©2010 Austin Independent School District Austin ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Mathematics 5th Six Weeks IPG-February 22 to April 16 – (34 days; 2 days for 6 weeks review/test, 1 day ELA TAKS) Major Concept #1: Polynomial Function Overarching Idea Teacher Guiding Questions 240A 242 262 271 274 240 240A 242 What is the degree of the polynomial function? How does the degree of the function relate to the solutions of the function? TEKS Knowledge & Skill Attributes of Functions 240 Equations, Functions, and Function Models 271 7 DAYS Finding the solutions to polynomial functions. The student defines functions, describes characteristics of functions, and translates among verbal, numerical, graphical, and symbolic representations of functions, including polynomial, rational, power (including radical), exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and piecewise-defined functions. (P.1) The student uses functions and their properties, tools and technology, to model and solve meaningful problems. (P.3) Attributes of Functions 262 Matrix Strand Equations, Functions, and Function Models Matrix # Pre-Calculus Student Expectation Describe parent functions symbolically and graphically, including f(x)=xn, f(x)=ln x, f(x)=logax, f(x)=1/x, f(x)=ex, f(x)=|x|, f(x)=ax, f(x)=sin x, f(x)=arcsin x, etc. (P.1A) Recognize and use connections among significant values of a function (zeros, maximum values, and minimum values, etc.), points on the graph of a function, and the symbolic representation of a function. (P.1D) Investigate properties of trigonometric and polynomial functions. (P.3A) Use functions such as logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric, polynomial, etc. to model real-life data. (P.3B) Use properties of functions to analyze and solve problems and make predictions. (P.3D) (P.1A) TAKS Obj Resource LH (Section 2-1) Quadratic Functions and Models Time/ Pace Teacher Tools 1 day Vocabulary: axis of symmetry, degree of polynomial, polynomial, quadratic function, standard form, vertex Teacher Notes: Review the standard form of a quadratic function and discuss the definitions of polynomial and quadratic functions (p. 128). Draw the graph of y = x2 and identify the vertex (at the origin) and the axis. Allow students 5-10 minutes to work the Exploration (box in margin) on page 129 of the text. Review the material previously covered in Section 1.7 to produce the following. The quadratic function f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k, a ≠ 0 is in standard form. The graph of f is a parabola with vertical axis x = h and with vertex at (h, k). If a > 0, the parabola opens upward, and if a < 0, the parabola opens downward. Have students graph y = −(x – 4)2 + 5. Ask the class, “What is the minimum value of y?” Ask several students to explain how they know the minimum value? How are the minimum and maximum similar and different? How are the max and min related to the vertex? 2 day Vocabulary: Continuous, Repeated zero, Multiplicity, Intermediate Value Theorem Teacher Notes: Discuss these characteristics of graphs of polynomial functions. 1. Polynomial functions are continuous. This means that the graphs of polynomial functions have no breaks, holes, or gaps. 2. The graphs of polynomial functions have only nice, smooth turns and bends. There are no sharp turns as in the graph of y = |x|. • Look first at the simplest polynomials, f(x) = xn. These are called power functions. We can break these into two cases, n is even and n is odd. Have students work in pairs or small groups to complete the Exploration in the margin of page 141 before discussing the leading coefficient test. (P.1D) (P.1) (P.3) Investigate the concepts of continuity, end behavior, asymptotes, and limits and connect these characteristics to functions represented graphically and numerically. (P.1E) (P.3A) (P.3B) (P.3D) LH: Pre-Calculus with Limits, Larson-Hostetler, Houghton-Mifflin, 2007 PTII: Precalculus TEXTEAMS Institute Part II LH (Section 2-2) Polynomial Functions of Higher Degree Pre-Calculus Page 1 of 6 LTF/A2: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Algebra 2 LTF/PC: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Pre-Calculus APTI: Algebra II/Precalculus TEXTEAMS Part I ©2010 Austin Independent School District Austin ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Mathematics 5th Six Weeks IPG-February 22 to April 16 – (34 days; 2 days for 6 weeks review/test, 1 day ELA TAKS) Major Concept #1: Polynomial Function (Continued) Overarching Idea Teacher Guiding Questions 271 240 240A 242 Attributes of Functions 271 Matrix Strand Equations, Functions, and Function Models Matrix # Pre-Calculus 7 DAYS (Continued) Finding the solutions to polynomial functions. What is the degree of the polynomial function? How does the degree of the function relate to the solutions of the function? TEKS Knowledge & Skill (P.1) (P.1) Student Expectation (P.1D) TAKS Obj Resource LH (Section 2-3) Polynomial and Synthetic Division Time/ Pace Teacher Tools 2 days Vocabulary: Division Algorithm, proper, improper, synthetic division, Remainder Theorem, Factor Theorem Teacher Notes: Students should be able to relate long division of polynomials with previous experiences with the division algorithm. (P.1D) (P.3A) (P.3B) LH (Section 2-5) Zeros of Polynomial Functions 1 day (P.3) (P.3D) Review and Test LH: Pre-Calculus with Limits, Larson-Hostetler, Houghton-Mifflin, 2007 PTII: Precalculus TEXTEAMS Institute Part II Vocabulary: Conjugates, Irreducible over the reals, variation in signs, upper bound, lower bound, Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Linear Factorization Theorem, rational zero test Teacher Notes: When discussing the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, it should be pointed out that the zeros might not be distinct. Ask the students how they would solve x3 + 6x – 7 = 0. Then ask them how they would solve the same equation if they knew that, if there were any, the rational zeros would have to be in the list ±1, ±2, ±3, ±6. Then discuss the Rational Zero Test. Note that in Examples 1(c) and 1(d) of the text, the two complex zeros were conjugates. State that if f is a polynomial function with real coefficients, then whenever a + bi is a zero of f, a – bi is also a zero of f. Discuss the multiple ways of dealing with a very large list generated by the Rational Zero Test 2 days Pre-Calculus Page 2 of 6 LTF/A2: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Algebra 2 LTF/PC: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Pre-Calculus APTI: Algebra II/Precalculus TEXTEAMS Part I ©2010 Austin Independent School District Austin ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Mathematics 5th Six Weeks IPG-February 22 to April 16 – (34 days; 2 days for 6 weeks review/test, 1 day ELA TAKS) Major Concept #2: Rational Functions Overarching Idea Teacher Guiding Questions Matrix # Matrix Strand Attributes of Functions 271 How are rational expressions, fractions, and rational numbers related? What are the differences between adding/subtracting and multiplying/dividing rational expressions? When can rational functions be used to find solutions to specific problems? TEKS Knowledge & Skill (P.1) Attributes of Functions (P.1) 2 days (P.1B) Activity 1: Should You See a Discontinuity? Apply basic transformations, including af(x), f(x)+d, f(x-c) f(bx), and compositions with absolute value functions, including |f(x)|, and f(|x|), to the parent functions. (P.2A) LH: Pre-Calculus with Limits, Larson-Hostetler, Houghton-Mifflin, 2007 PTII: Precalculus TEXTEAMS Institute Part II Vocabulary: Rational function, vertical asymptote, horizontal asymptote, slant (or oblique) asymptote Teacher Notes: Review the basics of rational functions. Draw attention to the Guidelines for Analyzing Graphs of Rational Functions and the Technology feature on page 187 of the text. Discuss the concept of slant asymptotes and how they are related to vertical and horizontal asymptotes. Applications of rational functions are explored on pages 192-193 of the text. Vocabulary: discontinuity, removable PTII: II.2.2.1 Seeing Too Much (P.1E) The student interprets the meaning of the symbolic representations of functions and operations on functions to solve meaningful problems. (P.2) Teacher Tools As a campus the Precalculus teachers might determine that the TexTEAMS activities below should precede these text resources. (P.3D) (P.1A) Graphing and Transformations Time/ Pace (P.3) 274 321 Resource LH (Section 2-6) Rational Functions (P.3B) 262 260 TAKS OBJ (P.1A) Determine the domain and range of functions using graphs, tables, and symbols. (P.1B) (P.1E) Equations, Functions, and Function Models 242 Student Expectation (P.1D) 274 240A 7 DAYS Manipulations of Rational expressions and solutions of functions with fractions. 262 260 Pre-Calculus Activity 2: How Big is a Hole? Reflect and Apply 2 days 3 days discontinuity, pixel Teacher Notes: The transformation of the parent function is investigated first with paper and pencil before turning to the graphing calculator Sometimes the exact nature of technology can make graphs appear incorrect. This can be used to our advantage to help teach topics like discontinuities. The Zoom Decimal window on the calculator will allow students to “see” the hole in the graph. A dilation of the original decimal window settings will also result in a hole. Also, keeping the original YMIN and YMAX at -3.1 and 3.1 respectively will also “show” the hole or maintain the integrity of the graphs. Pre-Calculus Page 3 of 6 LTF/A2: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Algebra 2 LTF/PC: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Pre-Calculus APTI: Algebra II/Precalculus TEXTEAMS Part I ©2010 Austin Independent School District Austin ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Mathematics 5th Six Weeks IPG-February 22 to April 16 – (34 days; 2 days for 6 weeks review/test, 1 day ELA TAKS) Major Concept #3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Overarching Idea Teacher Guiding Questions 260 274 240A 242 Attributes of Functions 262 Matrix Strand Equations, Functions, and Function Models Matrix # What is the relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions? What is the relationship between the rules of exponents and the rules of logarithms? How are the rules used in growth and decay curves? TEKS Knowledge & Skill 240A 242 Attributes of Functions 275 Student Expectation TAKS OBJ Resource Time/ Pace Teacher Tools 3 days Vocabulary: algebraic functions, transcendental functions, natural base e, continuous compounding Teacher Notes: Consider beginning this lesson with a “Think, Pair, Share” where students tell you (record student responses publicly) everything they know about exponential functions (student should have encountered exponential and logarithmic functions in Algebra II). Review the natural exponential function. Determine how much prior knowledge students have retained about exponential functions and consider allowing cooperative groups to work the three applications examples and present them. 3 days Vocabulary: common logarithmic function, natural logarithmic function Teacher Notes: Students should have prior knowledge of logarithmic functions as the inverse of exponential functions. Review the characteristics and transformations of the graphs of logarithmic functions. State that the logarithmic function with base e is called the natural logarithmic function and is denoted by f(x) = ln x. Tip: Students will have trouble remembering that ln x = logex; so extra emphasis may be required. An interesting application concerning human memory is the last example of the lesson. (P.1A) (P.1) (P.1B) (P.1E) LH (Section 3-1) Exponential Functions and Their Graphs (P.3B) (P.3) (P.3D) (P.1A) Equations, Functions, and Function Models 274 17 DAYS The relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions. 262 260 Pre-Calculus (P.1) (P.1B) (P.1E) The student interprets the meaning of the symbolic representations of functions and operations on functions to solve meaningful problems. (P.2) Investigate identities graphically and verify them symbolically, including logarithmic properties, trigonometric identities, and exponential properties. (P.2C) (P.3B) (P.3) (P.3D) LH: Pre-Calculus with Limits, Larson-Hostetler, Houghton-Mifflin, 2007 PTII: Precalculus TEXTEAMS Institute Part II LH (Section 3-2) Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs Pre-Calculus Page 4 of 6 LTF/A2: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Algebra 2 LTF/PC: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Pre-Calculus APTI: Algebra II/Precalculus TEXTEAMS Part I ©2010 Austin Independent School District Austin ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Mathematics 5th Six Weeks IPG-February 22 to April 16 – (34 days; 2 days for 6 weeks review/test, 1 day ELA TAKS) Major Concept #3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Continued) Overarching Idea Teacher Guiding Questions 242 275 240A 242 Attributes of Functions Equations, Functions, and Function Models 240A Attributes of Functions 275 Matrix Strand Equations, Functions, and Function Models Matrix # Pre-Calculus 17 DAYS (Continued) The relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions. What is the relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions? What is the relationship between the rules of exponents and the rules of logarithms? How are the rules used in growth and decay curves? TEKS Knowledge & Skill (P.2) Student Expectation (P.2C) (P.3B) TAKS OBJ Resource LH (Section 3-3) Properties of Logarithms Time/ Pace Teacher Tools 3 days Vocabulary: change-of-base formula Teacher Notes: Review the change-of-base formula and properties of logarithms. The exploration in the margin of page 241 uses the graphing calculator as a tool for students to think critically about logarithmic expressions. This exploration introduces the concept of expanding and condensing logarithmic expressions. An application problem is the final example. 3 days Vocabulary: Teacher Notes: Review the following one-to-one and inverse properties, which will be key in solving exponential and logarithmic equations. One-to-One Properties 1. a x = a y if and only if x = y. 2. logax = logay if and only if x = y. Inverse Properties 1. logaax = x 2. a log a x = x Two very general keys to solving exponential equations are: 1. Isolate the exponential expression. 2. Use the second one-to-one property from above. Two basic ways of solving logarithmic equations. 1. Isolate the logarithmic expression and then write the equation in equivalent exponential form. 2. Get a single logarithmic expression with the same base on each side of the equation; then use the one-to-one property. (P.3) (P.3D) (P.2) (P.2C) (P.3B) LH (Section 3-4) Exponential and Logarithmic Equations (P.3) (P.3D) LH: Pre-Calculus with Limits, Larson-Hostetler, Houghton-Mifflin, 2007 PTII: Precalculus TEXTEAMS Institute Part II Pre-Calculus Page 5 of 6 LTF/A2: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Algebra 2 LTF/PC: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Pre-Calculus APTI: Algebra II/Precalculus TEXTEAMS Part I ©2010 Austin Independent School District 240A 242 Matrix Strand Equations, Functions, and Function Models Matrix # Austin ISD Instructional Planning Guide – Mathematics 5th Six Weeks IPG-February 22 to April 16 – (34 days; 2 days for 6 weeks review/test, 1 day ELA TAKS) TEKS Knowledge & Skill Student Expectation TAKS OBJ Teacher Tools APTI: II.1.1.1 Exponential Growth & Decay – Activities 1 and 4 3 days Vocabulary: Exponential function, exponential equation, logarithmic equation, mathematical model, Logistic Growth Curve, ExponentialGrowth Stage, Dampened-Growth Stage, Equilibrium-Growth Stage Teacher Notes: These activities are for groups of 3-4 students. Several transparencies are included to facilitate intermittent discussions during the cooperative activities. Please read all included Leader’s Notes carefully and consider working through this activity with other teachers prior to implementing it in the classroom with students. Review and Test 2 days Resource (P.3B) (P.3) (P.3D) LH: Pre-Calculus with Limits, Larson-Hostetler, Houghton-Mifflin, 2007 PTII: Precalculus TEXTEAMS Institute Part II Pre-Calculus Time/ Pace Pre-Calculus Page 6 of 6 LTF/A2: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Algebra 2 LTF/PC: Laying the Foundation, Connecting Pre-Calculus APTI: Algebra II/Precalculus TEXTEAMS Part I