Chapter 2 Let the students know that at least 75% of all my work as an analyst is done in Excel. I can be a real-life example for students. – Thomas Wang, quant student Introduction to Spreadsheets with Excel 1 Initial Excel Spreadsheet 2 The Fill Handle and the Formula Bar Formula Bar 3 The Fill Handle is used for highlighting, copying and deleting. Fill Handle The Formula Bar shows what is entered in a cell Spreadsheet Arithmetic • Addition: =A1+A2 =SUM(A1:A2) • Subtraction: =A1-A2 • Multiplication: =A1*A2 • Division: =A1/A2 • Exponents: =A1^A2 4 Relative Versus Absoloute References A 1 2 3 4 5 The relative references A1:A2 in cell A3 refer to the 2 cells above cell A3. The absolute references $A$1;$A$2 in cell A3 always refer to cell $A$1:$A$2. 5 B 3 5 8 3 When copied to cell C3, the relative references refer to the 2 cells above cell C3. 0 A B C =SUM(A1:A2) =SUM(C1:C2) A 1 2 3 4 5 C B 3 5 8 C When copied to cell C3, the absolute references refer to $A$1:$A$2 8 A B C 3 =SUM($A$1:$A$2) =SUM($A$1:$A$2) Tool Bar Icons for Font , Size, Bold, Italics, and Underline Clicking on one of the icons gives the characteristic to a cell or group of cells. Font size 6 Underline Bold Font Italics The Format Cells, Drop Down Menu, and the Font Tab of the Formal Cells Dialog Box Click on Format and Cells to get the Format Cells dialog box. Then select the Font tab. The Font tab of the Format Cells dialog box is another way to change the format of a cell or a group of cells. 7 Tool Bar Icons for Formatting Numbers Clicking on one of the icons gives the characteristic to the numbers in a cell or group of cells: Changes numbers to dollars 8 Changes numbers to percent Inserts comma separators in numbers Increases the number of decimal showing Decreases the number of decimal showing The Number Tab of the Format CellsDialog Box Click on Format and then Cells to get the Format Cells dialog box. Then select the Number tab. The Number tab of the Format Cells dialog box is another way to change the format of a number in a cell or a group of cells. 9 Tool Bar Icons for Aligning Cell Contents Clicking on one of the first 3 icons will left, center, or right adjust a cell’s contents. 10 Highlighting several cells and clicking on the last icon will merge the cells and center a cell’s contents. Special Symbols • Greek Letters Use Symbol font: l becomes l • Equal to or less (greater) than signs Use inequality key and then underline • Equal to signs as text Type apostrophe and then = 11 Displaying Subscripts with the Format Cells Dialog Box Click on Format and then Cells to get the Format Cells dialog box. Then select the Font tab and click on the Subscript box. 12 Displaying Gridline and Row and Column Headings with the Page Setup Dialog Box Click on File and the Page Setup to get the Page Setup dialog box. Then select the Gridlines and Row and column headings boxes. 13 Swatville Sluggers Example – Question: Will Swatville Sluggers make any money fulfilling making eighty 30-inch bats? • • • • • • 14 Data: Sale price, p = $22 per bat Fixed cost, k = $1,000 Variable cost, c = $4.95 per bat Number sold = S Cost = k + cS Revenue = pS The Breakeven Quantity Cost = Revenue k + cS = pS Solving for S gives the Breakeven Quantity S = k/(p – c) 15 Breakeven Chart Breakeven Chart $5,000 Dollars $4,000 $3,000 Cost Revenue $2,000 $1,000 $- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Number of Bats 16 Breakeven Analysis Swatville Sluggers 1. Enter data in cells D6:D8 and A13:A25. A B C D E F 1 BREAKEVEN ANALYSIS 2 3 PROBLEM: Swatville Sluggers 4 5 Parameter Values: 6 Unit sales price: p = $ 22 7 Fixed cost: k = $ 1,000 8 Unit cost: c = $ 9.95 9 D 10 =D7/(D6-D8) 10 Breakeven quantity: S 83 11 12 Quantity Cost Revenue Profit B 13 0 $ 1,000.00 $ $(1,000.00) 12 Cost 14 20 $ 1,199.00 $ 440.00 $ (759.00) 13 =$D$7+$D$8*A13 15 40 $ 1,398.00 $ 880.00 $ (518.00) 14 =$D$7+$D$8*A14 16 60 $ 1,597.00 $ 1,320.00 $ (277.00) 15 =$D$7+$D$8*A15 16 =$D$7+$D$8*A16 17 80 $ 1,796.00 $ 1,760.00 $ (36.00) 17 =$D$7+$D$8*A17 18 82 $ 1,815.90 $ 1,804.00 $ (11.90) 18 =$D$7+$D$8*A18 19 83 $ 1,825.85 $ 1,826.00 $ 0.15 19 =$D$7+$D$8*A19 20 100 $ 1,995.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 205.00 20 =$D$7+$D$8*A20 21 120 $ 2,194.00 $ 2,640.00 $ 446.00 21 =$D$7+$D$8*A21 22 =$D$7+$D$8*A22 22 140 $ 2,393.00 $ 3,080.00 $ 687.00 23 =$D$7+$D$8*A23 23 160 $ 2,592.00 $ 3,520.00 $ 928.00 24 =$D$7+$D$8*A24 180 $ 2,791.00 $ 3,960.00 $ 1,169.00 25 =$D$7+$D$8*A25 17 24 25 200 $ 2,990.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 1,410.00 G H 2. If more rows are needed insert the appropriate number at any intermediate row. It is easiest not to add the new rows at the end of the table. C Revenue =A13*$D$6 =A14*$D$6 =A15*$D$6 =A16*$D$6 =A17*$D$6 =A18*$D$6 =A19*$D$6 =A20*$D$6 =A21*$D$6 =A22*$D$6 =A23*$D$6 =A24*$D$6 =A25*$D$6 D Profit =C13-B13 =C14-B14 =C15-B15 =C16-B16 =C17-B17 =C18-B18 =C19-B19 =C20-B20 =C21-B21 =C22-B22 =C23-B23 =C24-B24 =C25-B25 Charts Charts are easy to do using Excel’s Chart Wizard. Highlight your data and click on the chart icon. Step 1 - Chart Type Step 2 - Chart Source Data Step 3 - Chart Options Step 4 - Chart Location 18 Chart Wizard Step 1 - Chart Type Step 1 - Chart Type is where you select the type of chart: bar, pie, scatter, etc. 19 Chart Wizard Step 2 - Chart Source Data, Range Tab Step 2 - Chart Source Data, Data Range tab, is where you verify the range of the data you selected and indicate whether the data is in columns or rows. 20 Chart Wizard Step 2 - Chart Source Data, Series Tab Step 2 Chart Data Source, Series tab can be used to make changes to the x-axis if it is not correct 21 Chart Wizard Step 3 - Chart Options Step 3 Chart Options is used to enter the chart and axes titles. The tab give other options that can be adjusted. 22 Chart Wizard Step 4 - Chart Location Step 4 - Chart Location lets you pick where the chart will be displayed. 23 The Initial Breakeven Chart $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $- Cost 0 20 0 16 0 12 80 40 Revenue 0 Dollars Breakeven Chart Number of Bats 24 Changing Chart Formats: Highlight the characteristic, right click, then select the option desired from the dropdown menu. 1. Highlight the Number of Bats on the x-axis. 2. Select Format Axis Title on the drop down menu. 3. Make any changes on the Font tab of the Format Axis Title dialog box. 25 Changing the X-Axis Font Using Excel with this Text The Guide to Excel on the CD-ROM accompanying this contains more information about Excel: • • • • • 26 Formatting Displaying results Printing Special Excel Functions Excel Add-Ins (Solver & Analysis ToolPak)