範例四 全球化 擴闊學生視野 主要學習範疇: (3) 文化與承傳 適用課程: 綜合人文科、經濟與公共事務、社會教育、德育及公民教育 簡介 生活在香港的中學生,需要學習培養廣闊的全球視野。全球化的議題既包含多角 度的觀點,亦能連結學生的日常生活和所見所聞。初中綜合人文科的「種籽」計 畫以「世界」作為中三級課題的主要脈絡,其中包括《全球化》系列,讓學生對 這個複雜的概念能有初步的認識,並從不同角度研習全球化的發展,以擴闊視 野,培養多角度思考的能力。 將來學生修讀二零零九年實施的高中核心科目通識教育科時,將會在「全球化」 的單元中,進一步學習評鑑全球化的影響和分析帶來的回應。學校在考慮為初中 課程設計與全球化相關的學與教資源時,應以幫助學生掌握該課題的基本概念和 研習方向為主,而避免與高中的課程內容重疊。 以下工作紙節錄《全球化》系列的工作紙四:《全球化成因 3:從文化角度了解 全球化》。 設計元素 貼近生活 知識基礎 思考技能 從探討香港固有生活方式的轉變,瞭解全球化的影響。 什麼是全球化?跨國企業及傳播媒介怎樣推動文化全球化? 培養批判性思考、綜合及推論,分析全球化帶來的影響。 價值情意 多維思考 反思全球化在不同地域對當地文化所帶來的好處與壞處。 掌握瞭解全球化的不同角度。 學習目標 1. 2. 從文化角度了解全球化的原因 形容全球化(以麥當勞為例)如何影響其他地方的文化,如日本、台灣、中 國等 3. 4. 分析香港、中國、日本的流行文化現象 綜合全球化與不同地方 / 地區文化接觸後產生的變化 教學建議 1. 2. 3. 4. 學生填寫表格,以反映人們日常生活中的衣、食、娛樂,一定程度上受全球 化的影響 以麥當勞為例,分析不同地方的文化如何受它的影響 探索全球化並不一定等如單一化,文化的接觸可產生不同的結果。如本土文 化為外來文化所取代;土文文化與外來文化互相融和;土文文化不為外來文 化所影響;土文文化向其他地方散播,繼而影響其他地方的文化 教師可引導學生探索其他文化現象,並作簡短討論:例如世界杯、飲食文化、 服飾文化、建築文化、流行曲文化、其他音樂與藝術文化等 來自日本的 Aya Takehisa:我在一天內喝 了法國的礦泉水、中國茶和哥倫比亞咖 啡。 早上,我喝了一杯可口而濃烈的奶茶,我是在 Ediard 買這些茶葉的,該公 司是在 1845 年法國巴黎創立的,但茶葉是源自中國的。 當我回到辦公室時,我在飯堂買了一杯咖啡,那些咖啡豆是來自哥倫比亞的。 午飯時間,我光顧了一間薄餅店,店東告訴我他是親自到意大利買調味料 的。飯後,我在便利店買了一瓶法國的 Evian。 在下午的會議中,我吃了幾片比利時薄荷糖;我的同事亦請我吃了幾片來自 夏威夷的朱古力。一天工作完畢後,我和一些朋友到了 Starbucks 嘆咖啡。 當我返抵家中,一開門,我心愛的北京狗和英國短毛貓就在迎接我。 資料來源:http://www.topics-mag.com/globalization/life-japan.htm 你有沒有類似 Aya 的經驗呢?試在下表寫出你在衣著、飲食、消閑娛樂方面的消 費中,接觸到的源自世界各地的產品、原材料和服務概念,你又知不知道它們的 原產地呢? 產品/原材料/服務的名稱 衣著 飲食 消閑娛樂 在你的每日的生活中,有幾大程度是受著世界各地文化的影響? 原產地 (以下的個案是一些人類學家在不同的亞洲城市進行研究而獲得的資料,有關資 料來自 Watson, James L.編 (1997), Golden Arches East: McDonald’s in East Asia, Stanford: Stanford University Press。) 中國北京 我付了錢買服務,餐 廳的職員自然會代 我清理這些垃圾。 外國人在這裏都是自行 拋棄垃圾,這樣做才是 正確的儀態,這樣做才 是文明的。 哪裏有痰盂? 爺爺,這裏不是傳統 的中式酒樓,說話要 較輕聲,而且不能隨 地吐痰和拋垃圾。 中國香港 六、七十年代香港人還不懂得排隊,爭 上巴士時互相推撞。我還記得在 1975 年,麥當勞在香港開業時,那些經理不 斷提醒買食物的人排隊,慢慢排隊已成 為大家的習慣。 對中國人來說,生日不是怎樣重 要;只有老人家才會擺壽宴,我 們年青的時代,哪裏會有一大群 人為小孩子慶祝生日! 中國台北 一日沒有米飯到肚是不會飽 的,這些年青人經常吃漢堡 包、薯條等快餐,吃飯不多, 但又好像不會肚餓似的,真是 奇怪。 在學校鼓勵學生吃快餐,特別是漢堡包, 是沒有問題的。每套午餐都是由一個精美 的盒子盛載的,每一項食品都有獨立包 裝。學生在進食時,習慣了使用紙巾,他 們學懂了進食時的衛生和吃漢堡包的儀 態。進食快餐有甚麼問題? 一名校長 日本東京、大阪 我們日本人進食時,雙手不可直接接觸 食物,因為雙手接觸不同類型的東西, 是不潔的。我們更加不會站立著吃東西 的,因為只有動物才會站著吃東西的。 沒有或甚少座位 的日本麥當勞,進 食時大多要站立 著。 我們日本人在家裏吃飯時,菜餚是個 別端上的;但飯是由女主人負責用一 個木製的盛器裝給每個進食者。這顯 示我們是自己人,我們吃的是來自同 一煲的飯。 1. 試根據以上的資料,完成下表: 城市 中國北京 原有的文化 在快餐廳內由職員代為清 麥當勞帶來的文化上的轉變 在快餐廳內自行拋棄垃圾 理垃圾 在公共場所隨便吐痰 不在公共場所隨便吐痰、 拋垃圾 中國香港 沒有排隊的習慣 養成排隊的習慣 不為小孩子慶祝生日 一大群人為小孩子慶祝生 日 中國台北 日本東京、大阪 沒有米飯到肚吃不飽 漢堡飽、薯條等可成正餐 進食時雙手不可直接接觸 進食時雙手可直接接觸食 食物、不站立著進食 物和站立著進食 吃來自同一煲的飯 各自進食 麥當勞等跨國公司,除了為不同的國家和地區帶來經濟上的影響,還直接或間接 地為當地人帶來了日常生活和文化的轉變。這些轉變究竟是好還是壞? 試在問題 1 的答案中選出兩個例子,並根據下表分析這些轉變對不同人士所產生 的影響: 城市 原有的文化 麥當勞帶來的文化轉變 對麥當勞公司來說 * 請刪去不適用者。 對當地人士來說 好 / 壞* 好 / 壞* 好 / 壞* 好 / 壞* a. 你有沒有看過日本漫畫?若有,你最喜歡的是哪一本漫畫/哪一個漫畫角 色? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b. 你有沒有看過日本的電視劇集?若有,你最喜歡的是哪一套劇集?你最喜歡 的日本明星是誰? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ c. 你有沒有收聽日本的流行歌曲?若有,你最喜歡的日本流行歌星是誰? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ d. 你有沒有看過南韓的電視劇集?若有,你最喜歡的是哪一套劇集?你最喜歡 的南韓明星是誰? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ e. 你有沒有收聽南韓的流行歌曲?若有,你最喜歡的南韓歌星是誰? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ f. 最受全班同學喜歡的日本明星/歌星是誰? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ g. 最受全班同學喜歡的南韓明星/歌星是誰? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ h. 這些日本和南韓的潮流是否全球化的一部份?為甚麼? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 資料一 迪士尼主席兼行政總裁 Michael Eisner 先生: 不論是通過電纜、電話線、 電腦或人造衛星,每個人都 會接觸到迪士尼的產品。 教師注意事項:這漫畫已在全球化簡報中出現過。 1. 你是否記得這漫畫?在這漫畫中,你可以找到多少來自美國的品牌? 建議答案:迪士尼、可口可樂、微軟、Nike、蜆殼、摩托羅拉等 2. 為甚麼漫畫以戰爭為題材? 建議答案:美國跨國公司的產品入侵全世界,其他人無力反抗,只好接受 這些產品 3. 這漫畫反映作者對全球化有甚麼看法? 建議答案:全球化即是美國化,它使全球變成單一的文化 資料二 來自巴西的 Yara Berg 現今我們可以在全世界找到美國的產品,但在美國,來自亞洲的產品也 愈來愈普遍。 每天,無論在三藩市、西雅圖或休士頓,我們可以在商場內買到日本的 Shisheido 化妝品,在市內的日本餐廳吃到壽司和刺身;我們也可以到 戲院欣賞出色的電影臥虎藏龍,到中國餐館買春卷這些外賣。 我知道很多人希望抑制全球化的進程,他們認為全球化導致他們的文化 逐漸消失。但事實上,我們是很難控制這情況的,我們只好在選擇甚麼 是對我們有益的或購買東西時,運用我們的批判思維。 資料來源:http://www.topics-mag.com/globalization/life-japan.htm 4. 根據資料二,美國在哪些方面受到亞洲地區的影響? 建議答案:飲食、娛樂、美容等 5. 作者如何看待全球化? 建議答案:無奈接受;在全球化過程中,運用批判思維,採納一些對自己 有益的或有用的東西 選取一項在香港的傳統中國文化(可在飲食、衣著、娛樂、節慶等方面),介紹 它的重要特徵,並嘗試分析其如何受世界其他文化的影響和當中產生的轉變。 有關的傳統文化為: 重要特徵: 來自其他文化的影響: 傳統文化發生的轉變: Causes of Globalization 3 : Understanding Globalization from a Cultural Perspective Learning Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. To understand the causes of globalization from cultural perspective To describe how globalization (using McDonald’s as example) affects cultures such as Japan, Taiwan and Mainland China, etc. To analyse the popular culture in Hong Kong, China and Japan. To obtain an overview of the changes brought about by globalization in local/ regional culture. Teaching Suggestions 1. 2. 3. 4. Students to fill in a form to reflect how their daily life (clothes, food, entertainment) is affected by globalization. Analyse, with McDonald’s as example, how the cultures in various places have been affected by globalization. Discuss whether globalization necessarily means homogenisation. Cultural contacts can bring about different results: e.g. local culture being replaced by foreign culture, merging of local culture and foreign culture, local culture not affected by foreign culture, local culture spreading to other places. Lead students into inquiring about other cultural phenomena and conduct a brief discussion on: e.g. World Cup, food culture, fashion culture, architecture culture, pop music culture, etc. Causes of Globalization 3: Understanding Globalization from a Cultural Perspective Japan’s Aya Takehisa On a single day, I drink mineral water from France, tea from China and coffee from Columbia. Photo: Chihiro Takehisa In the morning, I had a cup of tasty and strong tea with milk. I bought the tea leaves from Ediard, a company first set up in Paris in 1845. However, the tea leaves originated from China. When I got back to my office, I bought a cup of coffee from the canteen. The coffee beans were from Columbia. At lunch, I went to a pizza shop. Its owner told me that he went to Italy to buy the seasoning personally. After lunch, I bought a bottle of French Evian at a convenience store. At a meeting in the afternoon, I consumed a few Belgian mint candies. My colleagues also treated me some chocolates from Hawaii. After a day’s work, I went to enjoy a cup of coffee with some friends at Starbucks. When I arrived home, as soon as I opened the door, my adorable Peking dog and my English short-hair cat were there to welcome me. Source: http://www.topics-mag.com/globalization/life-japan.htm Have you had experience similar to Aya’s? List below the products, raw materials and service concepts in your consumption of clothing, food and drinks, and entertainment that originate from different places in the world. Do you know their place of origin? Name of product/raw material/service Place of Origin Food and Drink Clothing Leisure & Entertainment To what extent is your daily life influenced by cultures from all over the world? (The following case studies are obtained from research studies conducted in various Asian countries by some anthropologists. The information comes from Watson, James L.(edited) (1997), Golden Arches East: McDonald’s in East Asia, Stanford: Stanford University Press。) Beijing, China I’ve paid for the service. Naturally the restaurant staff will clear up the rubbish for me. Foreigners here all clear up the rubbish themselves. This is the right manner, and the civilized way. Where is the spittoon? Grandpa, this is not a traditional Chinese restaurant. We need to speak softly. Also, we can’t spit and litter as we wish. Hong Kong, China In the 1960s and 1970s, people in Hong Kong did not yet line up for services. They pushed and squeezed to get on buses. I still remember that when McDonald’s first opened in Hong Kong in 1975, its managers had to keep reminding customers to line up for their food. Gradually lining up became everybody’s habit. Birthdays are not really important to the Chinese people. Only old people will hold birthday parties. While we were young, who would ever celebrate a kid’s birthday! Taipei, China I’ll never be full if I don’t eat rice for my meals. These young people always eat fast food like hamburgers and chips and eat little rice, and yet they don’t seem to be hungry. How strange! We have no problem encouraging students to eat fast food, especially hamburgers, at school. Lunch is placed in a decent lunch box and each food item is individually packed. Students are used to using serviette when they eat. They know food hygiene and the manner of eating hamburger. What’s wrong with eating fast food? a school principal Tokyo/Osaka, Japan When we Japanese eat, we do not touch the food with our hands, as hands are in contact with different things and are not clean. We will not eat while standing up. Only animals eat while standing up. McDonald’s in Japan provide very few seats and most of the time people have to stand up while eating. Source of information: When we Japanese eat at home, the dishes are served one by one. But the mother/wife will serve everyone the rice with a wooden container, as an indication that we are people of the same group and what we eat is from the same rice pot. 1. Based on the above information, complete the following table. City Beijing, China Local culture Cultural change brought about by McDonald’s Staff of restaurants clean Customers clean up for up for the customers themselves at fast food restaurants People spit in public places People do not spit or litter in public places. Hong Kong, China People do not line up People develop the habit of lining up. People do not celebrate a kid’s birthday People gather together to celebrate a kid’s birthday. Taipei, China Without eating rice, people won’t feel full after eating. Tokyo/Osaka, Japan Hamburgers and chips, etc. can be a normal meal. When eating, people don’t When eating, people can touch the food with their touch the food with their hands and they don’t stand hands, and they can stand up up when eating. when eating. People eat rice from the Everyone eats his/her own same pot. food. Apart from economic considerations, multinational companies like McDonald’s have also brought about, directly or indirectly, changes in the daily life and culture of the local people. Are these changes good or bad? Choose two examples from the answer to Question 1 and, using the table below, analyze how these changes affect people. City Local culture Cultural Changes brought by McDonald’s * Delete whichever is inappropriate. For McDonald’s For local people Good/bad* Good/bad* Good/bad* Good/bad* a. Have you read any Japanese comics? If yes, which is your favorite comic or comic character? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b. Have you ever watched any Japanese TV drama series? If yes, which is your favorite drama series? Who is your favorite Japanese star? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ c. Do you listen to Japanese popular songs? If yes, who is your favorite Japanese pop singer? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ d. Have you ever watched any South Korean TV drama series? If yes, which is your favorite drama series? Who is your favourite Korean star? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ e. Do you listen to South Korean popular songs? If yes, who is your favorite Korean pop singer? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ f. Who is considered the most popular Japanese star/singer in your class? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ g. Who is considered the most popular Korean star/singer in your class? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ h. Is the craze for Japanese and Korean popular culture part of globalization? Why? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Source A Yara Berg, from Brazil Nowadays we can see products anywhere in the America, however, products are also becoming more popular. American world. In from Asia and more Every day, whether in San Francisco, Photo: Eivind Berg Seattle or Huston, we can buy Shisheido cosmetics. We can eat sushi and sashimi at the Japanese restaurant. We can also enjoy the fantastic movie “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon” in the cinema, and then buy take-away spring rolls at a Chinese restaurant. I understand that many people would like to restraint the process of globalization. They think that globalization will bring about the gradual extinction of their own culture. However, it is very difficult for us to control this situation. We can only exercise our critical thinking when we choose what is good for us or when we buy a product. Adapted from: 1. According to Source A, in what way is America influenced by Asia? Suggested answer: Food and drink, entertainment and cosmetics, etc. 2. How does the author see globalization? Suggested answer: There is not much one can do but to accept it. One should exercise one’s critical thinking in selecting things that are good and useful. Choose an item in traditional Chinese culture in Hong Kong (e.g. food and drink, clothing, entertainment, festivities, etc.). Describe its important features, and analyze how it has been influenced by other cultures and the subsequent changes that have taken place. The item: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Important features: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Influences from other cultures: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Subsequent changes: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________