在學校推行課程改革 – 中期發展與前瞻 可供借鑑的海外經驗 香港大學教育學院 張國華 一些英國的近期發展: ……… 英國課程改革的背景 • 1967, Plowden Report – 開創以兒童為中心的教育 – “at the heart of the educational process lies the child” 英國課程改革的背景 • 1967, Plowden Report – 開創以兒童為中心的教育 – “at the heart of the educational process lies the child” – 欠缺中央課程、校本為主 – the curriculum became known as 'the secret garden' (the term was first used by Lord Eccles, Minister of Education, in 1960) into which others even those directly concerned with educational provision - were not expected to stray. 國家課程 • 保守黨政府(戴卓爾夫人 [1979-1992]、馬卓 安[1992-1997]) • 一九八八教育改革法案(Education Reform Act 1988) – 核心科目、基礎科目 (約佔七成學習時間) – 關鍵階段測試 (key stage tests) –… 其他發展 • Dearing Report (1997) 刪減不必要內容、 教學及測試目標相應減少 • 其他相應發展 地方管埋 (local management initiative) ….. • 97年工党政府 加强語文和數學教學 學校和地方教育部門要訂立具体可量度的目標 What Teachers Do (Osborn et al 2000) 1. “On one hand, teachers report that their responsibility to their pupils come first but they also feel the need to comply to the requirement.” 2. “Teachers feel a loss of autonomy because they know they are subject to more external control but they feel they are able to exert more control over pupil experience within classroom.” What Teachers Do (Osborn et al 2000) Teachers’ perfection of their teaching strength KS1 1990/91 (%) 1992/93 (%) Classroom management skills 34.1 36.6 Cognitive-related skills 23.9 58.1 Affective-related skills 75.0 68.9 Curriculum-related skills 46.8 41.9 Assessment-related skills 1.1 2.2 Life experience 3.4 5.4 Hard work and enthusiasm 12.5 18.3 Enjoyment of teaching children 36.3 28 What Teachers Do (Osborn et al 2000) • Teachers’ Strategies in Response to Change – Compliance – Incorporation – Creative mediation – Retreatism – Resistance 香港可以借鑑的經驗 (1) • 課程和評核:賦權(empowerment)與表現評核 (performantivity) • Broadfoot (2001), 1984 英國成就記錄冊 (record of Achievement) – 政府鼓勵學校使用各种文件,記錄校內學生各 項成就和經驗 – 紀錄儘量包羅萬有 – 符合教育理論 – 關鍵問題:教師的賦權會否變成政府量度學校表 現的工具? 外國經驗……… The provision of information: UK Example http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/performancetables/ • 香港會否發生上述情况? • 我們可以反思的問題: – 學校是否了解TSA的訊息 – TSA結果,如何協助學校找出要加強和改善地方? – 學校有何其他方法,鼓勵學生發展學習以外的興 趣和成就 香港可以借鑑的經驗 (2) • Keddie: Educationalist and Teacher Context • 受訪學校 – – 學生各种社經背景 Keddie: Educationalist and Teacher Context School Statements: …….. Streaming by ability weights the school environment against those family background has already lessened their chances of educational achievement. …… A differentiated curriculum divides pupils. The school should try to unite them. ……………. Keddie: Educationalist and Teacher Context Teacher Context: Teacher J: [Some of the class] have written to Oldham Town Council for material for the New Town Project. Teacher C: They are really bright, are they? Teacher J: Mostly from middle-class families, well motivated. Keddie: Educationalist and Teacher Context Differential treatment of students: P: This is geography, isn’t it? Why don’t we learn about where countries are and that? T: This is socialization P: What’s that? I’d rather do geography……Eskimo – I don’t know where that is. T: After the lesson we’ll go and get the atlas and I’ll show you Keddie: Educationalist and Teacher Context Differential treatment of students: In another class, the same teacher, when asked how he would responded if asked “Why should we do social science?” had this reply: T: No, but if I were asked by Cs I would try to sidestep it because it would be the same question as “Why do anything? Why work? R: What if you were asked by an A group? T: Then I’d probably try to answer. 香港研究 • 陳 (1998) – 研究學生學業能力和學生文化資本關係 • "Students need to watch some TV programme (in English) and do some integrated tasks after viewing the programmes… students are asked to design a topic and do group presentation. They need to collect some relevant information and jot notes". (Chan, 1998: pp.94) • • "At the beginning of the semester, they [the students] need to introduce themselves and tell the class how they spend their summer holiday". (Chan, 1998: pp.94) • In the case of history teaching, a teacher explained that students are told to watch documentary TV programmes. Although students rarely watch them, those who have watched these programmes will be asked to discuss the programmes during class time. Teachers tend to think that these students are smart, have high language proficiency and stronger and strongly motivated in learning (Chan, 1998: pp.98). • 反思的問題 – 景因素 • 數碼差距? • 性別問題和學習 • 社經地位差異 • 種族 • 特殊教育需耍 結語 學校課程主任的角式 謝謝!