AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: Social Studies IPG: First Nine Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 2 MAJOR CONCEPT #1: Citizenship Overarching Ideas Guiding Questions Humans organize into population groups called communities. How do citizens structure their communities? Why is good citizenship necessary for a community? How do rules and laws help people demonstrate good citizenship? MAJOR CONCEPT #2: Rules and Laws Overarching Ideas A community’s rules, laws and governmental organization reflect the values of its citizens. Guiding Questions How are the values of a community reflected in the rules and responsibilities of its citizens? How do the laws and organizational structures of a community impact its citizens? MAJOR CONCEPT #3: Space and Region Overarching Ideas Guiding Questions The physical characteristics of the environment are continents and bodies of water. What are the major land masses and how are they identified in space? How much of the earth’s space is covered by oceans and what are their names? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 1 AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: Social Studies IPG: First Nine Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 2 MAJOR CONCEPT #4: Location and Place Overarching Ideas Globes and maps are used to define location and space. Guiding Questions What tools help us read a map to find a location and place? Why is it important to know directions and locations of places on a map? MAJOR CONCEPT #5: Events and Traditions Overarching Ideas Historical documents, events, and traditions shape a free and democratic society. Guiding Questions What events and traditions led to the writing of the Constitution? How did these events and traditions influence the writing and text of the Constitution? What is the significance of national holidays, historical events, and traditions? MAJOR CONCEPT #6: Culture Overarching Different cultures within a society contribute to the community. Ideas Guiding Questions How do different cultures contribute to their community? How are different cultures recognized and integrated into their community? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 2