CONTENT AREA GRADE LEVEL / COURSE GRADING PERIOD lesson aisd Submission Date:Sept 08 LESSON LEVEL: Authors:Adam Miller LANGUAGE: GenEd PreAP AP TYPE OF LESSON: English Spanish Core Intervention Enrichment LESSON TITLE HERE Pacing: Minutes LEARNING OBJECTIVES Intended Learning: 8 (4) History. The student understands significant political and economic issues of the revolutionary era. The student is expected to analyze the issues of the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, including major compromises Essential Questions: What controversies had to be resolved in order to create a new government for the United States? How were these issues dealt with in the Constitution? Who had a significant impact on the Convention, and how did they affect its work? Assessment: 6 / 9 Week Test Benchmark TAKS End Of Course TEKS # Knowledge and Skill Student Expectation 8.4 D analyze the issues of the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, including major compromises understand the 5 major controversies facing the delegates of the Constitutional Convention. 8.22 C summarize a historical event in which compromise resulted in a peaceful resolution Evaluate the compromises that were put in place to resolve them 8.23 A analyze the leadership qualities of elected and appointed leaders of the United States such as George Washington identify important people from the Philadelphia Convention, and show understanding of the role they played © Austin Independent School District, 2008 7/1/16 1/4 CONTENT AREA GRADE LEVEL / COURSE GRADING PERIOD lesson aisd LESSON VOCABULARY Academic Description: Constitution, Philadelphia, 1787, states' rights, tariff, 3/5 compromise, slavery, import, export, Great Compromise, Virginia plan, New Jersey plan, aristocrats, democrats, electoral college, house of representatives, senate, congress, legislature, 3 branches, slave trade, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Gouvenor Morris, George Mason, Ben Franklin, James Wilson, George Washington, federal, LESSON ASSESSMENT Product Description: foldable STUDENT WORK PRODUCTS Controversies foldable HOMEWORK / EXTENDED LEARNING PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING Clear Expectations student partners develop their own solutions to the controversies behind the Philadelphia Convention, and analyze the historic solutions designed by the Framers Choose one Explanation Choose one Explanation Choose one Explanation © Austin Independent School District, 2008 7/1/16 2/4 CONTENT AREA GRADE LEVEL / COURSE GRADING PERIOD lesson aisd INTEGRATION Health (Mandatory): Technology: powerpoint slideshow, website > < LEARNER STRATEGIES Gifted and Talented: English Language Learner: Special Education: Modifications: Accomodations: Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Other Strategies: © Austin Independent School District, 2008 7/1/16 3/4 CONTENT AREA GRADE LEVEL / COURSE GRADING PERIOD lesson aisd LESSON STAGES Pre-reading Description: Working as pairs, students fill in the missing blanks on the Constitutional Convention handout as an introduction. Empahsize the personalities and the roles they played in shaping the document (Washington's quiet leadership, Morris's prose, Madison's creativity, Franklin's wisdom, etc). Discuss the possibility of failure if even one of these controversies was unresolved. Slide lecture - analyze the problem Description: Teacher introduces each controversy using the attached "Constitutional Disputes" handout Pairs problem solve Description: Each pair discusses their own improvised solution to the problem and records that idea on the backside of the folded notetaking guide. uncover the historic solution Description: Fold down the page, and uncover the real solution as students take notes on the frontside of their page. Teacher slide lecture. extension: Electoral College Description: BrainPop video on Presidential Elections, website > < © Austin Independent School District, 2008 7/1/16 Assessment: student worksheet Assessment: Assessment: class discussion Assessment: foldable Assessment: 10 question online quiz 4/4