Lord of Life Student Congregation

Lord of Life Student Congregation
Church Council Leadership Application
Lord of Life Cou ncil is a grou p of students who are com mitted to service, lea rni ng, building
community and spread i ng God's love to everyone they meet, whether on cam pus or in their daily
life. Under the supervision and colla boration of the Ca mpus Pastors, the Cou ncil plans activities
rangi ng from bi ble studies, outdoor ga mes, worships, to weekend retreats, as well as events off
campus. Those involved in church council become highly infl uential in the student congregation
that is Lord of Life. The Church Council has regularly scheduled meetings. It is important that Council
Members are active in Worship p Services and activities sponsored by Lord of Life.
Our mission:
As a church cou ncil united by God's love we will be an exam ple for others by fosteri ng a
welcoming environment in a community of Ch ristian faith. We will spread God's love th rough
service, fellowship, and ed ucation. As leaders, we will encou rage all on their various faith wal ks
by challenging them to question, learn and grow with their neighbors and God through grace.
Your name:
Cell phone:
Hall & Room #
What position are you applying for?
Vice President
Please answer the followi ng questions on a separate sheet of paper.
Why are you interested in serving as a leader for Chu rch Council?
What d oes being a leader mea n to you?
How would you define your leadership style?
Who are your leadershi p mentors on cam pus?
What is your vision for this particular position? For Council Leadership? For Cou ncil?
What experiences are you hopi ng to gain?
Applications are due no later than Friday, April 8th 2016 to the chapel office.
"For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared
beforehand to be our way of life." - Ephesians 2:10