Austin Past and Present Austin Independent School District Grade: 8 Course: U.S. History

Social Studies – Lesson Activity Planner: Austin Past and Present
Austin Independent School District
Grade: 8
Unit Length (Number of class periods): 4
Course: U.S. History
Topic: Geography
Required Technology: Austin Past/Present DVD, DVD Player or DVD compatible computer(s),
Concept: Environment
Overarching question: How do physical characteristics define where people
locate and what they do?
Lesson Understandings:
Lesson Questions(s):
In our study of the 13 colonies, we’ve learned that the physical
characteristics of each colony influenced the settlement and economic
activities of each colony. The type of soil, climate and location and
abundance of water determined whether a colony would be densely or
scarcely populated. It also determined whether that colony would depend on
commerce or agriculture and the type of labor force those activities would
need. Austin’s settlement also was influenced by its geographical features.
Did the early settlers make the right choice?
What decisions do people have to make when determining where to settle?
How does the environment impact people’s lives?
How does the environment influence economic decisions?
How can not taking the environment into account have negative consequences?
(11)(B) compare places and regions of the United States in terms of physical and human characteristics
(11)(C) analyze the effects of physical and human geographic factors on major historical (and contemporary) events in the United States
(12)(D) analyze how physical characteristics of the environment influenced population distribution, settlement patterns, and economic activities in the United States during
the 18th and 19th centuries
(30)(C) organize and interprest information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals including graphs, charts and maps
Austin Independent School District
Social Studies Curriculum Department
June, 2006
Social Studies – Lesson Activity Planner: Austin Past and Present
Austin Independent School District
Austin Past and Present DVD (GeoTour)
Barton Creek, Wild Basin, Mt. Bonnell, Morman Springs, Bull Creek, Walnut Creek, Shoal Creek, Town Lake, Goat Cave Preserve, Blunn Creek Preserve, McKinney
Falls, Pilot Knob, Colorado River Park, Colorado River Wildlife Sanctuary, Indian grass Wildlife Sanctuary, Onion Creek Wildlife Sanctuary, Hornsby Bend,
Austin Past and Present DVD – Austin Maps
Location Criteria Rubric (attached)
Locations Around Austin Handout (attached)
1. Ask students to recall the 13 colonies and how geography impacted the lives and economic activities of the colonists who settled there.
2. Ask students for personal examples of how geography affects how you live (here in Austin, we may not own parkas or make our living with ski-resorts).
3. Show students the maps in the Austin Maps section of the DVD (it’s in the downtown screen of the Geo-Tour under an icon that looks like a compass) and ask them what
Austin was like before people were here.
Student activities that support the TEKS/TAKS :
1. Tell students that they will be examining some different areas around Austin to determine which area would be the best to settle in. Before we can do this, though,
students need to create criteria for the ultimate location. Distribute the location criteria rubric. Have students identify the things they would look for when determining
where to settle (proximity to water, good soil, etc…) and then have them write descriptors for each point value. For example, if students choose proximity to water as
one criteria, 4= right on the water, 3 = walking distance to water, 2 = days journey to water, 1 = not near water). Have them create a complete rubric.
2. In the computer lab, have students “visit” the places listed on the Locations Around Austin Handout. For each location, they should jot down a brief description,
advantages, disadvantages and the rubric score the place received using their criteria. If time is an issue, assign different students to different areas and have them share
their information.
3. Have students decide where the best area around Austin to settle was and have them write two letters using these prompts:
a. Pretend that your family has sent you ahead to find the best place around Austin to settle. Write them a letter about the area you have chosen and
why you believe it is the best. Describe some of the other locations that weren’t as good. Make sure to mention the geographic features of the area
you have chosen.
b. Pretend that it is five years after your family has moved to the area you selected. Write a letter to a relative letting them know how you are doing.
What economic activities does your family engage in? What challenges do you face? How have the geographic features benefited you and your
EXTENSION -- Use the rubrics created in this activity to rate the 13 colonies
Austin Independent School District
Social Studies Curriculum Department
June, 2006
Social Studies – Lesson Activity Planner: Austin Past and Present
Austin Independent School District
Completed Rubric and Chart
Austin Independent School District
Social Studies Curriculum Department
June, 2006