Directions for Poster


CLU Poster Instructions for

“ Reaffirming Our Commitments to Excellence and Service”

2012-13 Presentations

Purpose: To better inform our students, supporters, Board of Regents, our campus colleagues and our community about our Departments, Programs, and Offices


Inform others about your Department / Office

To create lasting posters and related materials to describe the Department or Office

Expect to reuse and revise the material several times over the coming years.

Date: Friday, February 22, 2013

Time: Expect between 8 a.m. and Noon. Specific time for Board of Regents visit TBD

Where: Soiland Arena

Poster Instructions:

Limit the size of your poster to between 20” x 30 and 36" x 48" (tri fold foam boards preferred). o

Plan ahead to stand your poster on a tabletop (i.e., bring your own pins, masking tape or required supports). No human easels allowed! o Given limited space, do not assume projection space or equipment

Place the Department / Office name in large letters centered above the center line of the poster. There is no need to provide contact information on the poster. Contact information can be on a supplemental handout accompanying the poster.

Include at least the following headings and descriptive content: o Description of the Department / Office

Δ College/School and Program mission statements


Major Recent Accomplishments o Fit with the CLU Identity & CLU Mission


Fit with the CLU Strategic Plan o Evidence on the accomplishment of the CLU Student Learning Outcomes

o Evidence on the accomplishment of Program Learning Outcomes

Have at least one presenter at the assigned space during the designated time to answer questions and discuss the poster. Bring any and all to learn about the Departments / Offices on campus.

Tips for Poster Presentation:

Poster should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Therefore, avoid lists, keep text to a minimum, emphasize a few key graphics and make sure every item in your poster is necessary.

Utilize handouts to supplement your poster. Assume that at least 50 to 80 people will visit your poster

The most recent “board report” should be more of a resource and not a handout

Viewers must be able to read the materials at a distance of 4 feet.

When choosing a background, remember that neutral or gray colors will be easier on the eyes than a bright color.
