WOW Game Title: Content Area: TEKS Focus: Physical Education Unit:

WOW Game Title: Crows and Cranes (Quiet/Loud)
Content Area: Science
TEKS Focus: Sound
Physical Education Unit: Cardiovascular
Grade: Kinder
Resource: Catch Activity Box 3-5
Equipment/Materials: 12 or more small cones to designate boundary area
Set Up: Place a line of cones at two ends of the playing area and also directly in the
middle of the playing area. Students partner up and face each other standing finger to
finger with their arms stretched out to create an equal distance in between each other.
“Quiet Sounds”
“Loud Sounds”
One partner will represent quiet sounds and the other will be loud sounds. You will say
either “Quiet” or “Loud” and that is how the students will know who the “chaser” will be.
The “chaser” chases the person straight back to distance of the cones behind them. The
students come back immediately to the middle and if the person was tagged, they perform
5 jumping jacks or push-ups. If they were not tagged, the chaser must do 5 jumping jacks
or push-ups. They will stand finger to finger again to signal they are ready for the next
chaser to be named.
Safety: Students need to stand in between the cones and not in front of them so that they
don’t trip over the cones. They must also only tag with 2 fingers and run in a straight line
to the set of cones at the end of the playing area. The teacher can hold up signs used in
order to help students know who the chaser is.
 Teacher calls out a quiet sound or loud sound and student have to think “Is that a
quiet/loud sound before they run. (examples: Library voice, Fire truck siren,
whisper, drums, birds singing)
Review Questions:
Skill focus: Can you tell me which of the two exercises, push-ups or jumping
jacks, is considered a muscle strength or endurance activity?
Academic focus: When would you want to use a loud voice/quiet voice?