Fibrocystic change & Benign tumors of the breast Dr: Salah Ahmed


Fibrocystic change & Benign tumors of the breast

Dr: Salah Ahmed

Fibrocystic change of the breast

- is common breast disorder

- common between 25 and 50 years of age


1- Estrogen & Progesterone:

Estrogen predominance over progesterone is considered causative

2- Others: i- Prolactin: levels are increased in 1/3 of women with FCC ii- Thyroid hormones: sensitize mammary epithelium to Prolactin stimulation


- morphologically divided into 3 groups:

1- Nonproliferative change

2- Proliferative change without atypia

3- Proliferative change with atypia

1- Nonproliferative change:

- not associated with risk of breast cancer

- 3 forms: 1- cyst

2- fibrosis

3- adenosis

1) Cysts:

- formed by dilatation of lobules

- may cause breast lumpiness, nipple discharge

2) Fibrosis :

- cysts frequently ruptured, release their content into stroma leads to chronic inflammation and fibrosis

3) Adenosis :

- is an increase in the number of acini (tubules) per lobule

- either : - physiological, during pregnancy (diffuse change)

- pathological , in nonpregnant (focal change)


2- Proliferative change without atypia :

- characterized by proliferation of ducts and lobules epithelium and or stroma without atypia

1) epithelial hyperplasia

2) sclerosing adenosis ( adenosis with dense fibrous stroma , mistaken for cancer )

3) Intraductal papilloma :

- occurs in large lactiferous ducts

- clinically may cause serous or bloody discharge

3- Proliferative change with atypia :

- includes atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) and atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH)

- there is proliferation of epithelium with atypical changes

- ADH is more common than ALH

- both predispose to carcinoma

Clinical features:

- discovered incidentally (mammography)

- present as palpable mass

- nipple discharge, serous, bloody,… (cyst, intraductal papilloma)


1- mammography

2- ultrasonography

3- FNA and histopathology

Benign tumors (stromal tumors)

1- Fibroadenoma:

- is the most common breast tumor

- may occur at any age, common before 30

- it is hormone responsive (increase in size during cycle)


- single or multiple, small or large

- usually unilateral but may be bilateral

- Grossly: firm, white or gray, well-circumscribed mass

- Micro: cellular stroma enclosing the acini or glands:

1- in slit-like spaces (intracanalicular)

2- glands retain rounded shape (pericanalicular)

C/F: - palpable mass

- FNA, histopathology, mammography

- surgical excision

2- Phyllodes:

(giant fibroadenoma )

- is uncommon

- in middle-aged or elderly women, rare before 40 years


- Grossly: huge, lobulated, circumscribed mass

- Micro: cleft-like or cystic spaces lined by epithelium with cellular stroma


- huge lobulated mass

- FNA, histopathology, mammography

- Complete excision is curative

- 10% recurrence (incomplete excision)

- malignant change occurs in < 5% of cases (sarcoma)

Thank you
