Section 1 - General Duties
In addition to the specific responsibilities of their individual offices, all members of the
Associated Student Government (ASG) must perform the following duties:
Clause I.
Attend all regular and committee meetings as required by his/her particular office
and committee assignments.
Clause II.
Maintain a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per school
week, one hour of which may be served on an as needed basis in some area of
high circulation and visibility besides the ASG office.
a. The hour of outside circulation may be obtained in campus employment,
when such employment involves direct contact with a large volume of
Clause III.
Devote time for individual projects, activities, committee assignments and any
additional tasks necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the ASG.
Clause IV.
Maintain and uphold the Associated Students of Palomar College (ASPC)
Constitution, ASG Bylaws, and the Policies and Procedures of the ASG.
Clause V.
Review and approve the ASG's annual budget.
Clause VI.
Serve on a minimum of one (1) ad hoc ASG Committee and a minimum of two
(2) College Governance committees, except for the ASG President.
Clause VII.
Represent the interests of all students enrolled at Palomar College.
Clause VIII.
Retain the power to override a Presidential veto by a two-thirds majority vote, a
quorum being present.
Clause IX.
Retain the privilege to vote on all ASG matters, except the President, who shall
vote only in case of a tie or when a super majority is required.
Failure to fulfill these minimum requirements shall result in the officer in question being held
accountable to an Executive Review pursuant to Article VIII, with the possibility of a vacancy
being declared by the President, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the ASG, a
quorum being present.
Section 2 – Voting Members and Specific Duties of Officers
The voting membership of the Associated Student Organization shall consist of the President,
the Vice-President, and fourteen (14) Senators. The duties inherent to the aforementioned
offices shall be as follows:
Clause I.
a. Call and chair all meetings of the ASG in accordance with the
organization's recognized parliamentary authority.
b. Serve as the Student Trustee of the Palomar College Board of Trustees
and attend all Governing Board meetings. The Student Trustee's term of
office shall be in accordance with these Bylaws.
c. Shall attend the Strategic Planning Council meeting or designate an ASG
member to attend in his/her place.
d. Appoint student representatives to ASG committees and to College
committees subject to confirmation by the ASG. Appointments shall be
approved by a simple majority unless otherwise noted in Bylaws that
pertain to the position. The President can remove or replace members of
a committee subject to confirmation by a simple majority of the ASG
unless otherwise stated in the Bylaws.
e. Serve as an Ex-officio member of all committees of the ASG.
f. Shall take appropriate actions as President of the Associated Students of
Palomar College, but is accountable to ASG for said actions.
g. Shall oversee all matters connected with the collection and disbursement
of A.S.P.C. funds.
h. Shall retain the power to veto actions and resolutions passed by the ASG.
i. May appoint ASG Senators as Interim Officers as such positions become
vacant and until they can be filled by normal procedures. Senators
appointed to Interim positions remain Senators.
j. Shall include in the President’s Report the participation of Delegates
Clause II.
a. Shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence.
b. Shall succeed to the office of the President upon his/her vacancy of
c. Shall coordinate all committee business and monitor ASG officers in
compliance with (Article I, Section 1).
d. Shall chair the ASG Committee on Policies, Procedures and Executive
e. Shall attend all meetings of the Faculty Senate or request that the
President designate another ASG member to attend in his/her place.
f. Shall assume additional duties as assigned by the President.
Clause III.
a. Attend and actively participate at ASG meetings, ASG committee
meetings and Palomar College Governance committees according to
their individual assignments.
b. Keep informed on state, local, and college policies that relate to the
general welfare of all the Associated Students of Palomar College.
c. Be responsive to the wishes of all the students of Palomar College.
d. Shall initiate legislation, draft resolutions, formulate policies, develop
codes and Bylaws, and create ad-hoc committees as deemed necessary
and proper.
e. Shall confirm all Presidential appointments by a majority vote unless
otherwise noted in the Bylaws that pertain to the appointment.
f. Shall act as a standing budget committee.
g. Prior to a Senator’s term expiring, the only two requirements for that
Senator to remain on the ASG board will be to re-apply and be reinterviewed by the Appointment Committee.
Section 3 - Non-voting members
The non-voting members of the ASG shall include the following offices and any other member
appointed by the ASG President and approved by a majority vote, or appointed by an ASG
Clause I.
a. Funds shall be appropriated to employ a secretary to perform official
clerical duties of the ASG.
b. Shall keep accurate written minutes of proceedings transacted during
ASG meetings and maintain a complete and accurate file of all such
c. Shall perform any other functions as deemed necessary by the President
of the ASG or a majority vote of the ASG.
Clause II.
Student Delegates
a. Special Assignments
1. Shall attend and be prepared to give a report one ASG meeting every
2. Shall be an official representative of the ASG in matters that relate to
their assignment.
3. Keep informed on state, local and college policies and any other
information pertaining to their assignment
4. Be responsive to the wishes of all students of Palomar College in
regards to the delegates’ assignment
5. Shall assume additional duties as assigned by the President or a
majority vote of the ASG.
b. Committees
1. Attend and actively participate at the ASG Committee meetings
according to each individual assignment
2. Keep informed on information and college policies that relate to their
3. Be responsive to the wishes of all students of Palomar College in
regards to the delegate’s committee(s)
4. Shall assume additional duties as assigned by the President or a
majority of the ASG.
ADOPTED 10/21/1992
REVISED 08/28/1996, 01/23/2002, 08/19/2004, 03/09/2005 /03-11-2009, 11/17/2010, 12/08/2010,