Amides also known as acid amides are
derived from carboxylic acids. An amide
consist of a carboxyl group( )and an
amine (-NH2 ) group attached to it.
So . . . amides contain the -CONH2 group or
When naming acid amides the first step is to select the
longest chain containing maximum number of carbon
If you have something substituted into the hydrocarbon
chain, the carbon in the –CO-NH2 group counts as the
number 1 carbon.
In each case, the name is derived by replacing the “e“ of
alkanes by "amide".i.e.
Methane becomes methanamide.
Ethane becomes ethanamide.
Propane becomes propanamide.
From carboxylic acid:
Amides are commonly formed via reactions of a carboxylic
acid with an amine.
From Acid chloride:
Acyl chlorides (also called acid chlorides) such as ethanoyl
chloride reacts with concentrated solution of ammonia in
water to give ethanamide and hydrogen chloride gas.
With the exception of formamide (HCONH2), which is
a liquid, all simple amides are solids.
The lower members of the series are soluble in water
but the solubility decreases as the number of carbon
atoms increases.
The amides generally have high boiling points and
melting points.
The amides are polar in nature.
Amide molecules can engage in hydrogen bonding with
water molecules
Reduction of amides:
Amides, RCONH'2, can be reduced to the amine,RCH2NR'2
by conversion of the C=O to -CH2-
The Hofmann Degradation:
It is a reaction between an amide and a mixture of bromine
and sodium hydroxide solution. -CO- part of the amide group
is lost and we get a primary amine with one less carbon atom
than the original amide had.
Amides are a group of organic compounds used
primarily in the plastic and rubber industries.
Acrylamide (an amide) is used in the cosmetic industry
to prepare soaps, hair products and pre-shave lotions.
Acrylamide (an amide) is used as a coating on many
household appliences and car parts with thermosetting