COU COURSE LEVEL OUTCOMES 1 SUBJECT COURSE # STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will: Identify college services, programs and academic strategies used by successful college students Students will: COU 1 Incorporate college success strategies into the development of their academic goals and educational plan. Students will: Identify own learning style and apply effective strategies to improve learning Students will: Employ research techniques to identify electronic resources used for career and/or transfer COU 123 Students will create appropriate documents used in the Career/Internship preparation process and demonstrate ability to access appropriate resources. COU COURSE LEVEL OUTCOMES 2 Students will identify college programs, services, and academic strategies and incorporate them for their successful college experience. Core Competencies: COU 21 Assessment Tool, Criteria for Measurement, Target Semester for Assessment and Procedure: Direct assessment is based on student pre and posttest. Target semester for assessment- Students will have an overall understanding of the Career Decision Making Process COU 23 Students will analyze their career choices based on personality assessment, career exploration and research Students will identify process of researching how educational requirements are linked to specific career goals Given a choice of assertive, passive, and aggressive behavioral patterns, the student will select appropriate healthy assertive behaviors. COU 25 Given a choice of assertive, passive, and aggressive behavioral patterns, the student will select appropriate healthy assertive behaviors. Students will examine personal life path options and develop strategies for achieving desired life experiences and achievements COU 27 Students will identify and investigate key life issues and questions and apply effective strategies to create a life plan Students will formulate a set of desired personal qualities and set goals for personal growth to increase success in their chosen life path COU COURSE LEVEL OUTCOMES 3 COU 30 Students will develop a better understanding of self, the world-ofwork, and the role of education in the career decision process. Students will critically think about their interests, abilities and values and apply this knowledge when making career related decisions. The student will evaluate background characteristics derived from socio-cultural patterns and structures that influence how people perceive, understand, and communicate with each other The student will understand the history and development of the field of intercultural communication. The student will analyze how members of groups relate among themselves and to members of other groups, especially in light of different forms of inequities which often result in marginalization or exclusion. The student will develop communication skills that improve the ability to interact with persons of different backgrounds. COU 35 The student will evaluate background characteristics derived from socio-cultural patterns and structures that influence how people perceive, understand, and communicate with each other The student will understand the history and development of the field of intercultural communication. The student will analyze how members of groups relate among themselves and to members of other groups, especially in light of different forms of inequities which often result in marginalization or exclusion. The student will develop communication skills that improve the ability to interact with persons of different backgrounds.