Software Engineering – CSI-343 Multiple Choice Questions - Dr. Zeiad El-Saghir Choose the correct or best alternative in the following: 1. The stand alone systems that are produced by a development organization and sold on the open market to any customer who is able to buy them are called ___________. A. system product. B. customized product. C. generic product. D. software product. 2. The systems which are commissioned by a particular customer and a software contractor develop the software especially for that customer is called ___________. A. generic product. B. software product. C. system product. D. customized product. 3. What is software? A. a. Structured approaches to development which include system models. B. Computer programs and associated documentation. C. Engineering discipline concerned with the software production. D. Systems intended to provide an automated support. 4. Expansion of CASE is ___________. A. Computer-Aided Software Engineering. B. Component- Aided Software engineering. C. Company Aided Software Engineering. D. Computer based Aided Software Engineering. 5. In functional classification of CASE tools, PERT tools, estimation tools, spread sheets are the examples of ____________. A. editing tools. B. change management tools. C. planning tools. D. configuration tools. 6. What are the examples of Language Processing Tools? A. Text editors, diagram editors, word processors. B. Requirement traceability tools, change control tools. C. Design editors and data dictionaries. D. Compilers, interpreters. 1 7. What are the three categories of CASE systems? A. Tools, Worksheets, Environments. B. Functional, Process, Integration perspective. C. Environment, Testing, Deployment. D. Analysis, Design, Implementation. 8. ___________ describes the way in which the deployment team is organized, the people involved and their roles in the team. A. Resource Requirements. B. Risk Analysis. C. Work Breakdown. D. Project Organization. 9. ___________ shows the dependencies between activities, the estimated time required to reach each milestone and the allocation of people activities. A. Risk Analysis. B. Project Schedule. C. Project Organization. D. Reporting Mechanisms. 10. The risk that is derived from the software or hardware that is used to develop a system is called ____________. A. people risks. B. technology risks. C. tool risks. D. organizational risk. 11. The likelihood and consequences of the risk that are assessed is called as ________. A. risk identification. B. risk analysis. C. risk planning. D. risk management. 12. What is a tool risk? A. Risk that derives from the CASE tools and other support software used to develop the system. B. Risk that derive from organizational environment. C. Process of managing required change. D. Resource required to building and estimating the system characteristics. 2 13. Project schedules are often based on programmer productivity on past projects as measured in terms of size unit per time unit (such as lines of code per day). _________must be considered when developing project schedules using this approach. A. Time schedule. B. Similarity of projects. C. Expertise of programmers. D. Complexity of programming language. 14. Which of the following is not a characteristic of software? A. Software is developed. B. Software is engineered. C. Software is manufactured. D. Software doesnot wear out. 15. What is functional decomposition in software system design? A. A design method that breaks a system into smaller units. B. A requirements analysis method that breaks the system into cohesive and related units. C. A design methodology that uses modular prototypes to build the complete system. D. The ability to upgrade the features of a particular module of a system with minimal impact on other modules. 16. A software project classifies system entities, their activities and relationships. The classification and abstraction of system entities is important. Which modeling methodology most clearly shows the classification and abstraction of entities in the system? A. Data flow model. B. Event driven model. C. Object oriented model. D. Entity-relationship model. 17. Which statement about a prototype is true? A. It is a functional model of the entire system. B. It is the complete untested product ready for final review by the customer. C. It is necessary in order to accurately verify that the product is progressing in accordance with requirements specifications. D. It is a full-scale model of the entire system at some partial stage in development showing the functional form of the system. 18. What is usability in software engineering? A. The ability of the end user to use the product successfully. 3 B. A measure of the relative effort required to learn how to use a software product. C. The degree to which the product integrates with the environment in which it is used. D. A metric that describes the degree to which a software product meets its requirements. 19. A ___________ model is also called as classic life cycle model. A. waterfall. B. RAD. C. prototyping. D. incremental model. 20. _____________ is the process of developing a software specification. A. Software Engineering. B. Requirements Engineering. C. Systematic Engineering. D. Computer Engineering. 21. The constraints on the services or functions offered by the system and include timing constraints, constraints on the development process and standards are called as _______. A. functional requirements. B. non-functional requirements. C. system requirements. D. software requirements. 22. The process of interacting with the stake holder in the system to collect their requirements is called ____________. A. requirements classification. B. requirements discovery. C. requirements prioritization. D. requirements documentation. 23. The activity that takes the unstructured collection of requirements groups related requirements and organizes them into coherent is stated as _________. A. requirements classification and organization. B. requirements discovery. C. requirements prioritization. D. requirements documentation. 24. The end-users who interact with system and everyone else in an organization are termed as _______. A. domain B. domain users C. documentation users 4 D. stake holders 25. The information links from the requirements to the stake holders who proposed the requirements and rationale for these requirement is called as ___________. A. requirements traceability. B. design traceability. C. source traceability. D. traceability management. 26. The information links from the requirements to design modules where these requirements are implemented is termed as ____________. A. requirements traceability. B. design traceability. C. source traceability. D. traceability management. 27. The __________ model shows the system and events that causes transactions from one state to another. A. state machine model. B. data flow model. C. behavioral model D. context model. 28. The model which is been widely used in the database design is __________. A. entity-relationship model. B. data flow model. C. behavioral model. D. context model. 29. Systems are often poorly structured because __________. A. managers need regular deliverable to measure progress. B. problem can be reflected in the software systems. C. continual change tends to corrupt the software structure. D. engineering and management perspective that create a software problem. 30. What language researchers used to describe the system architecture? A. Procedural Language. B. Architectural Description Language. C. Unified Modeling Language. D. High Level Language. 31. The shared data is held in a central database that can be accessed by all the systems is called _______. 5 A. evolutionary model. B. repository model. C. sub-system model. D. CASE toolset. 32. Validation is defined as ________. A. are we building the right product? B. are we building the product right? C. both (1) and (2) D. are we building the project right? 33. Verification is defined as __________. A. are we building the right product? B. are we building the right project? C. are we building the product right? D. are we building the project right? 34. When modules or sub-system are integrated to create large systems which is called by the other program components is _____________. A. module testing. B. interface testing. C. component testing. D. sequence testing. 35. What is Software Engineering? A. Computer programs or software developed for a particular customer or for a general market. B. Computer engineering concerned with theory and fundamentals. C. Engineering discipline which is concerned with all aspects of software production. D. Engineering concerned with all aspects of computer based system development including hardware, software and process engineering. 36. The software which is checked to ensure that it is what the customer requires is defined as A. software specification. B. software development. C. software evolution. D. software validation. 37. The ability of the system to deliver services when requested is defined by _________. A. availability. B. reliability. 6 C. safety. D. security. 38. The development of the system spiral outwards from an initial to the final development system is defined as __________. A. incremental delivery. B. component delivery. C. spiral development. D. system development. 39. Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) is the name given to software used to support ______________. A. tools therefore include design editors, data dictionaries and system building tools. B. software process activities such as requirements engineering, design, program development and testing. C. represent a new generation of generic process. D. system and configuration management procedures and tools. 40. Software system requirements are often classified as _________. A. functional and non-functional requirements. B. user and system requirements. C. interface and product requirements. D. domain and system requirements. 41. The goal of the requirement engineering is ______________. A. concerned with discovery and documentation. B. to spent on high-level business and non-functional requirements. C. to create and maintain a system requirements document. D. to concerned with feasibility study. 42. The system that is designed to process user requests for information from a database or requests to update the database is defined as ___________. A. transaction processing. B. information management system. C. resource management system D. application management system. 43. The difference between agile development methods and the software development methods that rely on documented specifications and designs are explained by ______________. A. waterfall model. B. rapid software development. 7 C. software prototyping D. risk management. 44. The successful reuse of component requires a development process shows the principle sub- activities within a ______________. A. CASE Process. B. specification process. C. CBSE process. D. risk process. 45. Which activity refers to the action Are we building the right product? A. Verification. B. Validation. C. Testing. D. Debugging. 46. Which activity refers to the action Are we building the product right? A. Verification. B. Validation. C. Testing. D. Debugging 47. The Component Testing is sometimes called as ________________. A. performance testing. B. black-box testing. C. interface testing. D. unit testing. 48. What occurs in real-time systems that use a shared memory or a message passing interface? A. Timing Errors. B. System Errors. C. Run-Time Errors. D. Execution Errors. 49. The most important feature of spiral model is (A) requirement analysis. (B) risk management. (C) quality management. (D) configuration management. 50. The worst type of coupling is (A) Data coupling. 8 (B) control coupling. (C) stamp coupling. (D) content coupling. 51. All the modules of the system are integrated and tested as complete system in the case of (A) Bottom up testing (B) Top-down testing (C) Sandwich testing (D) Big-Bang testing 52. If every requirement stated in the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) has only one interpretation, SRS is said to be (A) correct. (B) unambiguous. (C) consistent. (D) verifiable. 53. Modules X and Y operate on the same input and output data, then the cohesion is (A) Sequential (B) Communicational (C) Procedural (D) Logical 54. SRS is also known as specification of (A) White box testing (B) Stress testing (C) Integrated testing (D) Black box testing 55. The desired level of coupling is (A) No coupling (B) Control coupling (C) Common coupling (D) Data coupling 56. In the spiral model ‘risk analysis’ is performed (A) In the first loop (B) in the first and second loop (C) In every loop (D) before using spiral model 57. For a well understood data processing application it is best to use 9 (A) The waterfall model (B) prototyping model (C) the evolutionary model (D) the spiral model 58. Each time a defect gets detected and fixed, the reliability of a software product (A) increases. (B) decreases. (C) remains constant. (D) cannot say anything. 59. The feature of the object oriented paradigm which helps code reuse is (A) object. (B) class. (C) inheritance. (D) aggregation. 60. If every requirement can be checked by a cost-effective process, then the SRS is (A) verifiable (B) traceable (C) modifiable (D) complete 61. Modifying the software to match changes in the ever changing environment is called (A) adaptive maintenance (B) corrective maintenance (C) perfective maintenance (D) preventive maintenance 62. An object encapsulates (A) Data (B) Behaviour (C) State (D) Both Data and behaviour 63. Aggregation represents (A) is_a relationship (B) part_of relationship (C) composed_of relationship (D) none of above 64. ER model shows the (A) Static view. 10 (B) Functional view. (C) Dynamic view. (D) All the above. 65. The tools that support different stages of software development life cycle are called: (A) CASE Tools (B) CAME tools (C) CAQE tools (D) CARE tools 66. Requirements can be refined using (A) The waterfall model (B) prototyping model (C) the evolutionary model (D) the spiral model 67. Structured charts are a product of (A) requirements gathering (B) requirements analysis (C) design (D) coding 68. The problem that threatens the success of a project but which has not yet happened is a (A) bug (B) error (C) risk (D) failure 69. The main purpose of integration testing is to find (A) design errors (B) analysis errors (C) procedure errors (D) interface errors 70. Pseudocode can replace (A) flowcharts (B) structure charts (C) decision tables (D) cause-effect graphs 71. CASE Tool is (A) Computer Aided Software Engineering 11 (B) Component Aided Software Engineering (C) Constructive Aided Software Engineering (D) Computer Analysis Software Engineering 72. Software consists of (A) Set of instructions + operating procedures (B) Programs + documentation + operating procedures (C) Programs + hardware manuals (D) Set of programs 73. Which is the most important feature of spiral model? (A) Quality management (B) Risk management (C) Performance management (D) Efficiency management 74. Which phase is not available in software life cycle? (A) Coding (B) Testing (C) Maintenance (D) Abstraction 75. Which is not a step of requirement engineering? (A) Requirements elicitation (B) Requirements analysis (C) Requirements design (D) Requirements documentation 76. Site for Alpha Testing is (A) Software Company (B) Installation place (C) Any where (D) None of the above 77. Which is not a size metric? (A) LOC (B) Function count (C) Program length (D) Cyclomatic complexity 78. As the reliability increases, failure intensity (A) decreases (B) increases 12 (C) no effect (D) none of the above 79. Which of the following are advantages of using LOC (lines of code) as a size-oriented metric? (A) LOC is easily computed. (B) LOC is a language dependent measure. (C) LOC is a language independent measure. (D) LOC can be computed before a design is completed. 80. Top down approach is used for (A) development. (B) identification of faults. (C) testing and validation. (D) reverse engineering. 81. What is the normal order of activities in which software testing is organized? (A) unit, integration, system, validation (B) system, integration, unit, validation (C) unit, integration, validation, system (D) none of the above 82. What is the main concern of software engineering area? (a) Hardware configuration (b) Software production (c) Network configuration (d) Software reusability 83. Software engineers must behave in ethical and morally responsible way. Which of the following statements is WRONG when describing the acceptable behavior of software engineers? (a) Software engineers are permitted to disclose the confidential data of their employers and clients if a formal confidentiality agreement is not signed. (b) Software engineers should not knowingly accept work that is outside their competence. (c) Software engineer should ensure that the intellectual property of employers and clients is protected. (d) Software engineers should not use their technical skills to misuse other people’s computers. 84. What is the result of requirements documentation activity? (a) Requirements document (b) Test cases 13 (c) System models (d) Complete 85. What term refers to the degree to which a system is easy to learn and use? (a) Validity (b) Visibility (c) Reusability (d) Usability 86. _________ is concerned with modifying existing software systems to meet new requirements. (a) Software specification (b) Software design and implementation (c) Software validation (d) Software evolution 87. Which statement best describe a meaning of "waterfall" life cycle model. (a) When a phase in the lifecycle is completed, the results fall down to the next phase and there is no going back. (b) When a phase in the lifecycle iterates like a ring on the spiral, moving outward from the center. (c) When a phase in the lifecycle overlapping with each others. (d) When a phase in the lifecycle is executed continuously without stop. 88. Functional independence of modules can be measured using these two criteria, __________ and __________ (a) information hiding, abstraction (b) cohesion, coupling (c) modularity, architecture (d) refinement, refactoring 89. The linear sequential model of software development is a. A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined. b. A good approach when a working program is required quickly. c. The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. d. An old fashioned model that cannot be used in a modern context. 90. The linear sequential model of software development is also known as the a. Classical life cycle model c. Spiral model d. Waterfall model e. a and c 14 91. The prototyping model of software development is a. A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined. b. A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly. c. The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. d. A risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product. 92. The spiral model of software development a. Ends with the delivery of the software product b. Is more chaotic than the incremental model c. Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration d. All of the above 93. The system specification describes the a. Function, performance and constraints of a computer-based system b. implementation of each allocated system c. element software architecture d. time required for system simulation 94. The use of traceability tables helps to a. debug programs following the detection of run-time errors b. determine the performance of algorithm implementations c. identify, control, and track requirements changes d. none of the above 95. In this activity, the functionality of the software and constraints on its operation must be defined. (a) Software Specifications (b) Software Development (c) Software Validation (d) Software Evolution 96. In this activity, software that meets the specifications must be produced. (a) Software Specifications (b) Software Development (c) Software Validation (d) Software Evolution 97. In this activity, the software must be validated to ensure that it does what the customer wants. (a) Software Specifications (b) Software Development (c) Software Validation 15 (d) Software Evolution 98. In this activity, the software must evolve to meet changing customer needs. (a) Software Specifications (b) Software Development (c) Software Validation (d) Software Evolution 99. Is the capability of software to provide appropriate performance relative to the amount of resources used. (a) Efficiency (b) Portability (c) Functionality (d) Maintainability 100. Is the capability of software to be adapted for different specified environments without applying actions other than those provided for this purpose in the product. (a) Efficiency (b) Portability (c) Functionality (d) Maintainability 101. Is the capability of software to provide functions which meet stated and implied needs when the software is used. (a)Efficiency (b) Portability (c) Functionality (d) Maintainability 102. Is the capability of software to be modified for purposes of making corrections, improvements, or adaptation. (a) Efficiency (b) Portability (c) Functionality (d) Maintainability 103. The software should be produced at reasonable cost, in a reasonable time, and should be of ...................................... (a) good quality (b) Less KLOC (c) Reasonable productivity (d) Reasonable KLOC 16 104. The software development .................................. is used to facilitate the development of a large software product in a systematic, well-defined, and cost-effective way. (a) Process (b) Tool (c) life-cycle (d) Languages 105. ................................. software is very expensive. (a) Industrial strength (b) Good quality (c) System type (d) Application type 106. .................................... support individual process tasks such as checking the consistency of a design, compiling a program and comparing test results. (a) Individual (b) Environment (c) Support Tools (d) Workbenches 107. The goal of ............................... is to evaluate alternative systems and to propose the most feasible and desirable systems for development. (a) Maintenance stage (b) Feasibility study (c) Prototyping (d) Maintenance 108. .......................................... define factors, such as I/O formats, storage structure, computational capabilities, timing, and synchronization. (a) Non-functional requirements (b) Functional requirements (c) Volatile requirements (d) Enduring requirements 109. ................................ requirements cannot be sacrificed. (a) Desirable (b) Mandatory (c) Efficient (d) Enduring 17 110. ........................ traceability links requirements to the stakeholders who proposed these requirements. (a) Design (b) Requirements (c) Stake holder (d) Source 111. The software development ......................... is used to facilitate the development of a large software product in a systematic, well-defined, and cost-effective way. a. Process b. Tool c. Life-cycle d. Languages 112. ................................. software is very expensive. a. Industrial strength b. Good quality c. System type d. Application type 113. .................................... support individual process tasks such as checking the consistency of a design, compiling a program and comparing test results. a. Individual b. Environment c. Support Tools d. Workbenches 114. The goal of ............................... is to evaluate alternative systems and to propose the most feasible and desirable systems for development. a. Maintenance stage b. Feasibility study c. Prototyping d. Maintenance 115. In this activity, the software must evolve to meet changing customer needs. (a) Software Specifications (b) Software Development (c) Software Validation (d) Software Evolution 116. The output of ........................................... is an SRS document. a. Requirements Approach Stage 18 b. Requirements Design Stage c. Requirements Analysis Stage d. Design Analysis Stage 117. The outputs of .................................... are test reports and error reports. a. Error Check Stage b. Reporting Stage c. Testability d. Testing Stage 118. .................................... support individual process tasks such as checking the consistency of a design, compiling a program and comparing test results. a. Individual b. Environment c. Tools d. Workbenches 119. Many times maintenance may consume ................................ than the time consumed in the development. a. Hard time b. Easy time c. Less time d. More time 120. The final quality delivered and productivity achieved depends on the skills of the people involved in the software project, the .............................. people use to perform the different tasks in the project, and the tools they use. a. Workbenches b. Most c. Processes d. Packages انتهت األسئلة ، ، ، مع تحياتي وخالص دعائي 19