AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: Social Studies Overarching Idea Guiding Questions IPG: Third Nine Weeks GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten MAJOR CONCEPT #1: Citizenship Citizenship is learned, demonstrated and maintained through a society’s recognition and celebration of its traditions, symbols, and patriotic holidays. How do traditions impact citizenship? How do patriotic heroes contribute to good citizenship in society? What roles do symbols such as flags, songs, and holidays have on citizenship? MAJOR CONCEPT #2: Change/Continuity Overarching Idea Over time, people and events change and continuity shape the history of a community. Guiding Questions © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 How does the study of events help improve the understanding of the change and continuity of history? How can the study of individuals and their beliefs help improve the understanding of the change and the continuity of history? How can the anticipation of and planning for change and continuity empower a society? What are the roles of leaders as a society encounters change and continuity? 1 AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: Social Studies IPG: Third Nine Weeks GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten MAJOR CONCEPT #3: Culture Overarching Idea Guiding Questions Culture affects people’s daily lives. How does culture affect the daily lives of people? How does culture affect traditions and holidays? MAJOR CONCEPT #4: Order Overarching Idea Guiding Questions Placing things in order helps people to keep track of time and perform tasks. What are some of the different methods/tools developed to order time? How does the understanding of concepts such as then and now, first, next and last, as well as past, present and future help to order events? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 2 AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: Social Studies IPG: Third Nine Weeks GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten MAJOR CONCEPT #5: Time Overarching Idea Guiding Questions Individuals’ and societies’ interpretations of the past, present, and future change over time. How do humans and their capabilities change over time? How does our society and the way we live change over time? How and why does society change over time? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 3