Definitions for final exam

1 .Pragmatics : is concerned with the study of meaning
as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted
by a listener (or reader).
2 .Syntax : is the study of the relationships between
linguistic forms , how they are arranged in sequence , and
which sequences are well-formed.
3 .Semantics : is the study of the relationships between
linguistic forms and entities in the world ;that is , how
words literally connect to things .
4 .Deixis : is a technical term (from Greek) for one of the
most basic things we do with utterances. It means
'pointing' via language.
5 .Reference : an act in which a speaker , or writer , uses
linguistic forms to enable a listener , or reader to identify
6 .co-text : limits the range of possible interpretations we
might have for a word.
7 .Presupposition : is something the speaker assumes to
be the case prior to making an utterance.
8 .Entailment : is something that logically follows from
what is asserted in the utterance .
9 .Potential presuppositions :can only become actual
presuppositions in contexts with speakers .
10 .Existential presuppositions: is not only assumed to
be present in possessive constructions .
11 .Lexical presuppositions :the use of one form with
its asserted meaning is conventionally interpreted with
the presupposition that another (non-asserted) meaning
is understood.
12 .Structural presupposition : that part of the
structure is already assumed to be true .
13. Non-factive presupposition : is one that is assumed
not to be true .
14. counterfactual presupposition : meaning that
what is presupposed is not only not true , but is the
opposite of what is true, or 'contrary to facts' .
Chapter 5
15 . Speech acts : actions performed via utterances .
16 . speech events : circumstances surrounding the
utterance .
17 . Locutionary act : the sentence should be meaningful .
18 . Illocutionary act : the sentence should be function .
19 . Perlocutionary effect : the sentence should be
effective >
20 . Felicity conditions : there are certain expected or
appropriate circumstances, technically known as felicity
conditions , for the performance of a speech act to be
recognized as intended .
21 . Declarations : kinds of speech acts that change the
world via their utterance .
22 . Representatives : kind of speech acts that state what
the speaker believes to be the case or not .
23 . Expressives : kinds of speck acts that state what the
speaker feels .
24 . Directives . kinds of speech acts that speakers use to
get someone else to do something .
25 . Commissives . kind of speech acts that speakers use
to commit themselves to some future action .