Schistosoma Parasite Exam: MCQs & SAQs for Medical Students

‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جامعة المجمعة‬
‫كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية‬
‫قسم علوم المختبرات الطبية‬
Ministry of Higher Education
Majmaah University
College of Applied Medical Sciences
Department of Medical Laboratory
Name of Instructor: Dr. Omar Amer
Location: Majmaah male campus
Please find the proper answer of the following:
1. Which of the following Parasites is a blood fluke?
a. Worms of the genus Fasciolopsis
b. Worms of the genus Taenia
c. Worms of the genus Schistosoma.
d. Worms of the genus Heterophyes
2. Fever, chills, diarrhea, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly,
eosinophilia, resolve spontaneously.
a. Schistosoma acute symptoms
b. Schistosoma life cycle
c. Schistosoma haematobium
d. Schistosoma chronic symptoms
3. South and Central America, Africa, Asia, Nile River
a. distribution of Schistosoma
b. treatment of schistosomiasis
c. size of schistosomulum
d. species of Schistosoma
4. Larval stage. Fork / fercoccerous tail. Penetration gland.
a. haematuria
b. mircacidum
c. cercaria
d. digenea
5. human
a. definitive host
b. dioecious
c. intermediate host
d. definitive host defense
6. i. S. mansoni: 7-8 weeks
ii. S. haematobium: 10-12 weeks
iii. S. japonicum: 5-6 weeks
a. What are the Schistosome prepatent periods?
b. How do the Schistosome eggs look?
c. Schistosome epidemiology?
d. List the major schistosomiasis pathologies.
7. Caused by S. mansoni and S. japonicum.
i. Eggs embed in portal tract walls.
ii. Granulomas form around portal tract walls, become fibrotic and
calcified (Symmer's Pipestem).
iii.Portal hypertension results from obstruction of vein walls (not
iv.Liver cells aren't killed; doesn't resemble other liver diseases.
v. Danger of ascites, esophageal varicies, and hepatosplenomegaly
from backup congestion of spleen.
a. Describe schistosomiasis genitourinary disease.
b. Describe acute schistosomiasis.
c. Describe schistosomiasis liver disease.
d. Describe schistosomiasis intestinal disease.
8. i. Larval: acute schistosomiasis, Katayama fever
ii. Adults: no known pathologies (adult coats itself in host antigens,
compare to Taenia solis)
iii. Eggs: chronic schistosomiasis (No Answer)
a. What diseases are caused by the different Schistosome stages?
b. What are humans doing to increase schistosomiasis?
c. What other minor disease occurs from schistosomes?
d. What are the definitive tests for schistosomiasis?
9. i. Caused by S. haematobium.
ii. Eggs get stuck in the walls of the bladder, cause irritation and
bleeding, leads to hematuria.
ii. Fibrosis of the bladder occurs.
iii. Polyps can form and obstruct the ureter --> hydronephrosis -->
renal failure.
iv. Less of an issue in women (sit to urinate).
v. UTIs occur, possibly leading to bladder cancer.
a. Describe acute schistosomiasis.
b. Describe schistosomiasis intestinal disease.
c. Describe schistosomiasis liver disease.
d. Describe schistosomiasis genitourinary disease.
10. i. Useful for human-only species (S. mansoni and S. haematobium).
ii. Introduce sanitary waste disposal, keep people out of irrigation
ditches, and have them wear boots / waders.
iii. Use nicosamide to kill snails (has molluscicidal properties).
a. List the major schistosomiasis pathologies.
b. Discuss finding Schistosome eggs.
c. Discuss interrupting schistosomiasis transmission.
d. Describe schistosomiasis liver disease.
11. i. Children and adolescents have the highest infection and intensity
rates (bathing and playing).
ii. Concomitant immunity makes infection rates greater in the young;
peak age is young.
iii. Higher prevalence in boys.
iv. In areas of higher prevalence, the age density curve is shifted
iv. Physical barriers (soap, clothing) limit exposure.
a. Schistosome life cycle
b. Schistosome epidemiology?
c. blood fluke distribution
d. How do the Schistosome eggs look?
12. Bulinus truncatus is the intermediate host of:
a. Schistosoma haematobium
b. Schistosoma mansoni
c. Schistosoma japonicum.
d. All of the above
13. Schistosome sp. Infection is through:
a. Ingestion of egg with contaminated water
b. Penetration of skin by cercaria
c. Ingestion of miracidium
d. Penetration of skin by miracidium
14. Diagnosis of Schistosoma haematobium can be done by:
a. Finding the characteristic egg in urine
b. The use of nucleopore
c. Hatching technique
d. All of the above.
15. Organ of the body in which Schistosoma haematobium inhabits the
veins of:
a. Urinary Bladder
b. Platyhelminthes
c. None
d. Trematoda
16. Reservoir hosts of Schistosoma haematobium:
a. Hematuria
b. Trematoda
c. Platyhelminthes
d. None
1. Compare between the different species of Schistosoma?
2. How to prevent the schistosomal infection.
Name of Instructor: Dr. Heavin Hannan
Location: Majmaah female campus
Please find the proper answer of the following:
1. Examination of 24-hr un preserved urine specimen is sometimes
helpful in the recovery of:
a. Trichomonas vaginalis trophozoite
b. Schistosoma haematobium eggs
c. Enterobius vermicularis eggs
d. Strongyloides stercoralis larvae
2. The miracidi hatching test helps to demonstrate the viability of eggs
a. Taenia species
b. Schistosoma species
c. Hookworm species
d. Opisthorchis species
3. Schistosoma is a typical trematode because:
a. Eggs are non-operculated
b. Sexes are separate.
c. Have no redia stage.
d. All of the above.
4. Non-human Schistosome cercaria may cause:
a. Swimmer’s itch
b. Bather’s itch
c. Cercarial dermatitis
d. All of the above
5. Schistosoma parasite lives in
a. Liver
b. Blood
c. Kidney
d. Pancreas
6. What is the infective stage of Schistosoma to man?
a. Cercariae.
b. Metacercariae.
c. Embryonated egg.
d. Miracidium.
7. Pipe-stem fibrosis of the liver in Schistosomiasis is due to what stage
of the parasite?
a. Adult
b. Egg
c. Cercaria
d. Metacercaria
8. Swimmer’s itch is generally associated with the penetration of the
skin by cercariae of:
a. Schistosoma
b. Fasciola
c. Taenia
d. Ascaris
9. The stage of schistosomiasis which starts with intense egg
laying by the female is called
a. stage of invasion
b. stage of maturation
c. chronic stage
d. acute stage
10. Which of the following Schistosoma species has terminal spine?
a. S. haematobium
b. S. japonicum
c. S. intercalatum
d. S. mansoni
1. What is the characteristic feature of S. haematobium eggs?
2. What is schistosomiasis?
Name of Instructor: Dr. Mosaab Omar
Location: Zulfi campus
1. Which of the following statements regarding Schistosoma is
a. inhabits the blood vessels of Human
b. Its bisexual trematodes
c. The female worm lies in the gynecophoral canal of the male
d. All of them
2. Vesical (Urinary) schistosomiasis is caused by:
a. Schistosoma haematobium
b. Schistosoma japonicum
c. Schistosoma mansoni
d. none of them
3. Schistosoma haematobium is transmitted through:
a. Eating Egg through contaminated food and water
b. Invasion of the skin with cercariae
c. Ingestion of the snail
d. blood transfusion
4. The snail hosts that harbor S. mansoni are the genera……………
a. Biomphalaria
b. Bullins africanus
c. B. truncates
d. All of them
5. The diagnostic stage of Schistosoma mansoni is
a. Egg with Terminal spine
b. Egg with Lateral spine
c. Egg with small lateral knob
d. Egg with albuminous layer
6. The Drug of Choice in treatment of Schistosoma is:
a. Praziquantel
b. Flagyl
c. Chloroquine
d. Penicillin
7. Which of the following inhabits the liver of the Human:
a. Clonorchis sinensis
b. Faciola hepatica
c. Faciola gigantica
d. All of them
8. Hetrophyes hetrophyes is transmitted to Human though
a. Ingestion of raw fish contaminated with Encysted metacercaria
b. Invasion of skin with cercaria through swimming in water
c. Eating of the infected snail
d. Ingestion of the eggs
1. Clinical signs and diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni Infection.
2. Enumerate the flukes which inhabit the liver of human.