COURSE SYLLABUS SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Art Title of Course: Intermediate Painting AR 424 NEW I. Catalog Description and Credit Hours of Course: This course focuses equally upon concept, execution and technique through contemporary painterly themes. Students will explore a variety of painting media and modes of execution. Individual guidance stressed. 3 credit hours II. Prerequisite (s): AR 325 or consent of instructor. III. Purposes or Objectives of the Course: A. To introduce students to a wider range of painting media and techniques and to teach safe, orderly and considerate studio practice. B. To help students achieve a self motivated commitment to painting and to art based upon confident skills, sound studio practice, craftsmanship and invention. C. To aid and encourage the student in individual experimentation and the eventual development of an original, individual technical and conceptual painting process. D. To help students realize their aspirations and potential as artists in a contemporary world. This includes encouraging a discriminating eye and open inquiry into contemporary issues and trends in art. It also includes discouraging imitation, sentimentality and the obvious. E. To begin a process whereby painting students may in time, learn to work independently without prescribed assignments or projects - to set goals and work toward achieving them without prodding from an instructor. F. To challenge and develop the student’s creative insights and skills through individual and group critiques. IV. Expectations of Students: A. Attend regularly scheduled classes and make full use of scheduled studio work time. Work at least one hour outside for each hour of class time. B. Research and develop ideas for paintings independently one week in advance and present ideas to the instructor via sketchbook every other week. C. Maintain a notebook/sketch book. All ideas and concepts should be recorded and developed within this book. D. Read assigned material in the texts and other sources, and contribute to studio discussion based upon these readings. Notes from these discussions will be recorded in the sketch book. Sketchbooks are reviewed by the instructor twice during the semester. E. Demonstrate the ability to research: document research in writing and realize researched concepts in painted form. F. Complete five medium proportioned paintings (@ 32X40) responding to five of the ten alternative topics and themes suggested by the handout. G. Participate in/actively contribute to all scheduled critiques and other aspects of the collective studio learning/working environment. H. Create artwork at an intermediate undergraduate level. V. Course Content or Outline (Indicate number of class hours per unit or section): B. Course Units – 96 total studio contact hours a. Painting 1 - (12hrs) - out of class Research/ 9hr. studio, 3hr. Critique b. Painting 2 - (21hrs) - out of class Research/18hr. studio, 3hr. Critique c. Painting 3 - (21hrs) - out of class Research/18hr. studio, 3hr. Critique d. Painting 4 - (21hrs) - out of class Research/18hr. studio, 3hr. Critique e. Painting 5 - (21hrs) - out of class Research/18hr. studio, 3hr. Critique VI. Textbook(s) and Required Materials or Equipment: A. (rent) PAINTING AS A LANGUAGE : Robertson and McDaniel B. (purchase suggested) WHY ART CANNOT BE TAUGHT: James Elkins C. (purchase suggested) WHAT PAINTING IS: James Elkins D. It is expected that the students will need to purchase an estimated minimum of $60 - $80 in supplies in addition to the course fee of $20 VII. Basis for Student Evaluation: A. Evaluation will be based on participation during class discussions and critiques, sketchbook independent research for each painting, 5 completed paintings and an artist’s statement distilled from the sketchbook independent research. B. Sketchbook research Painting 1 Painting 2 Painting 3 Painting 4 Painting 5 Artist Statement Participation Total 50 points 50 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 50 points 50 points 600 points C. Grading scale: A=525-600 points B=400-525 C=200-400 D=100-200 F=below 100