一個真真正正的國際金融城市。香港也會從中吸收不少經驗,例 如接待重要人物的事前準備工作和過程中每項細節的安排等,使香港的服務 水平得以提升。 資料三 我們估計會有大量代表和訪客來港出席第六次部長級會議,會為香港帶來可 觀的旅遊收入等經濟利益,這次會議會有八千至一萬名旅客來港,假設他們 逗留一星期,可為我們業界帶來約一億港元的收益。 資料四 會議期間,歐盟及美國代表團已訂下金鐘兩間五星級酒店的房間,不單金鐘 的酒店房間已全部爆滿,灣仔的酒店房間亦全部被預訂。來港出席會議的都 是消費能力高的客人,相信今次香港主辦這次會議將會為旅遊業、酒店業帶 來可觀的收入。 資料五 若成員國在這次會議後落實進一步削減關稅,對香港經濟的長遠發展會帶來 好處,取消非關稅的貿易壁壘將有助提升香港產品在海外市場的競爭力,而 香港服務業如運輸、倉儲、保險、銀行業及於內地投資的港商亦會受惠。 資料六 由於會議進行期間,會場附近會有大規模示威活動,政府預期,除了灣仔北、 東區及中西區交通會受影響外,就連對岸的尖沙嘴,酒店集中的地方亦會出 現塞車,對我們必然帶來很大的打擊。我們每日都要付車租,油費,如果因 為塞車導致生意下降,真是要「多謝」香港政府,要面子就不顧我們的生計。 資料七 政府舉辦世貿會議真好!我們可以多放幾天假期,不用上課!萬歲! 資料八 真不知政府為何要舉辦甚麼世貿會議,又要學生放假,妨礙學業,又要封路 改道,做成處處塞車,又吸引一大群示威者,簡直破壞香港形象,有沒有世 貿,對我們還不是一樣? 資料九 以上一次坎昆會議為例,主辦坎昆會議既未能為墨西哥提升形象,旅遊收 入也未如理想。為防止恐怖襲擊和抗議者的暴力行為,墨西哥動用了六千 名軍警、四艘軍艦和數架裝載導彈的武裝直升機作準備。 會議期間,來自九十多個國家,接近一千個非政府組織,動員了五萬多名 抗議者湧進坎昆,組織了三次萬人大遊行。遊行期間,坎昆幾乎癱瘓,馬 路、商店、建築物等公共設施遭受破壞。由於實行交通封鎖,會議中心周 圍的商店停業,海邊酒吧、歌舞廳和夜總會等生意清淡。 申辦世貿組織部長級會議與否,不應只從經濟效益角度考慮,因為部長級 會議有別於奧運會或招商會,對主辦一方來說沒有經濟實惠,從來都是賠 錢的。 資料十 在年底舉辦世貿部長級會議期間,世界各地示威者會來港示威,灣仔會展中 心附近的店鋪受到示威者破壞的風險相對增加,現在大部分店鋪及大廈已購 買保險。我們可能要考慮調整商鋪的保費,亦同時呼籲商戶應設法採取措施 保護財物。 資料十一 世貿倡議的貿易自由化對低下階層未必有利,像近年特區政府遵從世貿協 定,規定大型工程須作世界性公開招標,結果導致大量基建工程預製組件從 外國輸入,導致本地建築工人生計大受影響。我們收到很多工友在這方面的 求助。 有利有弊 分組討論 試與組員分享搜集所得的資料,並根據資料一至十一,討論如何組織資料內容並 於下圖中表示出來。最後,與組員商討,定出小組的共同看法:是否利多於弊? 有 利 有 弊 有哪幾項資料認為香港主辦世貿部長級會 議會帶來好處(利)? 有哪幾項資料認為香港主辦世貿部長級 會議,需要付出很多代價(弊)? 這些好處(利)是甚麼? 這些代價(弊)是甚麼? 分組匯 分組匯報 經過討論後,我們認為香港主辦這次世貿組織第六次部長級會議是(利多於弊/ 弊多於利/其他),原因是: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 同學請留意其他組別匯報時提出的意見,並記錄討論重點;這些重點將可作為參 考資料,有助於〔活動五〕撰寫反思文章。 如何得出有識見的看法 我們的觀點常常受到其他因素的影響和限制,例如: 我說對,就不會是 錯。 這位歌星唱歌真好 聽,其他歌星的歌簡 直是噪音。 先入為主:先接受了一種觀點之 後,再不考慮其他後來的意見。 以偏蓋全:以事情的部分觀點與角 度,當成所有的真相。 蒙在鼓裏:沒有主動尋找真相,或 被單方面的意見所蒙蔽,以致未能 獲得全部事實。 同學建立個人見解時,需注意我們所得的資料是否足夠?有沒有先入為主?有沒 有受偏見影響?即使是個人心理狀態、對事物的態度、文化背景、社會風氣等, 都會影響我們對事情的看法。我們也需要了解提供資料的人的背景、動機和他們 所掌握的資料是否全面,以便決定他們所提出的觀點是否可信。 他/她是誰 你能否分辨出資料一至十一是誰人/哪個組織團體的觀點?試從資料中找出證 據,支持你的答案。 資料一 我估計他/她/該組織團體是: 香港特別行政區政府官員 因為內容提到: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 資料二 我估計他/她/該組織團體是: 金融業人士 因為內容提到: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 資料三 我估計他/她/該組織團體是: 旅遊業界人士 因為內容提到: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 資料四 我估計他/她/該組織團體是: 酒店業界人士 因為內容提到: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 資料五 我估計他/她/該組織團體是: 香港特別行政區政府官員 因為內容提到: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 資料六 我估計他/她/該組織團體是: 運輸業人士/營業車司機 因為內容提到: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 資料七 我估計他/她/該組織團體是: 學生 因為內容提到: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 資料八 我估計他/她/該組織團體是: 市民 因為內容提到: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 資料九 我估計他/她/該組織團體是: 學者 因為內容提到: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 資料十 我估計他/她/該組織團體是: 保險業人士 因為內容提到: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 資料十一 我估計他/她/該組織團體是: 建築業工會代表 因為內容提到: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 你有理講 不同的看法/觀點其實反映了彼此關注的重點不同,各人抱有不同的立場與信 念,例如: 1. 社會/國家層面的:國際關係、國際形象 2. 經濟層面的:關注消費和經濟活動,目標是令社會富裕和繁榮 3. 文化層面的:促進文化交流 4. 環境生態層面的:保育環境,維持生態平衡,達至可持續發展 5. 個人層面的:希望達成個人願望,關注個人的利益 6. 法律層面的:關注法律上的規範,以維持社會秩序和穩定 7. 個別組織/行業的:關注類似背景人士的利益 香港是個多元的社會,各人的考慮重點和看法各有不同。提出資料一至十一各項 觀點的人物/組織團體,有何立場和信念?(同學可參考上列各個層面的內容; 每份資料可能包含多於一個立場或一種信念。) 信 念 資料一 __________________________________________ 資料二 __________________________________________ 資料三 __________________________________________ 資料四 __________________________________________ 資料五 __________________________________________ 資料六 __________________________________________ 資料七 __________________________________________ 資料八 __________________________________________ 資料九 __________________________________________ 資料十 __________________________________________ 資料十一 __________________________________________ 你有何看法? 聽取了各方面人士對香港主辦世貿組織第六次部長級會議帶來的利與弊的不同 意見,了解他們意見背後的信念後,試組織以上討論內容,結合自己的看法,寫 出你對香港主辦這次世貿組織第六次部長級會議的看法。作出決定前,你可以考 慮以下問題 是否以利、弊的多少決定贊成與 否? 誰付出成本/代價?誰得到 利益? 是個人的得失與整體社會利益 的取捨? 著眼短期得益,還是長遠利 益? 獲取有形/實質的利益(如: 經濟收益),還是無形的利益 (如:國際聲望) 我贊同香港主辦世貿組織第六次部長級會議/我對香港主辦這次世貿組織第六 次部長級會議有保留,原因是: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 想一想 1. 我有以上的看法,因為我較著重 ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. 我的看法和我個人的利益是否相關? 是/否 3. 我雖然有自己的看法,但我對其他人的看法採取 態度,因為我認為 _____________________ ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Question for enquiry: Does hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong bring more advantages than disadvantages? Suggested time allocation: 3 periods Objectives: 1. To understand the reasons for hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong; 2. To analyse the impact of hosting this Conference in Hong Kong on different social groups; 3. To understand the different viewpoints of various groups on hosting this Conference in Hong Kong. Learning activities Periods and activities Periods 1 and 2: Different people’s viewpoints on the advantages and disadvantages of hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong. (Activities 1 and 2) Knowledge/ Concept Periods: 2 and 3 Values as reflected in different people’s opinions and viewpoints (Activities 3, 4, 5 and 6) Skills Values and attitudes The reasons for hosting the Sixth Data collection, Classification, Interdependence, Plurality, Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong The impact of hosting this Conference in Hong Kong on various groups Advantages and disadvantages Summary of data, Discussion, Presentation Critical, With a respect for life Different groups’ viewpoints on hosting this Conference in Hong Kong Values as reflected in these viewpoints Inference, Evidence, Summary, Analysis, Discussion, Presentation, Critical thinking, Decision making Periods 1 and 2: The reasons for hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong and the impact on various social groups 1. The objectives of this lesson are to enable the students to understand the reasons for hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong, and to see the impact that it has on various social groups. 2. Pre-lesson preparation Teacher may request the students to collect information on this Conference in Hong Kong before the lesson, so that they can gain a preliminary understanding and some prior knowledge on the following areas, to facilitate subsequent learning: i. What kind of organization is WTO? ii. What is the Ministerial Conference? iii. What are the themes/major issues of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO to be hosted in Hong Kong? iv. What preparation has Hong Kong made for this Conference? 3. Before conducting Activity 1, the teacher may ask the students for some background information on the WTO and the upcoming Ministerial Conference, and then introduce the focus of the lesson: The advantages and disadvantages of hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong. 4. Depending on the academic level and ability of the students, the teacher may get students to brainstorm opinions on hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong, or provide information on Activity 1 as the basis of discussion. 5. For group discussion: i. Divide the class into 6 – 8 groups, half to read Sources 1–5 (those inclined to ii. agree), the other half to read Sources 6 – 11 (those inclined to disagree); The teachers may refer to the following sources for the viewpoints of Sources 1-11: (i) “Item for Establishment Subcommittee of Finance Committee” http://www.legco.gov.hk/yr03-04/english/fc/esc/papers/e04-07e.pdf (ii) “The advantages of hosting Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong outweigh the disadvantages” (Chinese version only) http://hk.news.yahoo.com/050822/74/1ftjw.html (iii) “The hosting of WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference will bring about 1 billion income, John Tsang Chun-wah: The benefit will outweigh the investment”, 2005/08/13. (Chinese version only) http://www.fmcoprc.gov.hk/chn/szyw/t207077.htm (iv) “Hong Kong promises to spare no effort on hosting the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference”, 2005/05/25. (Chinese version only) http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200505/25/05250231.htm (v) “The gains and losses of hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong”, 2003-09-22. (Chinese version only) http://www.nanfangdaily.com.cn/jj/20030922/jd/200309220982.asp (vi) “Should the WTO Doha negotiation be successful, we can save 7,600 million dollars of customs duty for the goods from Hong Kong” (Chinese version only) http://hk.news.yahoo.com/050807/12/1fbgc.html (vii) “Hong Kong shop owners get insured for worrying about being damaged by protestors” (Chinese version only) http://www.e-capital.com.hk/market/News/detail.asp?ID=%7BC654A4 01-8941-4E5E-94D1-C860146E22CC%7D&num=M&pp=1&next1=0 &xy=6&xt=1 iii. According to Sources 1 – 11 and to any additional information collected before the lesson, complete the graphic organiser of Activity 2. There are both advantages and disadvantages. iv. The students should be assisted to determine whether they have any preconceptions, or if they are affected by personal bias, or if they have been restricted in their view by the Sources. When students formulate their viewpoints, they need to watch out for such restraints. v. Teacher may discuss with the students: What are the “advantages”? What are the “disadvantages”? When we consider an issue, do we simply compare the total number of advantages and disadvantages in order to make a decision? 6. Bring out the concepts of “advantages” (merits and benefits) and “disadvantages” (cost and negative impact), and then probe further into the issue during the next lesson. Periods 2 – 3: 1. Understand and compare different people’s viewpoints on the advantages and disadvantages of hosting this Conference in Hong Kong and the values embedded in these opinions Distribute worksheet Activity 3: Who is he / she?. Let the students infer the identity of the person appearing in the Source and extract evidence from the Source to support their inference. 2. The teacher may ask the students why different people / groups, organisations have different viewpoints. 3. The teacher may use Activity 4 to get the students to see that different people in society have different viewpoints. In addition to the examples listed in Activity 4, the teacher may encourage the students to list out other viewpoints. 4. Use Sources 1 - 11 and additional information collected before the lesson, the teacher may discuss with the students. i. Advantages to certain people/ organisations may be disadvantages to other people / organisations and vice versa. ii. When making a decision, should one simply compare the total number of advantages and disadvantages? What other factors should one also consider? 5. Use Activity 5 as the conclusion. Students may formulate their own viewpoints on whether to support Hong Kong to host this Conference, through integrating the various comments and viewpoints on the advantages and disadvantages, and adding their own. Collect relevant information about this conference hosted by Hong Kong. Students may refer to: Newspapers 1. The advantages of hosting Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong outweigh the disadvantages〈娥姐錦囊—Ms Christina Cheung〉 (Chinese version only) http://hk.news.yahoo.com/050822/74/1ftjw.html 2. Centenary review of free trade, BBC Chinese.com (Chinese version only) http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/chinese/news/newsid_541000/5419191.stm 3. “Should the WTO Doha negotiation be successful, we can save 7,600 million dollars of customs duty for the goods from Hong Kong”, 2005-08-08, Mingpao, A07 (Chinese version only) 4. “Restrictions in many areas will affect the traffic”, 2005-09-21, Apple Daily, A04 (Chinese version only) 5. “No schooling for 60% of schools in the Island side on the first day of WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference”, 2005-09-18, Takungpao, 07 (Chinese version only) 6. “A golden opportunity for Henry Tang to gain international publicity”, 2005-09-16, Apple Daily, A27 (Chinese version only) 7. “The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is on full alert for the WTO”, 2005-09-14, Oriental Daily, B02 (Chinese version only) 8. “Candlelight singing gathering for anti-WTO protest”, 2005-09-11, Apple Daily, A19 (Chinese version only) 9. “Benefiting from the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference, the hotel rooms are full house”, 2005-09-09, Takungpao, A06 (Chinese version only) 10. “Support the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference and air your opinions sensibly”, 2005-08-28, Sing Pao, A02 (Chinese version only) 11. “Reserved space in the prisons for detention purposes”, 2005-08-28, Apple Daily, A13 (Chinese version only) 12. “Insurance sector reminder to get insured before entering the protest area. During the period of the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference hosted in Hong Kong, car owners may become scapegoats”, 2005-08-28, Apple Daily, A13 (Chinese version only) 13. “Government spends 250 million dollars on the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference”, 2005-08-24, 《東周刊》, A08 (Chinese version only) 14. “We are against free trade for causing poverty”, 2005-08-24, Wenweipo, A26 (Chinese version only) Website 1. John Tsang Chun-wah, Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology discussing about the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO (Chinese version only) http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200309/18/0918177.htm 2. WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference - Website of the Host Government http://www.wtomc6.gov.hk/eng/home/welcome.html 3. Fair Trade – medicine patent battle (Chinese version only) http://www.hkjp.org/feedback/DPWar.htm 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Background of the WTO (Chinese version only) http://www.spicefishball.i-p.com/wtobg.htm#TOP Letter to the public and opinion document from Hong Kong People’s Alliance on the WTO (Chinese version only) http://www.hkpaowto.org.hk/wordpress/?cat=6 What is globalisation? (Chinese version only) http://www.globalmon.org.hk/database/0901_1.htm What is the WTO? http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/whatis_e.htm “Concern about the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference hosted in Hong Kong at the year end”, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions. (Chinese version only) http://www.hkctu.org.hk/newsr.php?orgtopicid=249 “Hong Kong and MC6”, Oxfam (Hong Kong). http://www.oxfam.org.hk/public/contents/article?ha=&wc=0&hb=&hc=&revision %5fid=19738&item%5fid=19734 The World Trade Organisation (abbreviated as “WTO”) was formally established on 1 January 1995. The WTO was formerly known as General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade – (abbreviated as GATT) which was established after World War II in 1947. The major objective of the WTO is to formulate international trade policy and regulations, in order to assist member nations to conduct international trade and raise living standards. The regulations of WTO help governments to implement trade policies that treat all nations as equals and as transparent and reliable trade partners. The Ministerial Conference is the highest decision-making authority of the WTO. It is convened at least once every two years. The Ministerial Conference offers an opportunity for ministers of the governments of all the WTO members to gather together. It has the authority to make decisions on all matters related to WTO agreements. The Sixth Ministerial Conference will be hosted in Hong Kong between 13 and 18 December 2005. discussion (warm up activities*) If Hong Kong is successful in hosting the conference, we can enhance our prestige and leave a good impression. Influential clients will then travel to Hong Kong in the future, which will be beneficial to tourism, hotels and As a shop owner, I am very afraid that we may suffer from the damage done by the protesters. There is the likelihood that Hong Kong will suffer a terrorist attack. the economy of Hong Kong. Why is Hong Kong hosting this Ministerial Conference? What are the advantages and disadvantages? According to the projections of the Hong Kong People’s Alliance on WTO, around 10,000 people will come to protest in Hong Kong during the period of this conference, including the radical “Korean Peasants League”. Around 1,000 Korean farmers may come to protest in Hong Kong. They also plan to camp at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre at Wanchai in order to protest. It can enhance the economic status of Hong Kong and prove that Hong Kong is a truly international financial centre. Hong Kong will gain useful experience, such as how to undertake the preparatory work, receive celebrities, etc. and this will improve service quality in Hong Kong. *The teacher may collect the students’ opinions on hosting the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong by brainstorming. Do the advantages of hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong outweigh the disadvantages? (Note: Can we make decision simply by comparing the total number of advantages and disadvantages?). Have we been affected by some of these opinions? Different groups have different opinions on the issue of hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong. Please read their opinions first, then complete Activities 2 – 4, using also the information you have collected before the lesson on hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong. S o u rc e 1 Hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong demonstrates that Hong Kong is a responsible, contributing member of the WTO. It strengthens Hong Kong’s international image as a pioneer in free trade; proves that Hong Kong has successfully implemented “One country, Two Systems” according to the Basic Law, and that it enjoys autonomy in the handling of its own economy and trade, as granted by the Basic Law. It also provides good proof that the international community has great confidence in Hong Kong. We can take this golden opportunity to publicize the unique characteristics of Hong Kong as “Asia's world city”. S o u rc e 2 Our sector places high hopes on the government. If we are successful in hosting this conference, we can improve the prestige of Hong Kong. For instance, before Doha hosted this Ministerial Conference, few people knew where this place was. After hosting the Conference, everyone now knows where it is. Hosting the Conference can enhance Hong Kong’s economic status. It will help Hong Kong to be seen as a truly international financial city. Hong Kong will be able to gain useful experience in undertaking preparatory work, receiving celebrities, etc. and this will improve service quality in Hong Kong. S o u rc e 3 We project that many representatives and visitors will attend the Sixth Ministerial Conference, which will bring significant economic income from tourism to Hong Kong. This conference will bring around 8,000 – 10,000 tourists to Hong Kong. Assuming that they stay here for one week, they will bring around an income of 100 million dollars to our sector. S o u rc e 4 During the conference, European Union and US representatives have booked rooms in the 2 five-star hotels in Admiralty. Not only are the hotels in Admiralty fully booked, but the hotels in Wanchai are also fully booked. All those attending the conference in Hong Kong have high spending power. Hence, we expect that hosting this Conference in Hong Kong can bring significant income to the tourism and hotel sectors. S o u rc e 5 If the member nations agree at this conference to further cut customs duties, this will be beneficial to the long-term development of the Hong Kong economy. Abolition of the trade barrier for non-customs duties will enhance the competitiveness of our products in overseas markets. The service industries of Hong Kong, such as transport services, warehousing, insurance, banking and local merchants who invest in the mainland of China will also benefit. S o u rc e 6 During the conference, there will be sizeable protest activities near the conference venue. The government projects that in addition to the traffic being affected at Wanchai North, East Island, Central and Western District, there may be traffic congestion at Tsimshatsui, where there are numerous hotels. This will certainly affect our normal daily life seriously. We need to pay car rental and petroleum everyday. If our business is affected by the traffic congestion, we really need to “thank” the Hong Kong government for taking care of its own face rather than taking care of our everyday needs. S o u rc e 7 It’s very kind of the government to host the WTO conference! Thank God we can enjoy several days of holiday! S o u rc e 8 We don’t understand why the government is hosting the WTO conference. Students can’t go to school. This will affect their studies. The blockage of certain roads and traffic diversions will cause traffic congestion in many areas. The WTO conference will attract many protesters. This will certainly damage the image of Hong Kong. Won’t Hong Kong remain the same with or without the WTO? S o u rc e 9 Take for example the previous conference in Cancun: hosting the Cancun conference has neither improved the image of Cancun, nor improved its income from tourism. To prevent terrorist attacks and the violent acts of protesters, Mexico mobilised 6,000 military police, 4 warships and several helicopters armed with missiles. During the conference, nearly 1,000 non-government organisations from over 90 countries mobilized over 50,000 protesters to rush to Cancun, and organized 3 demonstrations. During the demonstrations, Cancun was almost paralysed. Public facilities such as roads, shops, buildings, etc. were damaged. Due to road blockages, the shops surrounding the conference centre had to cease business, and business in the bars on the seashore and in the dance clubs and night clubs was very poor. We should not simply consider holding the WTO Ministerial Conference from the viewpoint of economic effectiveness alone, as it is quite different from hosting the Olympics or a trade show or trade conference. The Conference has never brought any economic benefit to its host. Rather, it has always caused a loss to the host. S o u rc e 1 0 During the Ministerial Conference in December, protesters from all over the world will descend on Hong Kong. The risk of shops near the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wanchai being damaged will be very high. Most of these shops and buildings have had to purchase insurance. We may need to consider adjusting the insurance for these shops, and we appeal to these shops to adopt effective measures to protect their properties. S o u r c e 11 The trade liberalization recommended by the WTO may not be advantageous to the people of the lower social stratum. For instance, in recent years, following the requirement of WTO that managers of large-scale works should invite international tenders, the government has imported many pre-fabricated, infrastructural components from abroad. This has severely affected the livelihood of labour in the construction industry. We have received many requests for assistance from workmen in this regard. Both advantageous and disadvantageous Group discussion Please share with your group members the information collected before the lesson, and discuss how to organise the content of the various Sources above in the following diagrams. Then try to reach agreement on the viewpoint of your group. Is it true that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Advantages Disadvantages Which Source considers that hosting the Ministerial conference in Hong Kong will be advantageous (will bring benefits)? Which Source considers that Hong Kong will have to pay a lot for hosting the Ministerial conference (costs)? What are these advantages (benefits)? What are the disadvantages? Presentation After discussion, we consider that hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong is (more advantageous than disadvantageous / more disadvantageous than advantageous / other) for the following reasons: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Students should note down the opinions expressed in the presentation of the other groups. They may use these opinions when compiling the review article (Activity 5). Filling station for thinking skills How can we put forward sensible viewpoints and make an informed decision? Our viewpoints are often affected and restricted by other factors, such as: This singer sings well while other If I say it is right, it can’t be wrong. singers just make a noise. Preconception : Once we have accepted a certain viewpoint, we do not consider other subsequent opinions. Making a biased decision : not considering views and opinions held by different parties; only taking one perspective into account. Making a wild guess : not grasping the whole truth, but making a judgment from partial information and take this as the entire truth. Not knowing the whole truth or being swayed by one view on an issue, such that one cannot know the entire truth. When students formulate their personal opinion, they need to consider whether the information available to them is sufficient to allow this? Do they have a pre-conceived opinion? Are they affected by any bias? Our mood of the moment, our attitude towards an issue, our cultural background, our notion of what is “normal” all affect our viewpoint on an issue. We also need to understand the background of the person providing us with information, his/her motive, and whether the information he/she has is comprehensive enough to allow us to determine whether his/her perspective is believable. Who is he/she? Can you distinguish to whom / which organisation the viewpoints in Sources 1 – 11 belong? Please identify evidence from the sources to support your answer. Source 1: I think he /she is: Source 2: a government official since he / she has mentioned : I think he /she is: ______________________________ from the financial sector ______________________________ since he / she has mentioned : ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Source 3: I think he /she is: from the tourism industry since he / she has mentioned : ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Source 4: I think he /she is: from the hotel industry since he / she has mentioned : ______________________________ ______________________________ Source 5: I think he /she is: a government official since he / she has mentioned : ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Source 6: I think he /she is: from the transport industry/a driver since he / she has mentioned : ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Source 7: I think he /she is: a student since he / she has mentioned : ______________________________ Source 8: ______________________________ I think he /she is: ______________________________ a citizen since he / she has mentioned : ______________________________ Source 9: ______________________________ ______________________________ I think he /she is: a scholar since he / she has mentioned : ______________________________ Source 10: ______________________________ ______________________________ I think he /she is: from the insurance sector since he / she has mentioned : Source 11: ______________________________ ______________________________ I think he /she is: ______________________________ a member of the construction union since he / she has mentioned : ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ You have got reasons Different people’s viewpoints reflect different beliefs. The beliefs may be: 1. Social / national in nature: international relations, international image 2. Economic in nature: concern for consumer spending and economic activities, with a view to increasing wealth and enhancing prosperity 3. Cultural in nature: concern for facilitating cultural exchange 4. Environmental and ecological in nature: to protect the environment, maintain ecological balance, in order to achieve sustainable development 5. Personal in nature: hope to realize personal wishes, care for personal interests 6. Legal in nature: care for the restraints in law in order to maintain order and stability 7. Organisational in nature: concern for organisational interests 8. Humanitarianism: concern for the interests of other people Hong Kong is a pluralist society. Each person has different considerations and different viewpoints. What kind of belief is reflected in the viewpoints of the persons / organisations in Source 1 – 11? (Students may refer to the items above. Each source may reflect more than one belief). Belief Source 1 _________________________________________ Source 2 _________________________________________ Source 3 _________________________________________ Source 4 _________________________________________ Source 5 _________________________________________ Source 6 _________________________________________ Source 7 _________________________________________ Source 8 _________________________________________ Source 9 _________________________________________ Source 10 ________________________________________ Source 11 ________________________________________ What is your viewpoint? You have heard different opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Hong Kong and understood the beliefs behind these opinions. Take them into consideration and include your own personal opinions when you decide whether Hong Kong should be hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO. Before making this decision, you may consider the following issues: Is our decision to support it or not based on the number of advantages versus disadvantages? Who pays for the cost? gains? How do we balance personal gains and losses with the interests of society as a whole? Does Hong Kong obtain short-term benefits or long-term benefits? Does Hong Kong obtain tangible benefits (such as economic benefit) or intangible benefits (such as international prestige) ? Who gets the I support Hong Kong in hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO / I have reservations about Hong Kong’s hosting of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO, for the following reasons: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Think for a while 1. I have come to the above viewpoint, because I place more importance on: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Is my viewpoint related to my personal interests? Yes / No 3. While I have my own perspective, I adopt a/an _____________attitude towards others’ thinking, as I consider ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. 甲、 課程架構 議題 探討問題建議 能力 態度 香港的媒體怎 有 關 報 道 集 中 會 議 哪 方 批判思考、多角度閱 批 判 性 、 開 樣報道是次會 面?有關報道給予讀者什 讀、閱讀新聞背後的 放 議? 麼總體印象?不同人士就 訊息 香港舉辦是次世貿會議有 什麼看法?記者的報道本 身有否特定取向?記者運 用的手法是否與其取向有 關? 乙、 目標 讓學生能: 1. 對比不同報章就是次會議的報道的重點和手法 2. 察覺新聞報道所帶出有關是次會議的某些看法 3. 分辨用以帶出某些訊息的傳媒報道手法 丙、 學習活動設計 教節 1 1. 課前準備 預備若干份閱讀資料,每份包括兩篇有關是次會議而報道內容重點相近的文 章(可用下列參考資料 1a, 1b; 2a, 2b; 3a, 3b,但若能選用較近期報章資料代 替則更佳) 2. 教師帶出議題題目(見上)及其與學生的相關性 議題題目「香港的媒體怎樣報道是次會議?」的產生與學生接觸是次會議的 渠道有關。學生得到有關是次會議的印象主要是透過傳媒的報道而得。若學 生未能認清傳媒報道的側重點和報道手法,容易受著所讀的報章引導或限制 而得不到對香港主辦世貿的利弊更全面的分析。 3. 學生分組閱讀資料文章 全班按資料數目分為若干組,每組閱讀一份資料文章(例如 1a)。教師請各 組就其文章表達讀後對會議的總體印象。學生按次序由 1a 到 3b 匯報,教師 可按次序記錄在黑板上。 4. 教師總結學生匯報 教師協助學生(在黑板)總結出六份資料本身傳遞什麼訊息以表達其意見立 場。教師可用表格形式作黑板總結 資料 a b 1 重點: 印象: 重點: 印象: 2 重點: 印象: 重點: 印象: 3 重點: 印象: 重點: 印象: 例如同學可說明某資料描繪世貿會議是不可取的(混亂的、浪費的) ,還是可 取的(有秩序的、具投資價值的)等等。教師可事先提供表格一予學生填寫, 或讓學生自由發揮閱讀後的想像。 5. 教師歸納各項資料 教師協助學生歸納資料 1、2、3 的不同重點及 a 組文章與 b 組文章給讀者的 不同觀感帶出不同報章就是次會議的報道有不同角度和手法,亦有非常不同 的意見立場。老師派發其他組別的資料予每位同學。 (資料 1ab:會議期間的 交通狀況;資料 2ab:會議為香港帶來的經濟價值;資料 3ab:非政府組織的 形象和將採取的行動。另外,a 組文章是有關正面、有利的因素;b 組文章是 有關負面、不利的因素) 6. 教師提問 為什麼類似的報道會帶出如此不同的訊息?這與什麼有關? 教師引導學生提出報導手法的分別。 教節 2 1. 教師引入話題,說明新聞報道常有預設的某種訊息或價值觀以影響讀者。接 著簡介不同的隱藏預設訊息的常見手法。(見工作紙教節二問題討論部分) 2. 學生分組討論、匯報 學生參考上述各種常見手法,重新檢視以上資料(每組已讀的那份),討論 該資料有否利用這些手法帶出某種意見立場。教師可舉例:如資料 1a 選取 的訪問對象是政府新聞處發言人,而報道只偏重政府新聞處的看法。這樣會 引導讀者採納該處的看法。最後學生匯報討論結果。 3. 教師指導全班討論 何謂「客觀中立」的媒體報道?以上哪些報道屬較「客觀中立」?是否存在 「絕對客觀」的報道?如何能達致「較客觀」的報道?這對我們作為讀者有 何啟示? 4. 跟進活動 學生搜集兩段有關是次世貿會議而表達不同預設取向的媒體報道,分析不同 媒體是如何報道是次會議,並能否達致「較客觀的報道」 。 (同學可加入不同 媒體作討論,例如新聞片段或政府宣傳短片,以豐富討論內容)。 資 料 1a 世貿會議實施交通管制 政府新聞處昨天表示,在十二月十三至十八日世貿會議舉行期間,將在灣仔 會展外實施交通管制,屆時除持特別通行證外,所有車輛不得駛入會展舊 翼,只能在新翼海旁的門口停車。所有採訪會議的記者亦只准在舊翼「活 動」,以免妨礙各國部長在新翼開會及進行談判,唯一一項准許記者在新翼 採訪的活動是開幕禮,人數限在二、三百名內。 資料來源:信報財經新聞 金融‧政情 P03 2005-8-13 資 料 1b 世貿會議料致尖沙嘴塞車 世貿第六次部長級會議將在 12 月 13 日於灣仔會議展覽中心揭幕,由於會 場附近會有大規模示威活動,世貿會議統籌辦事處總監王榮珍預期,除了灣 仔北、東區及中西區交通會受影響外,相信對岸的尖沙嘴亦會出現塞車。 王榮珍表示,會議造成的交通問題將集中在灣仔北,再向港島東西兩邊如「漣 漪」般擴散開去。 除港島交通勢必大受影響外,由於逾萬名訪客中,不少 會下榻在尖沙嘴一帶的酒店,故她相信尖沙嘴的交通亦會受到牽連,故當局 已經聯絡油尖區議會告之有關情。 資料來源:明報港聞 A10 2005-8-22 資 料 2a 世貿會議帶來 1 億消費 曾俊華:得益定大於投資 工商及科技局長曾俊華昨日表示,估計年底來港訪客人數超過 1 萬人,香港 可透過酒店、消費及交通,即時進帳 1 億元。據悉,會議期間,歐盟及美國 代表團已訂下金鐘兩間五星級酒店的房間,而灣仔的六國酒店、皇悅酒店及 利景酒店亦已爆滿。曾俊華承認,會議一定會對市民構成不便,希望市民能 理解世貿會議為香港帶來的長遠益處,「得益一定會大過投資」,政府正盡 力減低對市民的滋擾。 削關稅長遠有利香港經濟 曾說,政府將為會議花費 2 億元。估計逾萬訪港人士,在酒店、租車及購物 方面的消費,已即時可令香港進帳 1 億元,若今次會議後落實進一步削減關 稅,相信長遠對香港經濟帶來的好處,會遠高於為會議作出的投資。 資料來源:明報港聞 A09 2005-8-12 資 料 2b 政府二億五辦世貿 世界貿易組織部長級會議(簡稱 MC6)年底在港舉行,各國政要雲集,國 際示威者亦將湧至,特區政府保安系統將空前總動員,嚴陣以待。會展會議 廳內,將坐滿四千多位來自全球近二百個世貿組織的代表,進行一百四十四 小時不分晝夜的談判。加上千名來自世界各地的媒體記者,以及場外幾千名 反全球化等的示威者,構成了一幅世貿會議的場景。關乎世界經貿問題的辯 論通常非常激烈,要在一個星期的會議達到共識,殊非易事。 本刊專訪統籌這次世貿會議的港府官員,短短一個星期的會議,政府要令會 議圓滿舉行,須付出空前的資源和努力。這場「好戲」年底才上演,作為東 道主的特區政府,密鑼緊鼓的籌備工作已進入最緊張階段,據了解全部籌備 經費高達二億五千六百萬元。 名車陣迎貴賓 世貿第六次會議統籌辦事處總監王榮珍表示會派出二百八十架房車給各國 部長使用,現時正與車行商討安排細節。由於出席會議的都是各國首長級官 員,車隊安排不容有誤。王榮珍沒有進一步透露具體資料,但據了解,這次 會議的保安會比九七年在本港舉行的世界銀行會議更為嚴密。 據了解當局 將安排平治房車給各地區財長乘坐,總值二千五百萬元。 為籌辦是次會議,特區政府可以說是空前的大陣仗。 資料來源:東周刊 2005-8-24 資 料 3a 國際綠色和平下月來港 游說世貿代表勿簽不環保協議 為籌備年底世貿部長級會議期間的相關行動,逾 10 名國際綠色和平代表下 月研究尋求與其他非政府組織(NGO)連結,共同游說與會代表不要簽訂破壞 環境的協議。組織稱,若行動中被警方拘捕,不會反抗。 綠色和平項目經理譚萬基接受本報專訪時透露,來自歐美等國際綠色和平代 表會商討是否與地球之友及世界自然基金會(WWF)等非政府組織合作,在 場內做游說工作,阻止有代表簽訂破壞環境的協議。綠色和平旗艦「彩虹勇 士號」則可能於下月來港,宣揚使用可再生能源的信息,但不會在 12 月世 貿會議期間抵港。 「目標並非暴力或挑釁」 警方計劃購置防暴裝備對付示威暴徒,但譚萬基稱,綠色和平並非激進、暴 力組織,批評警方將「對抗性放得太大」。他說:「我們的目標並非暴力或 挑釁,只希望將『直接停止環境破壞』的信息帶出!」 即使被捕 不會反抗 他續稱:「為免雙方有損傷,即使我們被拘捕,亦不會反抗,我們亦不會仇 恨、發洩或反抗! 」 綠色和平計劃在會議前舉行展覽及工作坊,洗脫外界給予他們暴力與激進的 「標籤」。 資料來源:明報港聞 A06 2005-9-8 資 料 3b 綠色和平戰船或來港示威 今年底在本港舉行的世貿部長級會議,除逾萬人在陸上示威外,海上亦可能 出現激烈的示威場面。按照警方的評估,曾經多次以「出位」手段作環保抗 爭的綠色和平,極可能會派出「戰船」來港示威。 綠色和平發言人證實,擬於世貿期間舉辦活動,但會否派船來港,要待本月 底才有定案。按本港警方的評估,綠色和平「戰船」來港機會很高,故已部 署派出水警攔截船隻靠近會場,並已知會其他部門,注意港口設施或會遭示 威者阻礙運作。綠色和平現有三艘戰船,包括旗艦「彩虹勇士號」、「極地 曙光號」及「希望號」。其中彩虹勇士號曾於零零年三月抵港,一度成功佔 據青衣化學廢料處理中心及進佔一艘停泊港島西廢物轉運中心旁的垃圾運 輸站。 該會有反世貿前科,曾派船隻到墨西哥坎昆會議,兩名成員將自己鎖在一艘 載運美國基因改造粟米的貨輪上,迫使貨輪離開。 對於外界批評綠色和平「戰船」行動激進,綠色和平項目經理譚萬基指,該 會一向採取「反暴力直接」行動,為保護環保及自然界,有衝突是難免。 資料來源:東方日報 港聞 A31 2005-8-8 表格一 : 傳媒有否傳遞其預設訊息或價值取向? 以上那些報章資料正傳遞下列有關香港舉辦是次會議的不同看法? 報道中所描繪有關是次世貿會議的舉辦是……可見於原文…….。 不同看法 資料號碼(可選多於一 項資料,或漏空不適用 方格) 有秩序的 混亂的 準備充足的 匆忙的 有回報的 浪費的 高度操控的 自由人權的展現 暴力的溫床 公義的申張 其他: 例子(引自原文) 教節二問題討論部分 在閱讀文字媒體的新聞報道的過程中,我們不難發現新聞報道背後常常隱藏了某種 預設訊息或價值取向,而這些預設訊息在不知不覺間影響讀者對事件的判斷。這些 取向有時活現文字上,有時隱藏在整篇文章的內容篇幅之中。若能提高對這些隱藏 取向的意識,應能提高我們批判性思考能力,及閱讀媒體的新聞報道的能力。 以下是新聞報道中隱藏預設訊息的常見手法: 1. 選取受訪對象(只選某種立場 的人進行訪問) 2. 聯繫不必要的場景*註 WTO 我有話 說! 4. 有不同的角度,但沒有相同的 3. 潤飾報道的文字 不 多 所 有 人 支 持 … … 是 空 前 的 投 資 項 目 差 非 常 令 人 震 驚 。 好 像 費 用 高 達 十 億 之 多 , *註:「聯繫不必要的場景」是把討論話題連繫至另 一個表面相似、實不相關的事件相提並論,從而影響 讀者或聽眾正在討論的話題的看法。 篇幅 好好好好好 XX 好好好好。 政府說… 好好好好 但工會領袖 好好好好 表示有保 好好好好 留。 好好好好 好好好好 好好好好 5. 加入記者的個人評論和猜測 好好。 工會領袖 這次事件應 亦有保 該是…… 留。 工會領袖 就以上各種隱藏預設訊息的手法,重新檢視已有的報章資料(1a 至 3b),然後回答 下題: 以上各段的報章資料有否利用一些隱藏預設訊息的手法帶出其訊息的?如有,試 就每段資料舉例加以說明。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ A. Curriculum outline Issue How do the local media report this conference? Suggestions for probing into the issue What aspects of the conference do the media focus on? What sort of overall impression does the press give to the readers? What are the opinions of different people on the WTO conference? In their reports, do the news reporters provide any fixed stance for the readers to adopt? How are the reporting skills adopted by the reporters related to their stance? Skills Attitude Critical thinking, reading from multiple perspectives, discerning hidden messages in the news Critical and open-mindedn ess B. Objectives To enable the students to: 1. compare the viewpoints and reporting tactics adopted by different newspapers in reporting the Conference. 2. gain awareness of the different perspectives adopted by reporters on this conference. 3. distinguish the reporting tactics used to convey hidden messages. C. Design of the learning activities Lesson 1 1. Preparation before class Prepare several pairs of reading materials, each pair containing two pieces of news focussing on similar aspect of the conference. The clippings 1ab, 2ab and 3ab below can be used. It would be better if more up-to-date materials could be used. 2. The teacher introduces the issue (see above) and its relevance to students The issue entitled ‘How do the local media report this conference?’ is related to the medium in which they learn about the issue. The students usually get the impression on the conference through the media such as the newspaper. If they are not aware of the selected highlights and the reporting skills employed by the reporters to present the conference, they may be limited in their perspectives and understanding or even misled and thus have difficulty in analysing the costs and benefits of hosting the conference. 3. Group reading The class will be divided into a certain number of groups according to the number of reading articles available. Each group will study one article. The teacher will invite each group to express their overall impression about the conference after reading the article. The students will report back in sequence from article 1a to 3b. The teacher will note down sequentially the points they make on the blackboard. 4. The teacher helps the students to summarize the highlighted aspect and the messages conveyed in the six clippings on the blackboard. The teacher may use a table format to summarize on the blackboard, such as Clipping a b Content: Content: Impression: Impression: 2 Content: Impression: Content: Impression: 3 Content: Impression: Content: Impression: 1 For instance, the clipping may indicate that the WTO conference is undesirable (messy and wasteful) or desirable (orderly, of investment value), etc.The teacher may provide the form below for students to fill in, or students may be allowed more freedom to express what they can see out of the clippings. 5. The teacher helps the students consolidate by highlighting the different aspects of the conference highlighted by different clippings (Clipping 1, 2 and 3), and the different impressions conveyed to readers (All ‘a’ clippings vs. all ‘b’ clippings). In fact, they all have very different stances. The teacher will then distribute the materials of the other groups to each student. (Suggestions: Clippings 1ab: the traffic conditions during the conference; Clippings 2ab: the economic benefits that this conference will bring to Hong Kong; Clippings 3ab: the image of non-government organisations and the actions that will be adopted by them. The clippings of group “a” focus on positive and favourable factors while the clippings of group “b” focus on negative and unfavourable factors). 6. Issues raised by the teacher: Why do news reports on a similar theme put forward such different stances and viewpoints? The teacher should guide students to see the different reporting skills adopted by different reporters for different press. Lesson 2 1. The teacher recaps the issue about the different reporting skills adopted to bring intended messages or hidden stance. Then the teacher introduces the commonly used reporting tactics set out in the worksheet below with the help of the cartoon illustrations. 2. Group discussion The teacher asks the students to review the assigned clipping from the first lesson from the perspectives of these tactics. (see the discussion questions) The teacher may give the following as an example. Clipping 1a interviews the spokesman of the Information Services Department, and the news reports only the viewpoint of the Information Services Department (the government) and tries to make the readers adopt its viewpoint. After discussion, the students should report back on their discussions. 3. The teacher leads the class discussion What does “objective and neutral” news reporting mean? Which of the above news reports are more “objective and neutral”? How can reporters deliver “more objective” news reporting? What insight does this give us as readers? 4. Follow-up activities The students collect two pieces of news on the WTO conference. Analyse the extent to which the different reports on this conference can be considered “objective and neutral”. (The students can include different types of media in their discussion, such as TV news clippings or government publicity films to enrich their discussions). Clipping 1a The WTO Conference: Implementation of traffic control Information Services Department pointed out yesterday that during the WTO Conference between 13 and 18 December, special traffic controls will be put in place outside the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre at Wanchai. During this period, apart from those with special permits, all vehicles will be forbidden to drive into the Old Wing of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. They will only be allowed to stop at the entrance at the shoreline beside the New Wing. All reporters reporting on the conference will only be allowed to move around in the Old Wing area, to avoid causing any disturbance to the conference and negotiations conducted by the ministers of various countries in the New Wing. The only event for which reporters will be able to gain access to the New Wing is the opening ceremony, and the maximum quota of reporters allowed will be within the 200 to 300 range. Source of information: Hong Kong Economic Journal, Finance and Politics P03 2005-8-13 Clipping 1b The WTO Conference expected to cause traffic congestion at Tsimshatsui The Sixth Ministerial Conference will open at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre at Wanchai on 13 December. As there is likely to be large scale demonstrations near the conference venue, Miss Janet WONG, Head of MC6 Co-ordination Office expects that, in addition to traffic disruption at Wanchai North, East Island, Central and Western District, there will also be traffic congestion at Tsimshatsui on the opposite side of the harbour. Wong pointed out that the traffic congestion caused by the conference will mainly occur in Wanchai North with a ripple effect out to Eastern and Western Island districts. Since many of the over 10,000 visitors will stay in hotels near Tsimshatsui, she believes that the traffic at Tsimshatsui will also be affected. The relevant government department has already notified the Yaumatei and Tsimshatsui District Board about the situation. Source of information: Ming Pao News A10 2005-8-22 Clipping 2a The WTO Conference will bring a spending of 100 million dollars. John Tsang Chun-wah pointed out that the benefits will certainly exceed the costs John Tsang Chun-wah, Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, pointed out yesterday that over 10,000 visitors will be expected to visit Hong Kong at the year end. Hong Kong can immediately earn 100 million dollars through hotels, consumer spending and travel. It was reported that the European Union and US delegates had rented two 5 star hotels at Admiralty for the Conference, and the rooms at the Luk Kwok Hotel, Empire Hotel Hong Kong and The Charterhouse in Wanchai are also full. John Tsang Chun-wah admitted that the conference would certainly cause some inconvenience to citizens. However, he hoped that Hong Kong people would understand the long-term benefits that the WTO Conference will bring to Hong Kong. He believed that “the benefits will certainly exceed the costs”, and reiterated that the government would strive to minimize the disturbance caused to citizens. A cut in customs duties will be beneficial to the economy of Hong Kong in the long term John Tsang pointed out that the government would be spending 200 million dollars on the conference. Over 10,000 visitors are expected to visit Hong Kong. Their spending on hotels, car rentals and shopping will immediately bring an income of 100 million dollars to Hong Kong. Also, if it is decided at the Conference to further cut customs duties, it is believed that the long-term benefits to the economy of Hong Kong will far exceed the investment on the conference. Source of information: Ming Pao News A09 2005-8-12 Clipping 2b Government spend 250 million dollars on the WTO The Sixth Ministerial Conference of the WTO(abbreviated as MC6)will be hosted in Hong Kong at the year end. Political heavyweights from a variety of countries will flood in as will international protesters. The security forces of the HKSAR will be fully mobilised. The conference room of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre will house over 4,000 representatives coming from nearly 200 WTO organisations all over the world. They will conduct 144 hours of continuous negotiations round the clock. There will also be around 1,000 reporters from all over the world, and several thousands of anti-globalisation protesters outside the conference venue. Discussions on world commerce and the global economy have always been very heated. It will not be easy to reach consensus within the one-week conference. Our journal has interviewed the government officials who organize the WTO Conference. To host a successful one-week conference, the government needs to invest unprecedented resources and effort…The SAR government, as the host, is in the last throes of preparation for the Conference. It is understood that the preparatory costs for the Conference amount to 256 million dollars. An array of vehicles of famous brands to welcome the celebrities Miss Janet WONG, Head of MC6 Co-ordination Office, stated that the Government would deploy 280 vehicles for the ministers to use, and that they were currently discussing details of the arrangements with vehicle companies. As the conference attendants are all senior government officials from various countries, arrangements for the fleet must be failure proof. The government would arrange for a Mercedes Benz for the Finance Ministers of the various countries. This would cost around 25 million dollars. Janet Wong did not disclose other details of the arrangements. It was understood that the security measures for this Conference would be more stringent than those made for the World Bank Conference conducted in Hong Kong in 1997. To prepare for this Conference, the SAR government had put on an unprecedented “big show”. Source of information: East Week 2005-8-24 Clipping 3a Greenpeace International will come to Hong Kong next month to persuade WTO representatives not to sign any agreement that would damage the environment. Over 10 representatives of Greenpeace are seeking to join hands with other non-government organisations (NGO) next month to persuade conference representatives not to sign any agreement that will damage the environment. The organisations stated that even if they were arrested by the police during their activities, they would not resist. Mr Tam Man-kei, Greenpeace Project Manager said during an interview with our reporter that Greenpeace representatives coming from Europe, the US, etc. would discuss whether they would co-operate with non-government organisations like Friends of the Earth, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), etc. to persuade representatives not to sign any agreement that would damage the environment. “Rainbow Warrior”, the flagship of Greenpeace may come to Hong Kong next month to promote the use of renewable energy, but they will not come to Hong Kong to attend the WTO Conference in December. “Our objective is neither violence nor provocation” The police plan to purchase anti-violence equipment to combat protesters. Mr Tam Man-kei said Greenpeace is not a radical or violent organization, and they criticised the police for having increased the likelihood of confrontation. He said: “Our objective is neither violence nor provocation. We only hope to give the message that there should be an immediate stop to causing any damage to the environment!” No resistance even when arrested by the police He continued: “To avoid causing injury to both parties, even when we are arrested by the police during our activities, we will not resist. Neither will we show any animosity, nor give vent to our anger!” Greenpeace plans to conduct exhibitions and workshops before the conference to overcome any “image” of being violent and provocative” as seen by the general public. Source of information: Ming Pao News A06 2005-9-8 Clipping 3b Greenpeace battle ship may visit Hong Kong to protest For the Ministerial Conference held in Hong Kong at the year end, in addition to over 10,000 protesters on land, there may be some radical protests at sea. The police projected that Greenpeace, which has conducted environmental protests before, is very likely to deploy their “battle ship” to protest in Hong Kong. A spokesman for Greenpeace confirmed that they planned to conduct activities during the WTO Conference. However, he would not confirm whether they would deploy their “battle ship” to Hong Kong until the end of this month. According to the assessment of the police of Hong Kong, it is very likely that the Greenpeace “battle ship” will come to Hong Kong. Marine police have been deployed to deter any ships getting close to the conference venue. They have also asked other departments to protect port facilities and warned them that their operations might be interrupted by the protesters. Greenpeace currently has 3 “battle ships”, including their flagship “Rainbow Warrior”, “The Arctic Sunrise” and “The Esperanza”. “Rainbow Warrior” arrived in Hong Kong in March 2000. It successfully occupied the chemical waste handling centre in Tsing Yi and occupied a ship that was at anchor at Island West in the rubbish collection area near the waste transfer centre. The association has a track record of protesting against WTO, and previously deployed ships to the Cancun conference in Mexico. Two of their members locked themselves to the anchor of a cargo ship carrying genetically-modified sweet corn grown in the USA, and attempted to force the cargo ship to leave. Reacting to criticism of the violent activities of the Greenpeace “battle ship”, Tam Man-kei, Project Manager of Greenpeace, pointed out that their association has all along taken “direct anti-violence actions” to protect the environment and that some conflicts were therefore unavoidable. Source of information: Oriental Daily A31 2005-8-8 Form: Do reporters convey predetermined values or stances in their news reports? Which of the above newspaper clippings convey the following viewpoints on the Conference held in Hong Kong? The news describes the WTO Conference as…we can find this out from…… Descriptions Reference numbers of the clippings (You can write down more than one, or leave the box blank.) Orderly Messy Fully prepared Hectic Rewarding Wasteful Well under control Good demonstration of freedom and human rights Breeding ground for violence Demonstration of Justice Others:_________ __ Evidences (please quote the wording) Session 2 : Discussion When reading the newspaper articles, it is at times easy to notice predetermined values and views hiding behind the news. These can affect our judgement of an issue without our noticing it. If we can heighten our awareness of this, it will enhance our critical thinking skills and we will become a more critical reader. The following are some common reporting tactics employed to convey hidden values or stance in news reports: 2. Association of different contexts*Note 1. Selective interviews (Selecting only those who hold certain view) WTO Objection n I want to say this! 4. Imbalanced coverage of different sources 3. Playing with the language xx. The expenditure is as high as 1 billion, which is overwhelming. This unprecedented investment project is almost supported by everyone. The government says it is good. Very good. Very good. Very good. Very good. Very Good. Very Good. Very Good. Very Good. Very Good A union leader has reservation on it. *Note: ‘Association of different contexts’ refers to the linking of an issue with another ‘similar’ but independent one, so as to influence the readers’ or audience’s view of the issue in discussion. 5. Adding the reporter’s own commentary and projections This incident is very…. In the light of the above tactics, read the newspaper clippings (1a to 3b) again to answer the following question: Which, if any, of the above tactics are used to convey hidden values or stance in these newspaper clippings? Please cite evidence from the clippings. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________