AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: Social Studies IPG: Third Nine Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 1 MAJOR CONCEPT #1: Traditions Overarching Idea Guiding Questions Customs, symbols, celebrations and historical figures/heroes help create the traditions that make a society unique. What are some of the customs and traditions that make a society unique? Why are songs, symbols, and music important to a society’s traditions? Why are national heroes honored as a part of a society’s traditions? What are some of the characteristics of a national hero that influence the traditions of a society? MAJOR CONCEPT #2: Location Overarching Idea Guiding Questions The study of location requires an understanding of where we are located in relationship to the world, and why this location is conducive to settlement. Where is my location in relationship to the world? How does the use of maps and map-making skills improve the understanding of a region’s location? How is a settlement’s location chosen and modified to fit the community? How might the history of a settlement change the location of a community? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2110 1 AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: Social Studies IPG: Third Nine Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 1 MAJOR CONCEPT #3: Government Overarching Idea Guiding Questions The rules, regulations and leadership that a society chooses to protect lives, rights, and property form the government of that society. What are some of the characteristics that make a society’s government unique? How do some of the early leaders of a society help influence what type of government it will implement? What are the symbols that represent a government? MAJOR CONCEPT #4: History Overarching Idea Guiding Questions Historical figures have influenced the community, state, and nation. How are the lives of historical figures similar and different? How have the similarities and differences of historical figures affected the community and society? How have historical figures brought change to the community and society? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2110 2