Means of doing business in China

Means of Doing Business
Presentation outline
• Choices of investment
representative office,
joint venture,
wholly-owned foreign enterprise
Foreign investor shareholding corporation
• Site location
• Finding the right partner
• Principle of building relationship with
China business
Representative Office
• Appropriate for selling imported products in China
• No allow to do business directly
• build relations and provide technical support and
• Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation (MOFTEC)- supervisory government
agency for representative offices
• Need a local sponsor or consultancy from
MOFTEC or FESCO (Foreign Enterprise Service
Corp.) to set up a representative office
Representative office- continued
• Legal documents and Procedure
– home company’s business activities
– a complete list of board of directors
– article of association
– recent balance sheet and income statements
– register with State Administration for Industry
and Commerce (SAIC)
– after approval from SAIC
Open a bank account with Bank of China,
Register with Public Security Bureau, the
Customs and the Tax Bureau
Joint Ventures
In joint venture agreements, they include:
 Name of the joint venture and location
 Production capacity and quality
 Total investment and source of funds
 Percentage of investment and division of profits
 methods of marketing
 form of investment/cooperation
Joint Ventures
Equity Joint Venture (EJV)
• a limited liability corporation with equity shares
from each side
• Equity shares in the form of equipment, cash,
land, factory building, industrial property rights
• foreign partner’s minimum stake is 25%
• Part of the contribution must be in cash
• Part of the contribution can be in technology
(<20% total capital or 50% of foreigner’s
investment--whichever is lower)
EJV (continued)
share profits/loss according to equity share
life of 15 to 30 years, can be extended
Partners determine the corporate strategy
If the Chinese appoints the director as the
chairman, the vice-chairman should be from the
foreign side, and vice-versa.
• Foreigner partner cannot withdraw its capital
while EJV is in operation
EJV: Example
Jinbei-GM automobile Co:
• 50/50 equity joint venture
• Chinese partner -- land and building
• American partner -- cash and technology
• GM’s current investment with Jinbei is $230 million
• Location-- Shenyang
Cooperative Joint Venture (CJV)
• The Chinese provides the non-liquid assets (land,
natural resources, labor, services and buildings,
equipment or facilities)
• Foreign partner provides the either capital or
technology, equipment or materials etc.
• CJV contract defines the distribution of products,
profits or losses
• Foreign investors are allowed to recover the
investment before the enterprise expires.
CJV: Example
 March 1996, cooperative joint venture
 Apple contributes design of the PC, Motorola, the
G4 processing chip and Panda, the land and
building space
 Failure: Apple was not happy with Motorola’s
slow G4 chip production decided to withdraw
from the joint venture (which was then dissolved).
Compensation Trade (CT) deals--counter-trade
• Firms sell raw materials (or technology etc) and
buys back the manufactured goods or other
substitute products
• The foreign side supplies the production equipment
and technology
• Two ways to raise capital for CT
– Foreign investor obtains foreign bank loan to pay for the
equipment imported by the Chinese
– The Chinese side uses the export loan from foreign bank
to buy equipment
• Leasing arrangement falls into CT
Processing and Assembly Agreement
foreign side supplies materials
Chinese side processes or assembles them
The Chinese receives a fee for their efforts
Foreign partner pays the fee in either cash or
open a letter of credit account with Bank of China
or other approved Chinese bank for the finished
• Industries include --labor intensive (cloth-making)
and others (calculators)
• preferential treatment such as tax free for imports
Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprise
• Limited liability company
• Foreign investment may be in the form of hard
currency, machinery, industrial property rights or
• Condition for approval
– advance technological know-how
– more than 50% of output in terms of foreign
WFOE (continued)
• Restricted areas:
• News, publication, broadcasting, television, film
industry, foreign trade, insurance, post and
telecommunications and others.
• In 1986, WFOE 1% of foreign investment
In 1991, WFOE was 37%
• Usually require 15% of capital registered within 3
months of establishment
Foreign Investor Shareholding Corporation
• joint stock company
• Foreign company allows local Chinese partners to
have minority stakes in return for their business assets
(factories, and trucks)
• Local partners do not participate in management of
the firm, but help the firm to access to markets
• Kodak (China): invest $1.2b for a freeze on foreign
competition until 2002
• 80% share-20% local (Xiamen Fuda and Shantou
Era), each appoints a board member while Koda
remaining 8 members
Foreign Investor Shareholding Corporation
• Regulatory framework allows foreign corporations
to convert existing joint ventures and whollyowned foreign subsidiaries into FISC, provided
they have been profitable for 3 years.
• China’s State Development Planning Commission
is involved in creating FISC.
• FISCs are well placed to obtain quick listings on
the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges,
making it easier for them to raise new capital.
Site Location
• No one can own a piece of land but to rent it
• The renting period is
– 70 years (housing)
– 50 years (industrial, educational, scientific and
sporting use)
– 40 (commercial, tourism and recreation)
• You can transfer, lease or mortgage to third party
within the legally-specified period
Site Location (Continued)
Four-pronged Approach to building Capabilities
• Establish a small office
– obtain information
• Assess the scale of opportunity
– local consuming patterns and the spending power
• Identify and evaluate entry options
– different types of investment options (JV, others)
• Plan for market entry and expansion
– think China as a group of countries. Tastes and business
rules vary between regions
Finding the Right Partner
• Through the government ministry or a statebacked industrial association
– be aware of the badly managed state-owned
• Own efforts
– Get a list of companies that offer the products
you want
– eliminate the number by examining factors
• Right partner (continued)
– such as location, infrastructure, labor cost.
– Communicate to them to see if there is
– ask them to work out the joint venture
arrangement with the local government
– share the SAME objective
Strategies or Principles of Doing
Business in China
• Try to take a high moral ground
– Survey of more than 800 business experts for the question: How
likely are companies from the following places to pay or offer brides
to win or retain business? Source: Transparency International,
S. Korea
• Take a serious second look at the investment,
making plans for contingency
• Develop a diversifying strategy within China (if
• The Manger in China should report to CEO in US
in case of emergency and changing environment
• Develop investments and relationships with local
• Viewed as a guest in China