Midterm-1 EE 361 Lab

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Majmaah University
College of Engineering
EE 361
First Mid Term Exam
Academic Year: - 1434-1435 / 2013-2014
Subject: Microprocessor Lab.
Date: 31 March, 2014 (09:00 – 11:00)
Term: Subject Code: Time: -
EE 361
2:00 Hours
Name: _________________________________ ID: _____________________________
Question # 1:
(10 Points)
Fill in the blanks.
1- While naming the ________and ___________, highlighting text means they are named
2- The output of the general circuit and the __________created from it, should be the same.
3- A circuit can be ______________in a subcircuit using the subcircuit symbol.
4- Sketch and Label any subcircuit?
5- We create a __________from a given circuit and add it to the ________so that we can use
It later.
6- In Logic Works simulation tool, a constructed circuit can be run by run button in the
7- The area in Logic Works, where we ________________the circuits is known as design
8- One of the advantage to create a subcircuit ,____________________________________.
9- The ___________to construct a circuit can be found under the library selection.
10- To test the constructed circuit, _______________are used for input and _____________
are used for output.
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Question # 2:
(5 Points)
Construct a 1-bit half adder circuit as shown in the figure by using LogicWorks simulation
tool and write down the truth table for it. Prove your truth table and show it to the
Question # 3:
1-Bit Half Adder Circuit
Truth Table
(5 Points)
By using LogicWorks simulation tool Imbed the circuit of above question in a subcircuit and
by using this subcircuit make a circuit which performs two’s complement operation.Sketch
the two’s complement circuit.
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