يلاعلا ميلعتلا ةرازو Ministry of Higher Education ةعمجملا ةعماج

‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جامعة المجمعة‬
‫كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية‬
‫قسم علوم المختبرات الطبية‬
Ministry of Higher Education
Majmaah University
College of Applied Medical Sciences
Department of Medical Laboratory
Lectures 1-2
Name of Instructor: Dr. Omar Amer
Location: Majmaah male campus
Please find the proper answer of the following:
1. Which one of the following complies with the definition of parasitology:
a. Is an inter-species biological interaction in ecology and refers to a form
Of symbiosis where the symbiont, is mechanically transported by its host.
b. Is the way two organisms of different species exist in a relationship in which each
Individual benefits.
c. Is a relation between individuals of two species in which one species obtains
food or other benefits from the other without either harming or benefiting the
d. Is a relationship between two different organisms where one of them harms
the other.
2. Which one of the following complies with the definition of medical
a. is the science that deals with organisms living in the human body (the host) and
the medical significance of this host- parasite relationship.
b. Is an inter-species biological interaction in ecology and refers to a form
of symbiosis where the symbiont, is mechanically transported by its host.
c. Is the way two organisms of different species exist in a relationship in which
Each Individual benefits.
d. Is a relation between individuals of two species in which one species obtains
Food or other benefits from the other without either harming or benefiting the
3. Which one of the following complies with the definition of parasite:
a. is a living organism, which takes its nourishment and other needs from a host.
b. is an organism which supports the parasite.
c. An insect that transmits a disease and the disease is referred to as a vectorborne disease.
4. a parasitic organism that lives on the outer surface of its host:
a- Ectoparasite
b- Endoparasites
c- Erratic parasite
5. a parasite is completely dependent on the host during a segment or all of its
life cycle:
a- Accidental parasite
b- Obligate Parasite
c- Facultative parasite
d- Not all the above
Name of Instructor: Dr. Heavin Hannan
Location: Majmaah female campus
1. an organism that exhibits both parasitic and non-parasitic modes of living:
a- Obligate Parasite
b- Facultative parasite
c- Ectoparasite
d- Not all the above
2. a parasite attacks an unnatural host and survives:
a- Erratic parasite
b- Endoparasites
c- Accidental parasite
d- Not all the above
3. is one that wanders into an organ in which it is not usually found:
a- Erratic parasite
b- Accidental parasite
c- Obligate Parasite
d- Not all the above
4. a host that harbors a parasite in the adult stage or where the parasite
undergoes a sexual method of reproduction:
a- Paratenic host
b- Intermediate host
c- Definitive host
d- Not all the above
5. harbors the larval stages of the parasite or an asexual cycle of development
takes place:
a- Definitive host
b- Intermediate host
c- Paratenic host
d- Not all the above
Name of Instructor: Dr. Mosaab Omar
Location: Zulfi campus
1. a host that serves as a temporary refuge and vehicle for reaching an obligatory
host, usually the definitive host:
a- Definitive host
b- Intermediate host
c- Paratenic host
d- Not all the above
2. a host that makes the parasite available for the transmission to another host and
is usually not affected by the infection:
a- Intermediate host
b- Reservoir host
c- Paratenic host
d- Not all the above
a host that is naturally infected with certain species of parasite:
a- Definitive host
b- Natural host
c- Intermediate host
d- Not all the above
a host that is under normal circumstances not infected with the parasite:
a- Accidental host
b- Intermediate host
c- Reservoir host
d- Not all the above
5. Parasites that live inside the body of their host:
a- Endoparasites
Facultative parasite