Form PDARF12 – Annual Programme Reporting Template University College Dublin Annual Programme Reporting Template Programme(s): School(s): 1. Membership of the Programme Reporting Board/Group or name of the Programme Coordinator / Dean: 2. Evidence Considered: 3. Extern Examiner Reports: Please state any recommendations made by the extern examiner(s) and give details of action to be taken as a result, or give reasons why it is not practicable/possible to fulfil the recommendation: 1 4. Student Feedback: Please identify how student feedback is obtained and recorded and what key issues have been raised. Also identify how any actions are fed back to students. 5. Staff Feedback (and where appropriate Employer Feedback): Please identify the mechanism used to obtain staff (and, where appropriate, employer) feedback and the key issues raised. How was this information considered and actioned? Please identify any examples of good practice arising from this reflection. 6. Statistical Information: E.g. Are planned places being filled? Is student progress satisfactory? How many end of semester re-sits or re-assessments occur? Are completion rates satisfactory? Are there any trends for particular modules, programmes or student groups? How do entry qualifications relate to degree results? 7. Programme Specifications: E.g. Are all programme specifications complete and regularly reviewed? What form does this review take? To what extent are students attaining the intended learning outcomes? How effective is the curriculum in relation to intended learning outcomes? Are the assessment methods appropriate? 2 8. Have any important programme developments been introduced in the past academic year? YES/NO If yes, please evaluate them: 9. Comment on any broad issues/themes/problems raised during this reflection, including any issues relating to the learning resources required to support the programmes or any general staff development needs, indicating what action is proposed to address these issues: 10. Indicate below any changes required to the programme(s) and the action proposed to implement these changes: 11. Have all changes agreed in the last programme report been implemented? YES/NO/N.A. If no, please expand, giving reasons for not implementing changes: 3 Note: 12. Schools and/or Programme Boards or Reporting Groups may add additional questions as required. For Collaborative Programmes Only: Please provide comment on the operation of the programme(s) during the reporting period. This should include student intake, progression rates, etc. (unless this has been addressed in section 6 above) Please provide summary details of how the programme(s) has been managed during the reporting period e.g. programme management meetings, obtaining student feedback, etc. Please provide an assessment of the programme(s) future viability. This should include student recruitment trends, resource issues, etc. Annual Programme(s) Report completed by: Date: 4