introduction to immunity



Learning objectives

• Define immunity

• Classify types of immunity

• Differentiate between innate & acquired immunity

• Describe characteristics of innate and acquired immunity.

• Describe clinical importance of both types.


Body’s ability to resist or eliminate potentially harmful foreign materials or abnormal cells.

Immune system

Internal defense system that plays key role in recognizing and either destroying or neutralizing materials within the body that are foreign to the normal self.

• Pathogen:

– Disease producing microorganism as virus & bacteria.

• Virulence:

– Disease producing power of pathogen.

Functions of immune system

1. Defending against invading pathogens.

2. Removing worn out cells & damaged tissues, paving the way for wound healing & repair.

3. Identifying & destroying abnormal/mutant cells (Immune surveillance)---defense against cancer

4. Mounting inappropriate immune responses which lead either to allergies or autoimmune diseases .

Effector cells of immune system

• Leukocytes and their derivatives, along with a variety of plasma proteins.

• Most leukocytes are out in the tissues on defense missions.

• So are widely dispersed throughout the body and can defend in any location.

Innate immunity

Natural immunity, Inherent or inbuilt,

Non specific

• Eliminates pathogen before development of disease.

• First line of defense against pathogens.

Mechanism involved in innate immunity:

– Phagocytosis by WBCs & macrophages

– Enzymes & acid of GIT

– Stratum corneum of skin

Lysozymes, basic polypeptides ,

complement complex, NK cells

Acquired immunity

Adaptive / specific immunity.

• Develops against specific foreign bodies.

• Extremely powerful immune response.

• LYMPHOCYTES are responsible for this response.

Types of acquired immunity

1. Cell mediated immunity (T lymphocytes)

2. Humoral immunity (B lymphocytes)
