INF 385T SPRING 2012 Unique number: 28585

Treatment Techniques for Flat Paper
INF 385T
Unique number: 28585
Instructor: Karen L. Pavelka
Class location: UTA 1.506B
Date and time: Tuesday, 9 - Noon
Instructor information
Office: UTA 5.422 phone: 471-8286
Lab: UTA 1.506B phone: 471-8269
Office hours: By appointment, but feel free to drop in
Teaching Assistant: Margaret Schafer
Phone: (630) 334 – 6347
Lab Hours/Office Hours: To be set after the first day of class
Course description: Basic procedures and techniques for the care and handling of materials
found in library and archival collections; setting realistic goals and priorities for conservation
treatment; lab management. There are no prerequisites.
Learning objectives
Techniques will be covered that can do a substantial amount of good for the collection, but can be
performed with minimal equipment, space and materials. Additionally, students will learn how to
teach techniques to others and how to evaluate and improve technician’s performance.Students will
learn to:
Perform basic conservation treatments including dry cleaning; humidification and
flattening; mending; designing and building enclosures; prepare and install an exhibit.
Assess the physical nature of materials and select appropriate repair techniques
Allocate conservation treatment resources
Assess basic laboratory safety
Tools and Materials
Students will be provided with a tool kit for use during the semester. The tool kit must be returned
in good condition at the end of the semester. Treatments will be performed on a variety of
collection and non-collection materials which will be provided by the instructor, but students are
welcome to bring in materials from their personal collections to augment class assignments.
Students will be responsible to supply some materials such as small books for enclosures; the
object description and date needed will be provided on the syllabus.
INF 393C Treatment Techniques for Flat Paper
Karen L. Pavelka, Lecturer
Course policies
Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date.
For written assignments, please submit them to me by email as an attachment. Please use
Word and title the file as follows: studentlastname_assignmentname
For projects assignments, please place the work in your drawer or on the shelves to the left
of the board shear. Be sure your name is somewhere on the project. Obviously, do not
write on collection materials.
Late assignments will be penalized by lowering the earned grade one level for each day it is
Exceptions to these penalties may be granted if you make arrangements with me at least 48
hours before the assignment is due.
Class attendance and participation
 Students are expected to attend all classes. If you need to miss a class, if possible let me
know before class begins.
 All readings should be done before the class meets.
Class participation is 20% of your grade and is measured by vocal participation, enthusiastic
participation in class exercises, unassigned additions to course content, and anything else that
makes the class a richer experience.
Laptops are allowed and encouraged. Facebook is not. If you plan to read Facebook and
such during class, please just cut.
Plagiarism and academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Please refer to the UT General
Information Bulletin, Appendix C, Sections 11-304 and 11-802 for more information. The Office of
the Dean of Students maintains a webpage on academic integrity that can answer many questions.
If you have not read the section on plagiarism, it is worth a review.
Students with disabilities
Students with disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from the Division of
Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities, 512-471-6259.
I reserve the right to make changes to the following schedule. Any revisions will be discussed in
class and you are encouraged to ask as many questions as needed.
Demonstration: Making box with lid
INF 393C Treatment Techniques for Flat Paper
Karen L. Pavelka, Lecturer
Class activities: Tour of space with safety cautions; Assign tools and demonstrate care; Label
Assignment: Sample set in box. Due January 24
January 24
Humidification and flattening
Chapter 5: Humidification. (1995). Paper Conservation Catalog. Retrieved August 16, 2011 from, J. (1992). Brushes: A Handbook for Artist and Artisans (Monograph).
New York: Lyons and Burford.
Chapter 28: Drying and Flattening. (1995). Paper Conservation Catalog. Retrieved August 16, 2011
from (1992). Brushes: A Handbook for Artist and Artisans (Monograph).
New York: Lyons and Burford.
Demonstration: Various humidification techniques
Class activities: Humidify samples; label for comparison; Discuss strategies for humidifying,
flattening and housing materials from AAA.
Assignment: Work plan for February 7
January 31
Tour Alexander Architectural Archives
Meet at Archives at 9:00
Kissel, E. & E. Vigneau (1999). Architectural photoreproductions: A manual for identification and care
(Monograph). Delaware: Oak Knoll Press.
Price, L. O. (2010). Line, shade and shadow: The fabrication and preservation of architectural
drawings. (Monograph). Delaware: Oak Knoll Press.
*Both are located in the ante room. Skim before the visit to AAA.
Demonstration: None
Class activities: None
Assignment: None
February 7
AIC (1994) Code of Ethics Retrieved August 16, 2011 from
AIC (1994) Guidelines for Practice Retrieved August 16, 2011 from
Chapter 5: Written documentation. (1995). Paper Conservation Catalog. Retrieved August 16, 2011
Chapter 6: Visual examination. (1995). Paper Conservation Catalog. Retrieved August 16, 2011 from
INF 393C Treatment Techniques for Flat Paper
Karen L. Pavelka, Lecturer
Demonstration: None
Class activities: Examination of various materials; Compare humidified samples.
Assignment: Condition report for AAA materials. Due February 14.
February 14
Humidification and flattening
Review readings for January 24.
Demonstration: None
Class activities: Begin humidification of AAA materials
Assignment: All AAA materials will be humidified, flattened and housed by February 28
February 21
Ellis, M. H. (1995). The care of prints and drawings (Monograph). Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.
Demonstration: Cutting and assembling window mat; Hinging drawings; Book cradles and other
supports. (Hinging demonstration will be repeated in a later class.)
Class activities: Open labs
Assignment: Select exhibit topic. Due February 28
Assignment: Produce two window mats, one for drawing, one for carte de visite. Due March 6
February 28
Demonstration; Sling for carte de visite; Cutting various materials (Ethafoam, Volara, polyester
film, etc.); Repeat hinging demonstration; Distribute annoying objects.
Class activities: Open labs
Assignment: None
March 6
Visit Blanton Lab (Not confirmed)
Class will meet at 9:55 at the Blanton front door
Demonstration: None
Class activities: None
Assignment: None
INF 393C Treatment Techniques for Flat Paper
Karen L. Pavelka, Lecturer
March 13
Spring Break
March 20
Demonstration: None
Class activities: Install exhibit.
Assignment: Exhibit must be installed before the end of this class period. Grade for exhibit will
be reduced by one letter grade for every day it is late.
March 27
Rose, C. L., Hawks, C. A., & Genoways, H. H. (Eds.). (1995). Storage of natural history collections
(Monograph). Washington, D.C.: Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections.
Demonstration: Tuxedo box; Phase box with ties.
Class activities: Install exhibit; Work on object enclosures.
Assignment: Construct tuxedo box. Due April 3.
Students need to provide a small book; no larger than 6" x 8" x 1” Books that are thinner
than ½” are difficult to work with and should be avoided.
Assignment: Design and construct enclosure for annoying object. Due April 17
April 3
Minor treatment: Dry cleaning
Appelbaum, B. (2007). Conservation Treatment Methodology (Monograph). London: Butterworth
Baker, W., Dube, L. (2010). Identifying Standard Practices in Research Library Book Conservation.
LRTS 54 (1).
Chapter 14: Surface cleaning. (1992). Paper Conservation Catalog. Retrieved August 16, 2011 from
River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester. (n.d.). General collections book repair manual.
Retrieved August 16, 2011 from
Demonstration: Simple cleaning techniques for paper and objects; Strategies for approaching
treatment triage (Briscoe folders).
Class activities: Assessing Briscoe folders
Assignment: Assess and treat documents from Briscoe Center. Due May 4.
INF 393C Treatment Techniques for Flat Paper
Karen L. Pavelka, Lecturer
April 10
Minor treatment: Mending
National Park Service Conserv O Grams Retrieved August 16, 2011 from
Demonstration: Mending with heat set, re-moistenable tissue, long fiber tissue and paste;
Removing hinges.
Class activities: Open labs
Assignment: None
April 17
Minor treatment: Various
Dartmouth College Library (2010) A simple book repair manual. Retrieved August 16, 2011 from
Dyal, C., & Merrill-Oldham, P. (n.d.). 1-3. In Three Basic Book Repair Procedures. Retrieved August
16, 2011 from
Ohio Preservation Council and State Library of Ohio. (revised 2009) Basic book repair manual.
Retrieved August 16, 2011 from
Demonstration: Encapsulation; basic tape removal.
Class activities: Open labs
Assignment: None
April 24
Open labs
Demonstration: None
Class activities: None
Assignment: None
May 1
Open labs
INF 393C Treatment Techniques for Flat Paper
Karen L. Pavelka, Lecturer
Demonstration: None
Class activities: Take down exhibit.
Assignment: None
Assignments (80%)
Sample set in box. Due January 24 (5%)
Work plan for February 7 (5%)
Condition report for AAA materials. Due February 14. (10%)
All AAA materials will be humidified, flattened and housed by February 28 (10%)
Select exhibit topic. Due February 28 (5%)
Window mat for drawing. Due March 6 (10%)
Window mat one for carte de visite. Due March 6 (5%)
Install exhibit. Due March 20. (10%)
Construct tuxedo box. Due April 3. (5%)
Design and construct enclosure for annoying object. Due April 17 (10%)
Assess and treat documents from Briscoe Center. Due May 4. (10%)
Lab professionalism, attendance and class participation (20%).
INF 393C Treatment Techniques for Flat Paper
Karen L. Pavelka, Lecturer